

Rural-urban Migrants’ Social Integration and Their Health

【作者】 郝小艳

【导师】 任义科;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【副题名】The Moderating Effects of Social Support Networks

【摘要】 目前,中国大规模的城乡流动已经成为令人瞩目的现象,流动人口在给城市带来巨大推动作用的同时,也面临众多现实问题,例如:由于城乡二元户籍制度导致的农民工社会融合难、社会保障尚未覆盖、身份边缘化等问题。农民工进入城市后,多居住于城乡结合部或者流动人口聚居区,并且该人群身份地位低下、语言和沟通方面存在障碍,长期受到城市居民的歧视,导致其在城市的生活和发展更多的倾向于依赖强关系网络。工作上,农民工通常工作时间长、工作条件艰苦、工资水平相对较低、工作环境恶劣,生活上,却无法享受与城市居民同样的医疗、养老、最低生活保障等社会福利,多方面因素的长期作用对农民工心理和生理健康产生了极大的影响作用。本文采用2011年农民工发展状况调查数据,首先对不同个体特征和工作特征的农民工社会支持网现状、社会融合现状、心理和生理健康现状进行了讨论。其次,运用OLS和Ordinal回归模型分析了社会融合对农民工心理健康和生理健康状况的影响,并检验了社会支持网的调节作用。结果表明:散居的农民工心理健康状况更好;受歧视不利于农民工心理健康;方言掌握越好的农民工,生理健康状况越好。社会支持网在社会融合对农民工心理和生理健康的影响中均起着调节作用:心理健康方面,实际支持规模减弱了受歧视程度对农民工心理健康的影响;实际支持构成减弱了方言掌握程度对农民工心理健康的影响。生理健康方面,社交支持规模正向调节了居住类型对农民工生理健康的影响;实际支持构成正向调节了受歧视程度对农民工生理健康的影响;社交支持构成对方言掌握程度与农民工生理健康关系的调节作用为负,而实际支持规模则有正向调节作用。最后,在对研究结果进行深入分析的基础上,从社会融合、社会网络、文化程度、工作条件、职业维权等方面探讨了进一步改善农民工生存现状的相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 At present, a remarkable phenomenon of the mass ruralpopulation flow into cities emerged in china. Rural-urban migrants willconfront with many practical problems when they promoted thedevelopments of the city. For example, Urban and rural householdregistration system leads to rural-urban migrants is difficult tointegrate into city, social security has not yet covered, and identitymarginalized. Mostly rural-urban migrants live in rural-urban fringezone or regions of the floating population, lower status, language andcommunication barriers, long time discrimination from the urbanresidents, which lead to the life and the development of them in citymore tend to rely on strong relationship network. In work, they usuallytolerate longer work hours, tough work conditions, low wages, badwork environments; in life, can’t enjoy the same medical treatment, endowment, minimum life guarantee and other social welfare asurban residents have, the long-term effects of these various factorsexert an tremendous influence on the rural-urban migrants’mentaland physical health.Using data of 2010 rural-urban migrants’development survey, thisarticle firstly discusses the rural-urban migrants’status of socialsupport network, social integration, mental and physical health ondifferent individual and work characteristics, found that thedifferences are significant. Secondly, analyzes the effects of socialintegration on rural-urban migrants’ mental and physical health andtest the moderating effects of social network by OLS regression andOrdinal Logistic regression. These results indicate: scatteredrural-urban migrants’ have better mental health than concentratedones; it is harmful to rural-urban migrants’ mental health if they werediscriminated; and the better mastering cities’dialect, the betterphysical health. Social support networks moderate the relationshipbetween social integration and mental and physical health: 1) sizes ofinstrumental support networks weaken the effects of discriminationon rural-urban migrants’ mental health; relation configurations ofinstrumental support networks negatively moderate the effects ofmastery of dialect on mental health. 2) sizes of social contact supportnetworks positively moderate the effects of living condition on physical health; configuration of instrumental support networksstrengthen the effects of discrimination on physical health;configuration of social contact support networks weaken the effectsof mastery of dialect on physical health, while the sizes ofinstrumental support networks strengthen these effects. Finally, givesome related suggestion on social integration, social network,education, work condition, professional rights which could haveimproved the rural-urban migrants’living situation on the basis ofdeeply research about consequences.

  • 【分类号】D412.6;D63
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】324

