

Above All the Rose

【作者】 林溪

【导师】 李杜;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 翟永明被普遍认为是中国当代最优秀的女诗人。诗人于1984年完成了她的第一个大型组诗《女人》,诗歌以独特奇诡的语言风格和惊世骇俗的女性立场震撼了文坛。在这之后的创作中,诗人一直保持充沛的写作和思考的活力,每个时期都有重要作品问世,在中国诗坛具有无可置疑的重要性。纵观其创作,长诗和组诗是诗人一直比较偏爱的表现形式,这体现出诗人独特的审美、流畅的情感,以及对浑圆的立体架构的整体把握。一般对翟永明诗歌的研究,少有对其长诗组诗创作的梳理,在这一方面有着相当大的可资探讨的空间。笔者从翟永明长诗组诗这一角度入手,对其具有代表性的几首长诗组诗进行文本细读,通过对其基本意象的梳理,进而归纳出诗人长诗组诗创作的整体建构:感官的充分调动,语言的灵活把握,以及戏剧元素的创新运用。在诗歌的文本细读中,笔者没有过分地停留在“女性意识”、“黑夜意识”的阐述这一方面,也没有像往常的研究一样,将诗人的创作划分为两个时期,而是将视角更多地放在诗歌本身的一脉相承上。从另一意义来说,诗人的每一首长诗组诗,都是其整个创作生涯的组成元素,它们浑然一体,俨然是一首长诗。这其中体现出来的审美意义,自始至终贯穿着诗人创作本身。针对这一整体性,本文将通过梳理翟永明长诗组诗的创作脉络,试图深层探究诗歌的审美本质,并发掘在时代语境下,诗歌对历史和社会关系的思考和关照。

【Abstract】 Zhai Yongming is generally considered to be the best Chinesecontemporary poetess. The poet completed her first major grouppoem,"Woman" in1984. The unique strangeness language style ofthe poetry and frightening female position shocked the literary world.After that,the poet has remained abundant vitality of writing andthinking,She have important works to come out of each period, it isno doubt that she has a very important position of Chinese poetry.Through out her creation, long poem and group poem is the poet’favorite form of expression. This reflects the poet’s unique aesthetic,smooth emotion, as well as the overall grasp of the three-dimensionalstructure of the rounded. There is not enough to pay attention to thelong poem group poem in general study of the poetry of ZhaiYongming. In this regard, there is a considerable space available toexplore. I start from the point of view of Zhai Yongming’s long poemand group poem. I will sum up the overall construction of the poetlong poem and group poem creation through the method of text reading: Senses to fully mobilizing, flexibility to taking advantage ofthe language, and innovative using of theatrical elements. In theprocess of the text reading, I do not have too much to stay in thedescription of “female consciousness” and “night consciousness”,I will pay more attention to the perspective on the same strain onother poetry instead of the poet’s two creative staging. Fromanother sense, each long poem and group poem of the poet, is anintegral element of the entire creative career. They are seamless, likea long poem. The aesthetic significance is running through the poet’screation all the time. Against to this integrity, this article, I will try toexplore the aesthetic essence of poetry deeply by combing ZhaiYongming’s long poem group poem the creative context, then explorethe relationship between poetry and social historical in the contextof age.

【关键词】 翟永明长诗组诗整体性
【Key words】 ZhaiYongmingLong and Group PoemsEntirety

