

Research on Key Technology of Anti-collision Route Planning in Movement Area of Airport

【作者】 杨婉婉

【导师】 牟奇锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国民用航空飞行学院 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 机场活动区是航空器地面运行和机场特种车辆服务作业的重要场所。随着民用机场运行规模的扩大,机场构型日趋复杂,为防止航空器之间、航空器与地面车辆之间、车辆与车辆之间、活动目标与地面障碍物之间可能出现的碰撞,在当前CNS技术框架下,应首先对机场活动区内协作和非协作目标实施有效监视,进一步发展路由、引导、控制三大功能,以实现对高密度、低能见度及复杂条件下机场场面交通的有效管理与控制。机场活动区免冲突路由计划是实现上述功能升级的核心,其实质是在充分考虑机场场面运行限制和场面运行动态的基础上寻求自动化的无冲突路径分配方案,支持航空器安全、有序、迅速的移动。机场活动区免冲突路由计划关键技术包括滑行冲突探测、冲突解脱和路由等。论文对机场活动区滑行路网模型的建立方法,冲突探测和解脱算法,静态、动态路由模型及算法进行了研究。研究内容包括:1.拓扑建模和Petri网建模两种路网建模。以矢量图为基础,通过提取、转换、添加属性信息建立机场活动区基本要素拓扑关系,提出机场活动区滑行路网拓扑模型的建立准则;运用Petri网对场面交通运输系统进行分析,在空中交通管理规则和机场活动区道路交通安全管理规则基础上,确定应符合的约束。2.机场活动区滑行冲突探测建模。定义对头冲突、尾冲突和交叉道口冲突三种冲突类型;建立基于滑行时间约束的冲突探测算法,在等效滑行路径基础上,提出符合最小水平安全间隔的冲突探测模型。3.机场活动区免冲突路由计划建模和算法研究。在符合航空器滑行时间约束、滑行安全间隔约束和滑行优先级约束条件下,建立机场活动区静态免冲突路由计划;对新进入的活动目标,按可选取的无冲突滑行路径方案,比较交叉道口临时等待和改变滑行路线产生的两种代价ε_w、ε_c,建立动态免冲突路由计划。4.仿真验证。上述成果能为场面监视引导控制系统(SMGCS)和智能塔台决策支持系统研制提供重要的理论支持。

【Abstract】 The movement area of airport is the important place where aircrafts ground operationsand special vehicles service occurs. With the expansion of the scale of civilian airportoperations, airport configuration has become complex increasingly. In order to prevent theaircrafts, aircraft and ground vehicles, aircraft and obstacles from collision at any density,visibility and complex conditions, we should firstly implement effective surveillance onnon-cooperation and collaboration targets in movement area of airport, and further developfour basic functions: surveillance, control, route planning, and guidance based on the currentCNS technology. The essence of the anti-collision route planning is to seek the anti-collisionpath distribution solutions automatically based on the full consideration of the airportoperation limits and the dynamic position changes, by which to guarantee the safety of theaircraft and the efficient operation. The key technology includes the taxi conflict detecting,conflict resolution and route planning. This paper does some research on the taxi networkmodeling method, the algorithm of conflict detecting and resolution, and the algorithm ofstatic and dynamic route planning.The main research work of the dissertation includes the following several respect:1. The modeling methods of taxiway network based on topological model and Petri nets.Add attribute information while converting graphic data into vector data based on the formervector diagram. Define the standards and methods in topology modeling. Use Petri nets toanalysis transportation in the movement area of airport. Establish the constraints to avoid theoccurrence of collision in the movement area fully considering the rules of air traffic controland road traffic safety management in movement area of airport.2. The conflict detecting methods during taxiing in the movement area of airport.Analyze the standard safe interval, define the different collision types, and build the conflictdetecting model based on the taxiing time constraints. This paper has pioneered the model ofconflict detection based on the minimum lateral interval based on equivalent taxi route.3. The static and dynamic anti-collision route planning model in the movement area ofairport. This part, targeting at distributing the optimal route for each aircraft in the initial state,is directed to the analysis of the restricting factors and the establishment of a mathematicmodel. Then we built the dynamic route planning model to distribute the anti-collision routefor the aircraft getting into the taxi network in real time. The dynamic anti-collision routingplanning model can be built by comparing the costεwandεcof two schemes. 4. The feasibility and practicability of the method are validated by design examplesbased on the presented models.The research of this paper can provide theoretical support for SMGCS and theresearching on the intelligent assistant decision-making system for the tower.


