

Exploration of Eco-city planning-

【作者】 朱雪梅

【导师】 王晨祥;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 近代工业文明的兴盛促使城市成为人类发展最重要的发源地和聚集地,城市是人类进步和现代文明的发展产物,是国家和区域社会发展的核心。而世界城市化进程的加快必然引起一系列对生态环境的破坏,生态城市的应运而生从根本上奠定了未来城市发展模式的基础。生态城市是时代发展的产物,具有全新的理念和内涵。自上世纪90年代后期以来,全世界各国都在进行生态城市建设的热潮。中国的很多先进的城市也在积极开展,初见成效的示范区带动了更多的城市进行建设规划,生态城市为缓解和解决当今世界层出不穷的城市问题提供了一种很好的思路和研究课题。正是因为生态城市研究对人类城市发展有重要的意义,已经成为国内外争相研究的热点课题,所以本文通过系统学习生态城市研究现状和趋势,选择生态城市生态化指标评价的角度进行研究,通过介绍生态城市及建设基本理论和实践总结,目前国内外研究现状等,提出新的生态城市建设原则;结合大连市实际情况,选取层次分析计算法(AHP)和定性的综合评价法结合手段对大连市生态指标体系进行分析研究,得出结果是:大连市生态综合指数(ECI)为1.300,生态化程度很高,生态化水平为Ⅰ级,并对存在的问题进行了分析,包括:经济结构优化度欠缺,社会保障体系发展滞后,能源利用率偏低,资源循环利用效果不显著,城市空气质量状况下降等,并针对大连市生态城市建设出现的具体问题,提出合理的建议和对策,并对可能影响大连生态城市建设进展的因素进行分析,为大连市生态市建设提供一定的数据依据。

【Abstract】 The prosperity of modern industrial civilization prompted cities becoming the most important development birthplace of Man, which is the product of human modern civilization progress and development, and the core of the national and regional social development. The acceleration of urbanization of the world inevitably leads to a series of ecological environment destruction. The emergence of eco-city has fundamentally laid the foundation of future urban development pattern. Eco-city, endowed with new concept and connotation, is a product of development of the times. Since the late 1990s, a lot of eco-cities have been built around the world. Many advanced cities in China also try to do it, in which a lot of successful cases contribute to the planning of other cities. The emerging of eco-cities relieves and resolves the endless city problems and provides a kind of good ideas and research subjects.The research on eco-city has become the hotter subject both at home and abroad due to its important significance in city development. Through the systematic analysis of the eco-city status and trends, ecological indicators evaluation, basic theory and practice, and research frontier of eco-city, the paper proposes a new eco-city construction principle.Combined with the actual situation in Dalian, the selection of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the qualitative overall evaluation method are adopted. The ecological index system in Dalian city is studied and analyzed, resulting in: Ecological Composite Index (ECI) is 1.300, a higher degree with first level. The existing problems are analyzed, including the lack of economic structure optimization degrees, the lag of social security system development, the low utilization of energy, the low resource recycling effect and the poor urban air quality. According to specific problems in Dalian ecological city construction, recommendations and countermeasures are put forward. The probable effect factors are also analyzed in order to support Dalian eco-city building.

【关键词】 大连市生态城市规划指标和谐
【Key words】 DalianEcological CityPlanningIndicatorHarmony
  • 【分类号】X2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】250

