

Research on the Present Situation of the Rural Social Management

【作者】 于志华

【导师】 郭正红;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 到2020年“农村社会管理体系进一步完善”是党在十七届三中全会上提出的农村改革发展基本目标任务之一。农村社会管理的顶层设计也标志着其开始成为中国和谐社会建设中摆在政府和学界面前的一个重大和急迫的课题。完善以制定科学全面的农村社会法律法规和政策,对农村社会组织和事务规范化管理,回应广大农民群众的诉求,化解农村社会矛盾,维护农村社会秩序,协调发展的农村社会生态环境为主要内容的社会管理工作,对于农村社会经济发展具有举足轻重的促进作用。安徽省提出“皖北振兴”战略。作为安徽主要农业农村集聚区的皖北,农村的发展成为制约皖北乃至安徽崛起关键因素,农村社会管理任务比较凸出和繁重。要想实现皖北崛起,加速安徽发展,必须加强农村社会管理,助力农村发展。全文分析了研究的背景和意义,综合概括了国内外相关专家学者在社会管理以及农村和农村社会管理领域所取得的重要研究成果,介绍了本文研究方法。并简单介绍社会管理的相关理论基础和概念,强调坚持以马克思主义为指导,综合吸收公民社会理论、治理与善治理论等国外先进理论来加强社会管理工作。而后重点分析了社会管理、农村社会管理及机制的相关概念和内涵,分析了社会管理、社会建设以及社会政策之间的关系。在此基础上论文以安徽省界首市为例进行了研究。分析了界首市农村社会管理的现状,在阐述了界首市农村社会管理的机制、农村社会管理的举措和取得的成就后重点分析了界首农村社会管理在农村社会管理理念认识、基层组织和人员建设、农村公共产品供给和公共服务供给、农村社会管理方式和主体以及农村基层政权和组织职能构建发挥等方面存在的不足。而后总结出界首市经济发展水平、传统文化和体制、村民自治自主意识和参与度以及社会政策制定不足是影响界首农村社会管理不足的主要因素,在分析完善界首市农村社会管理存在的优势、劣势、机会、威胁的基础上,从完善“各级党组织领导、政府主体负责、社会组织协同、村民积极参与”四位一体格局,优化公共产品和公共服务供给,充分发挥优势机会和克服威胁劣势,注重心理学效应四个方面阐述了完善界首市农村社会管理的思考。结语部分对全文总结,指出要更加注重对农村社会管理的重要性的认识和理解,坚持马克思主义为指导,综合运用相关理论创新农村社会管理。以系统化的观念整合农村社会管理工作制度和机制。

【Abstract】 The Communist Party of China 17th Central Committee thirdplenary session proposed,to 2020,one of rural reform developmentelementary objects is "the rural community manages the system tofurther consummate". The rural society management has becomean important topic in the process of China’s modernization. In tocarry out the scientific development concept, construction of thenew harmonious countryside process, to strengthen the system ofrural social norms formulated policies, laws and regulations,management an regulate the rural social organizations, socialaffairs, and respond to the peasants’ appeal, dissolve the ruralsocial contradictions, maintenance of the rural social order,harmonious development between man and nature of the ruralsocial and ecological environment as the main contents of thesocial management work, to promote the harmonious ruraldevelopment has the pivotal role. Anhui Province proposed that " Northern Anhui promotes" strategy. As Anhui Province mainagriculture countryside gathers area Northern Anhui, thecountryside development was became restricts Northern Anhuieven Anhui rises the key aspect, the rural social management tasksmore protruding and heavy. To realize the obvious rise, speed up thedevelopment in Anhui Province, must help rural development,strengthening the social management.The full text analysis of the background and significance of thestudy, expounds the domestic and foreign relevant experts andscholars has made important achievements in the socialmanagement and rural areas and rural social management field,and introduces the research methods; introduce the theoreticalbasis and the concept of social management, it puts emphasis onthe under the guidance of marxism, comprehensive civil societytheory, governance absorption and good governance theory andother foreign advanced theory to strengthen the socialmanagement. Then analyzes the concept and content of socialmanagement, rural management and mechanisms, and therelationship between social management, social development andsocial policy. Again, the paper in Anhui Jieshou City as an example.Analysis of the current situation of the the Jieshou rural socialmanagement, including elaboration of the the Jieshou rural social management mechanism, the rural social management initiativesand achievements, Analyzes the rural social management who inrural society management concept, basic level organization andpersonnel knowledge construction, rural public product supply andpublic service supply, rural social management methods and mainbody and rural grassroots political power and organizationalfunction constructing the shortcomings of the play, etc. Thenanalyzed level of economic development, traditional culture andinstitutional self-consciousness of the villagers’ autonomy andparticipation, and social policy making less the impact the Jieshourural society inadequate management of the main factors, Analyzethe advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of perfectthe Jieshou rural social management. Analyzes the strengths, theweaknesses, the opportunities and the threats of Jieshou city ruralcommunity manage. Finally, form perfect“party committeeleadership, government responsibility, social collaboration, thevillagers to participate in”the four-in-one pattern,strengthens thepublic superiority opportunity fully and overcomes the threatinferiority, paid great attention the psychology effect four aspectsto elaborate the thinking of strengthens Jieshou city rural socialmanagement. The conclusion part of the full-text summary, pointedout the need to pay more attention to the importance of the rural social management awareness and understanding, and adhere toMarxism as a guide, the comprehensive use of relevant theoreticalinnovation of rural social management. The concept of systematicintegration of the rural social management systems andmechanisms.

【关键词】 社会管理农村界首市
【Key words】 Social managementThe countrysideJieshou city
  • 【分类号】D63;D422.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】947
  • 攻读期成果

