

Research on Power Divider Based on Left-handed Materials

【作者】 朱亮

【导师】 房少军;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 功分器作为一种微波无源器件,在无线通信领域中得到了广泛的应用,但随着使用者对功分器性能指标和结构尺寸小型化的要求越来越高,传统功分器已经不能满足使用者的需求。左手材料以其所具有的独特的奇异特性,被广泛的应用于微波器件中,并表现出良好的性能。本文将左手材料与普通传输线组合构成了复合左右手传输线(CRLH TL),并分别利用CRLH TL的非线性相位特性、缺陷接地结构(DGS)的高阻抗特性与传统功分器结合设计了几款不同的功分器,通过理论分析、计算、软件仿真以及加工测量等手段进行实验验证,研究的主要内容如下:(1)介绍了左手材料的基本原理和奇异特性,着重对CRLH TL进行理论分析,利用CRLH TL的非线性相位特性设计了一款4路输出宽频带Wilkinson移相功分器,实验结果表明该移相器在600MHz的带宽范围内实现了180°相移,满足宽频带要求,可被广泛应用于相位阵列馈电系统中。(2)将传统三路Wilkinson功分器进行Y形网络和△形网络之间的变换,然后利用CRLH TL实现了输出端口间2π电长度传输线的0°相移,减小了功分器的尺寸。为了降低功分器损耗,增大Q值,介质基板选取带状线结构,实验结果表明该功分器可应用于海事卫星通信系统中。针对T形DGS的高阻抗特性设计了一款1:4不等分Wilkinson功分器,使其能够在实验室的加工条件下实现,实验结果表明该功分器两输出端口功率比满足1:4,并且由于DGS的慢波效应,减小了功分器的尺寸。(3) Gysel功分器广泛应用于大功率系统中,在满足功分器原理的条件下,利用CRLH TL的相位超前特性,减小了功分器的尺寸,并在实验中得到了验证。为了避免隔离电阻的存在,以及方便奇数路输出,可以采用Bagley多边形功分器。利用CRLH TL的双频特性可以实现工作频率分别在900MHz和1800MHz的双频Bagley多边形功分器,并大幅度减小功分器的尺寸。

【Abstract】 Power divider as a passive microwave device is widely used in wireless communication field, but with user’s higher and higher requirement of its performance and compact structure. The conventional power divider can’t meet their requirements. Left-handed materials(LHMs) is widely used in microwave devices and have good performance, because of it has unique properties.The composite right/left-handed transmission line(CRLH TL) consisting of left-handed materials and ordinary transmission lines. The paper utlizes the nonlinear phase characteristics of CRLH TL and high impedance characteristics of defected ground structure(DGS) to design several of different power dividers. By means of theoretical analysis, calculation, simulation and experimental verification, the main works are as follow:(1) The basic theory and unique properties of the LHMs can be described. The paper especially focus on the theory of CRLH TL. A novel 4-way broadband Wilkinson phase shift power divider based on the nonlinear characteristics of CRLH TL is presented. The experimental results show that the phase shifter is operating in a wide bandwidth about 600MHz to realize 180°phase shift. This circuit has been successfully applied in the phased-array antenna.(2) The conventional 3-way power divider can be changed by transform Y-shaped network into△-shaped network. The transmission line of 2πelectrical length can be substituted by CRLH TL to realize 0°phase shift. The size of the power divider can be reduced. In order to reduce the losses and increase the Q, the paper select stripline structure to design power divider. The experimental results show that the power divider can be used in maritime satellite communication system. According to the high impedance of T-shaped DGS, which is introduced and applied to design a 1:4 unequal Wilkinson power divider. The power divider can be realized in the laboratory. The experimental results show that the power dividing ration is exactly 1:4 and the circuit will be smaller by employing delay the group velocity of DGS.(3) Gysel power divider is widely used in high-power system. It meets the basic theory of the power divider. The design use phase advance feature of CRLH TL can reduce the size of the power divider. The results of the power divider can get from experimental. Bagley Polygon power divider not only avoid the isolation resistors but also conveniently realize odd-way outputs. In this work a dual compact three way Bagley Polygon power divider is implemented using CRLH TL for the GSM frequencies of 900MHz and 1800MHz. The experimental results demonstrate that the physical dimensions of the power divider have been significantly reduced by CRLH TL.

  • 【分类号】TN626
  • 【下载频次】272

