

The Study of Liao Zhai Drama

【作者】 刘芳

【导师】 王星荣;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 《聊斋志异》诞生以来,聊斋戏的改编就没有间断过,清代聊斋戏留下来的作品有限,但已具有较高的研究价值,虽然在当时这些作品并没有引起重视,却给同时代和后代的许多作品都带来了深刻的影响。聊斋故事的广泛传播,使得各地争相改编,而改编后的戏曲作品又促进了聊斋故事在底层民众中的传播,两者相辅相成,延续至今。聊斋戏的研究在学界还没有引起足够的重视,学术领域关注的更多的还是蒲松龄生平中不甚明了的部分和《聊斋志异》中被忽略掉的内容。聊斋戏处在一个学术研究的边缘,几乎被排斥在《聊斋志异》的研究和戏曲作品的研究之外。实际上,聊斋戏在各地的数量相比三国戏、水浒戏、红楼戏甚至有过之而无不及。这么多的剧目正是应该特别关注的一个独特现象,对它们的研究不仅可以帮助我们更加深刻的了解《聊斋志异》,也有助于弥补戏曲研究的不足。近几年以来,聊斋戏的研究专著只有《<聊斋志异>与川剧聊斋戏》一部,报刊发表的论文也并不很多。其中,对清代聊斋戏的研究较多,近现代聊斋戏研究成果稀少。虽然近现代聊斋戏剧目分散在各个剧种中,难以得出一个准确的统计数字,但针对较大剧种中较为著名的聊斋戏剧目的研究尚可以进行,研究它们的戏曲化过程,研究它们的对比等等都是可以深入的研究课题,仍具有较大的学术价值。笔者认为,对一个戏曲类型的研究,不应只关注其一段时期的作品,纵向的延伸和横向的分析都应是我们应该重视的部分。本文在占有大量聊斋戏研究资料的基础上,试图从以下方面对其进行一个较为系统的论述。首先,阐述本文选题的初衷和意义,聊斋戏研究的历史、现状以及本文的研究资料和范围。整理聊斋戏的研究状况和已有的资料,明确本文的研究目标。其次,大致按照时间顺序列举已有的聊斋戏改编剧目。对现有的聊斋戏作品进行一个概览,整理清代聊斋戏和清代以后聊斋戏。列举具体篇目剖析聊斋戏从《聊斋志异》中选材的特点和聊斋戏的改编方式。关注聊斋戏的舞台设计、人物造型、表演手法以及对各地方戏表演系统的影响。再次,分析《庚娘》和其他三个篇目的改编剧作,阐述各个剧目的闪光点,以及相较之下的优缺点。最后,阐述聊斋戏发展前景的广阔。聊斋戏的不断创新正是其不断发展的巨大推动力,新科技的加入会使得聊斋戏有更大的表现空间。

【Abstract】 Since the birth of "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi", many stories in it have beenadapted to dramas and it has been never stopped. Liao Zhai Dramaleft from Qing Dynasty were limited, but it has high researchvalue.Although there were few people pay attention to these worksat that time, but they have brought profound impact tocontemporaries and later works. Tales of“Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" werewidely spread, and the adaptation works have promoted the spreadof Liao Zhai story in the bottom of public, in communication, the twocomplemented each other, continued to today.Liao Zhai Drama has not caused enough attention in academicresearch, the academic field concerned more about Pu Songling ’slife and ignored content of " Liao Zhai Zhi Yi". Liao Zhai Drama wereput in the edge of scholarly study, almost to the exclusion of "LiaoZhai Zhi Yi" studies and drama studies. In fact, Liao Zhai Dramawere more compared to the number of Shui Hu Drama, Wei Shu Wudrama, The dream of Red Mansion Drama. So much of them shouldbeen pay particular attention to a unique phenomenon, the research of them can not only help us more deeply understand" Liao Zhai ZhiYi", also help compensate for the defect of drama studies.In recent years, the research monograph of Liao Zhai Dramaonly "‘Liao Zhai Zhi Yi’and Liao Zhai Drama from SichuanProvince",papers about this from newspapers and periodicals alsonot too much. Among them, contrast to the studies of Qing DynastyLiao Zhai Drama, because of the number was difficult to statised,studies of modern Liao Zhai Drama were scarce. Although modernLiaozhai drama scattered in various genres of opera,it is difficult toobtain a precise statistics, but for the drama in the well-knowngenres of opera, study still can be carried out,make a study of theircreation process,make a contrast of them and so on in-depthresearch, still have great academic value.In my thought,studies ona type of dramas should not only concern a period works, we shouldpay attention to longitudinal extension and lateral analysis.In this paper, in the possession of a large number of Liao ZhaiDrama research foundation, I attempted to conduct a systematicexposition from the following aspects.First, expounded the original intention and significance of LiaoZhai Drama, the research history, status and the range, to makeclear the goal of this study.Secondly,list the Liao Zhai Drama repertoire roughly according to the time sequence.Make an overview of the existing Liao ZhaiDrama works, make an arrangement of Qing Dynasty Liao ZhaiDrama and since the Qing Dynasty Liao Zhai Drama.Cited specificcontents to analysed the selected features of Liao Zhai Drama from"Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" and the characteristics of adaptation.Payattention to stage design, character modeling, performancetechniques and the effect to the local opera performance system.Cited specific Liao Zhai Drama repertoire to analyse.Thirdly,analyse "Geng Niang" and three other titles, expoundstheir flash point, compared their advantages and disadvantages.Lastly, show the broad development prospect of Liao ZhaiDrama.The innovation of Liao Zhai Drama is the tremendousimpetus to drive it sustainable development.New technology willmake the Liao Zhai Drama enter into a greater performance space.

【关键词】 聊斋志异聊斋戏舞台地方戏
【Key words】 Liao Zhai ZhiYiLiao Zhai DramaStageLocal Opera

