

Vocational College Students Employment Awareness Education

【作者】 田思思

【导师】 马永庆;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 高等职业教育的培养目标是“为国家和地方经济发展培养适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线工作需要的应用型高素质人才。[1]”作为我国高等教育发展的一个重要组成部分,高职院校把培养学生知识和技能训练放在首位。高职学生的就业困难不仅是一个现实问题,也是一个社会问题。综合来看,高等职业院校的毕业生是市场上的优势劳动力,有着相对较高的人力资本水平。伴随着社会发展的进步与高等教育的逐步普及,学生所需的就业能力门坎逐年提高,致使高职学生想要成功的发展,就要不断加强其就业能力以满足新的社会经济所提出的要求。然而,现有的教育体系与就业市场需求导向相背离,高等职业教育培养出来的大学生在知识和技能结构上与人才市场的需求出现了“脱节”,学生就业的结构性矛盾日益突出。受我国的传统教育模式与传统教育观念的影响,在人才培养模式方面仍存在诸多于现实经济发展及用人部门人才需求相脱节的现象。虽然高职院校已将就业指导课已从大一开始纳入教学计划,不过在此课程教授的过程中质量参差不齐,导致刚入校的大学生比较迷茫,对自己未来的就业走向摸不到头绪。目前,高职教育在长期的人才培养过程中存在着“重视智育、轻视德育”的现象,使得高职学生并不十分了解自己所学专业的前景,对就业盲目的持有乐观态度,从而造成其期望值居高不下。本文主要是以就业观教育为出发点,探讨高等职业院校的学生的就业观教育的问题。本文主要分为三大部分,第一部分首先对高职学生就业观的相关概念进行了界定,指出大学生就业指导的核心工作主要包括:择业观教育、求职观教育和职业生涯教育三个方面。其次,提出了高职院校就业观的基本任务是培养大学生正确的择业态度,树立正确的职业理想和强化自身的职业能力,以及处理好个人意愿和社会的需要。再次,提出良好的就业观教育对学生的重要性,有利于大学生正确职业价值观的塑造有利于大学生形成良好的社会责任感,可以帮助大学生更好地提升自身能力以适应社会发展的需求。第二部分通过作者的对高校毕业生就业情况的调查,结合毕业生基本选择的基本就业方向和领域,归纳了目前高职学生就业观教育的现状:就业观教育的支持环境得到了极大的改善,就业指导课程建设受到了前所未有的重视,就业观教育的内涵和外延得到了极大的延伸。就业观教育仍不完善还存在着:注重知识的传授忽视职业能力培养,注重个人发展,忽略了苦乐观教育,注重精英教育,忽略价值观教育等问题。最后,作者根据问卷调查和文献研究做出了成因分析,从社会因素、学校因素、个人因素和家庭因素四个方面阐述了制约高职院校就业观教育的原因。第三部分从学校教育出发,以培养高职学生正确的就业理念为前提,强化学生的就业指导,营造大学生就业观教育的良好氛围,开展丰富的高职学生自身素质活动,结合社会、家庭等影响因素强化与高职院校就业观教育的合力,为高职学生就业观教育的实现途径提出了可行性办法。

【Abstract】 Higher vocational education as the development of higher education in China is animportant part of the training objectives of production, construction, management, service line ofwork requires the application of highly qualified personnel to train for national and localeconomic development ".To this end, vocational colleges to increase the indoctrination of thestudents’ knowledge and skills training. Vocational students the difficult employment is a realproblem, it is a social problem. Overall, College Graduates and have a high level of humancapital is the dominant groups on the labor market. But with the impact of the development ofglobalization and the knowledge economy, youth initial capacity threshold and continuousemployment required to increase year by year, vocational school students must be able to meetthe requirements of the new economic core employability can be successfully developed, butexisting education and training system lack the necessary job market demand-oriented collegestudents, higher education, trained personnel needs of the market there is a disconnect in thestructure of knowledge and skills and student employment have become increasingly prominentstructural contradictions. By our traditional mode of education and traditional education concept,there are still many phenomenon divorced from the reality of economic development andemployment sector demand for qualified personnel in the Training Mode. Vocational collegeshave career guidance course from freshman start into the teaching program, but the unevenquality in the process of this course, Professor, these students lost their future employment to theintangible clue. In addition, vocational education in the long-term process of personnel trainingthere is great importance to intellectual and ignore the phenomenon of moral education,vocational students are not sufficiently aware of their professional prospects, resulting in theemployment held blindly optimistic about their expectations high. This article focuses on theemployment concept of education starting from higher vocational institutions to explore theemployment outlook of the students in vocational colleges of education.This article is divided into three parts, first part of the related concepts of the employmentconcept of vocational students define, pointing out that the core work of the Student CareerGuidance include: three aspects of career concept of education, job outlook, education and career education. Again put forward the importance of good employment outlook education of studentsin favor of college students the correct shaping of the professional values to benefit students in agood sense of social responsibility, and benefit students to better enhance their own ability toadapt to society.The second part of the survey on the employment situation of college graduates andgraduates of basic employment direction and field, education support environment of theemployment outlook has been greatly improved, career guidance coursesthe building has beenunprecedented attention, the connotation and extension of the employment concept of educationhas been a great extension of. The employment outlook education is still not perfect, there arestill: focus on imparting knowledge ignore the professional ability, the importance of personaltraining, ignoring the plight of optimism education, focusing on elite education, ignoring issuessuch as values education. Finally, the authors made a questionnaire survey and literature researchcause analysis, from the four aspects of social factors, school factors, personal factors and familyfactors explained the reasons for restricting the employment outlook education in vocationalcolleges.The third part of school education to train vocational students the correct employmentconcept to strengthen the students’ career guidance, to create a good atmosphere of the GraduateEmployment Awareness Education to carry out vocational students of their own quality,combined with social, family, etc.,influencing factors to strengthen the rational employmentoutlook and Vocational Institute School of Education, the employment outlook of education forvocational students ways feasibility approach


