

【作者】 祝连鹏

【导师】 王虎;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展,计算机技术越来越深入人们生活,使得人们对计算机应用软件的需要在提高,对于软件的质量的要求也逐渐增长。但是应用软件的开发效率却没有跟上这一步伐。这一方面与软件本身的特点有关,当软件的规模越来越大的时候其结构也越来越复杂,更具挑战的是人们对软件的需求也会随开发时间的延长在不断变化。另一方面是因为常用的软件开发技术相对落后,软件开发管理显得困难而复杂。本文的研究方向是基于MDA模型驱动技术的Panschema开发平台和UML之间的映射关系,在设计思想的基础上,用代码实现了这一思想。同时对于其他的模型也提出了设计思路和实现方法。UML是一种可视化的建模语言,而Panschema是一种基于文本的建模。由于在UML中的建模和Panschema中基于文本的建模存在很大不同,本文要研究的任务既要包括模型的可视化,又要包括UML与Panschema之间的模型映射关系。本文在深入研究UML模型和Panschema模型的基础上,建立了映射机制,使得Panschema平台能如同UML一样,通过可视化的建模,使仅需掌握基本开发技术的人员就可以操作,从而实现二次开发。具体在以下方面做了深入研究和实现:第一,在UML可视化建模技术与Panschema建模技术方面,的概念分别进行了描述,并分析了其在各自的特点和不足,为完成这两种模型的映射奠定了理论基础。第二,Panschema可视化设计。本文中描述了对Panschema平台的基本模型(包括数据、展示、系统构件、业务构件、可执行功能等五种模型)的设计,并对数据模型进行了可视化改造,在设计思路和程序实现上都完成了目标。第三,对于Panschema中的表单数据和树形数据进行了设计描述,给出了思路。

【Abstract】 Extensive and intensive computer applications, the rapid growth of demand and quality of computer software, but the efficiency of software development did not increase growth. This regard with the software itself are particularly relevant when the size of the software is growing, more and more complex structure, it is the demand for software also will be in constant change. The other hand, is commonly used in software development technology is relatively backward, software development management is difficult and complex. The ability of people to develop better quality software is lagging far behind the growing demand of the society on the computer software industry, to better address this issue, to improve the software development technology has become an important research topic in the current society.In this paper, based software development platform for model‐driven architecture PanSchema visual modeling technology improvements in the Microsoft development environment Visual Stdio in part of a complete development, while other models put forward ideas and thinking, making combination of visual modeling and MDA. In this article, in‐depth study of UML modeling in Panschema makes Panschema platform like UML, through visual modeling, only to master the basic development techniques can operate, in order to achieve the second developed. Specific in‐depth research and in the following areas:First, in terms of visual modeling and MDA, the concept of visual modeling and MDA were described and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses in their fields, for these two technologies combination laid the theoretical foundation.LINQ technology, LINQ is short for Language Integrated Query, which is integrated in a feature NET programming language. Has become an integral part of the programming language, programming can be a good compile‐time syntax checking, rich metadata, IntelliSense, static type of the benefits of strongly typed languages. And it also makes the query can easily query the information in memory rather than just an external data source.Third, the design of the mechanism of PanSchema visual modeling platform, respectively, on PanSchema five types of model data model, display model, the model of system components, business component model and the executable functional model of visual modeling mechanism detailed design, and data model visualization transformation have been completed on the design ideas and procedures to achieve the target.Source implementation of the data model and display model, system components, such as design ideas, PanSchema visualization modeling platform.


