

The Research of Crew Assignment Problem of the Airline Based on Task Allocation Balance

【作者】 肖真真

【导师】 方学东;

【作者基本信息】 中国民用航空飞行学院 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 民航运输的发展与国民经济的发展息息相关。改革开放以来,随着我国国民经济的快速发展,旅客出行量不断增加,据中商情报网的数据显示2011年中国民航旅客运输量累计高达2.92亿人,其中国内航线旅客运输量累计达2.71亿人,并且预计2012年中国民航旅客运输量将达到3.2亿人。为了应对这种情况,各航空公司都在积极寻求对策,提高自己的竞争力。高铁的出现更是进一步加剧了竞争的趋势,因此国内民航企业要想取得竞争优势,就必须不断提高自身的竞争力,降低成本、提高运营效率。机组排班是航空公司的生产计划的一个重要部分。合理的机组排班是提高航空公司运营效率、降低运营成本的重要手段之一。机组人员指派问题是机组排班的一个重要子问题,它是在满足公平、合理原则的前提下,根据配对结果和机型属性将机组人员(飞行人员和乘务人员)合理地安排到机组配对生成的每个任务串上去,充分的利用空勤资源。随着航空公司运营规模的扩大,机组排班的数据量增大、限制条件繁多,完全依靠人工完成该项工作的难度越来越大。本文把机组人员指派问题作为集合覆盖问题来研究。首先通过对机组人员指派问题所要满足的原则和限制条件的分析,构建了飞行员分类指标体系,并通过调查问卷和层次分析法相结合的方法量化了影响飞行员搭配的指标权重;其次根据飞行员搭配指标体系产生机组成员,并对产生的机组进行评价,在机组对应的集合覆盖所有的航班任务串的条件下,建立了以任务分配均衡为目标的单目标函数,并通过分析和比较常用的优化算法,选择了优化能力比较高的自适应遗传算法进行算法设计。最后阐述了完成机组人员指派所要进行的数据信息整理,并选取了国内某航空公司的部分航班任务串和机组数据运用MATLAB进行了实验仿真,验证了算法的可行性。

【Abstract】 Civil aviation transportation development has a close relationship with the developmentof national economy. Since the reform and opening up, and along with the rapid developmentof China’s national economy, the passenger travel volume keeps on the increase. According tothe data released by askci.com, the passenger volume of China civil aviation in 2011 totals upto 292 million, among which domestic volume is 271 million, and it is expected to reach 320million till 2012. In order to deal with such situation, airlines are actively seekingcountermeasures to improve own competitiveness. While the appearance of high-speedrailway further intensified the competition, the domestic civil aviation enterprises have toimprove their own competitiveness, reduce cost, and improve operation efficiency to gaincompetitive edge.Crew scheduling is an important part of airline’s production planning, and reasonablecrew scheduling is a significant measure to improve airlines operation efficiency and reduceoperation cost. Crew assignment, a sub problem of crew scheduling, while under thecircumstances of justice and reasonability, arrange the crew members (pilots and flightattendants) to each generated task serial according to the matched results and aircraft typeproperty, and make full use of flight resources. Along with the expansion of airlines’operation scale, the increase of crew scheduling data quantity and various constraints, it’smuch harder to complete the work entirely depend on labors.This paper regards the crew assignment as a set covering problem. First, after analyzingthe principles and constraints that the crew assignment must meet, builds a pilot classificationindex system, and quantitative the index weight that influence the pilot collocation throughthe combination of questionnaire and Analytic Hierarchy Process. Secondly, generates crewmembers based on the pilot collocation index system, and evaluates the crew. On conditionthat the corresponding set covering all the flight task serials, builds single objective functionaims at task allocation balance. Through the analysis and comparison of commonoptimization algorithm, chooses Adaptive Genetic Algorithm which has higher optimalcapacity to design algorithm. Finally, states the data information gathering of crew assignment,and selects part of flight task serials of one domestic airlines and crew data to conductexperimental simulation, then proves the feasibility of the algorithm.

  • 【分类号】F562.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】287
  • 攻读期成果

