

Resarch on Compound Fertilizer Granulation Technology and Particles’ Morphological Characters

【作者】 郝青

【导师】 刘二保;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 药物分析学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要通过团聚造粒技术研究以碳酸钙、脱硫石膏、腐植酸为载体的复合肥造粒,旨在通过粉状肥料的颗粒化,减缓肥料的溶解速度和释放速度,提高化肥利用率。本章以碳酸钙为载体,硫酸为黏结剂,研究氮磷钾复合肥的造粒技术参数及颗粒形貌分析。结果表明,碳酸钙用量为2-5%,硫酸(密度1.5-1.7)用量是原料质量的2-4%,造粒温度为60-80℃为最佳造粒参数。电子扫描电镜(SEM)分析表明,颗粒表面粘附的晶体,使颗粒与外界环境隔离,有效降低板结率。另外该工艺条件简单、生产易操控,属于清洁型、环境友好型工艺。本章以脱硫石膏为载体,研究了氮钾肥复合肥的造粒技术参数及颗粒形貌分析。结果表明,用碳酸钙为造粒剂时,用量约2-4%,以脱硫石膏为造粒剂需添加高含量的造粒剂如16%,导致颗粒化肥养分的降低和生产成本的增加。因此,对于脱硫石膏改性后直接应用于氮钾肥的造粒仍有待研究。本章改进了传统圆盘造粒技术,并通过田间试验研究了不同含量腐植酸与无机肥配施对玉米生物性状、产量、经济效益、氮素利用率及土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:随着腐植酸含量的增加,玉米穗长、穗围、秃尖长、百粒重均有不同显著变化;产量、产投比较CK和NPK施肥呈增长趋势;腐植酸与无机复混肥配施还可显著增加玉米根、茎秆和籽粒中的氮含量,促进根和茎秆中的氮向籽粒中转移,氮素利用率较NPK单施提高11.93-23.37%;并在改良土壤方面具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 This paper had mainly researched on the compound fertilizergranulation as the carrier of calcium carbonate, desulfurizationgypsum and humic acid through the granulation technology. It aimedto slow down the dissolution rate and release rate to improve fertilizerutilization ratio by powder fertilizer granulation.This chapter mainly studied on NPK compound fertilizergranulation technology parameters and particle morphology analysisas the carrier of calcium carbonate, sulfuric acid as coherent agent.The results showed that the best granulation parameters was calciumcarbonate dosage of 2-5%, sulfuric acid (the density between 1.5 and1.7) of the raw material 2-4%, granulation temperature of 60-80℃.Electronic scanning electron microscope(SEM) analysis showed thatthe particle surface adhesion crystal grain, which made the particlesand external environment isolation and reduced the rate ofcompaction. In addition, the process conditions is simple, easyhandling, belonging to clean type and environmental technology.This chapter mainly studied on NK compound fertilizergranulation technology parameters and particle morphology analysisas the carrier of desulfurization gypsum. The results show that the dosage is about 2-4% when calcium carbonate as granulation agent,but for desulfurization gypsum it is need to add high content ofgranulation agent, such as 16%, resulting in the reduction of particlechemical fertilizer nutrients and the increased the cost of production.So it should be researched that the desulfurization gypsum be directlyapplied in modified nitrogen and potassium fertilizer granulation.This chapter improved the traditional granulation techniques andthe effects of humic acid combined with inorganic fertilizers on cornyield and soil fertility were studied in the field condition. The resultshowed that: the corn ear length, ear diameter, barren tip length,kernel weight had different degree change with the quantity of humicacid fertilizer being added. The yield, value cost ratio weresignificantly increased in the three humic acid-inorganic fertilizertreatments when compared with CK and NPK treatment. In addition,the HA+NPK treatments can ameliorate physical properties of soiland promote the transfer of nitrogen from root and stem to the grain,and the nitrogen use efficiency was increased by 11.93%-23.37% inthree humic acid-inorganic fertilizer treatments than that of NPKtreatments.


