

Since the Reform and Opening Up Yihe Residents on Both Sides of the Investigation to He History of Life Change

【作者】 鲁嘉雯

【导师】 郭大松;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 沂河主要流经鲁东南地区,是山东省第二大河,也是贯穿临沂市的一条重要河流。在沂河两岸这片贫瘠的土地上,曾经贫穷的生活成为困扰当地居民的重大问题。1978年以来,中国共产党召开了具有重大历史意义的十一届三中全会,开启了改革开放的新时代。在这个历史大变革时期,沂河两岸居民的生活发生了新旧的更替。在各方力量的共同作用下,居民传统的生活模式逐渐发生改变,快速的向现代化转型。尤其是临沂市创造了经济奇迹,形成了沿河开发的新生活、新风貌,成为革命老区里率先脱贫的城市,居民幸福感指数位列全国第二。本文立足沂河两岸居民生活的变迁,研究沂河两岸居民从改革开放到现在这段历史时期生活方面所发生的重大变迁。生活,狭义上是指人于生存期间为了维生和繁衍所必需从事的不可或缺的生计活动,它的基本内容即为食衣住行生活。本文立足沂河两岸居民主要是临沂市居民生活的变迁。从居民日常生活的衣食住行入手,论述了沂河两岸居民服装生活、饮食生活、居住生活、交通生活的变迁。改革开放三十年来沂河两岸居民服饰生活的变迁由衣不蔽体到保暖再到美观,反映了一个时代的影像;饮食方面由食不果腹到吃得饱、吃得好的变化,体现了居民生活水平的极大提高;居住生活主要围绕由草房到土房到瓦房再到楼房的变迁,以及房屋内部装饰的巨大变迁入手,反映了居民生活质量不断改善;交通生活由“四塞之固”到公路、铁路、桥梁、机场等交通条件的建设到交通工具的变迁等方面入手,说明临沂市已经成为立体化交通的现代城市。本文分析了沂河两岸居民生活变迁的原因,梳理了三十多年以来居民生活变迁的历程,总结经验与教训,以期望沂河两岸居民生活变迁经验能给其他淡水河流域及革命老区居民提高生活水平带来借鉴与启示。目前,沂河两岸城镇依据沂河的有利地势经济发展迅速,尤其是临沂市已成为山东省经济强市,鲁东南地区商品集散地,物流之都。在城市化与现代化发展的历史背景下,在党的政策、方针的指导与鼓励下,沂河两岸的经济呈现了一副崭新的画卷,居民生活与改革开放前呈现极大不同,沂河两岸居民生活的变迁对当地的政治、经济、文化、社会发展都产生了巨大的影响。改革开放以来的三十年,是沂河两岸居民收入快速增长的三十年,是居民生活水平、生活质量明显提高的三十年,也是沂河两岸居民得到实惠最多的三十年。因此全面审视沂河两岸居民生活现代化的历程,把握历史发展规律,对建设“大美临沂”工程的顺利实施,也具有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Yi River, the second largest river in Shandong Province, mainly runs through southeasternShandong Province and is also an important river across Linyi City. Local residents of both sidesof the river, who used to depend mainly on the barren lands, had been suffering from poor andmiserable lives. Fortunately, China adopted reform and opening-up policy since the ThirdPlenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee in 1978. And such a period of great historicalchange has witnessed that the lifestyle of local residents is converting to modern mode fromtraditional mode thanks to joint efforts from all corners of society. And during the period, LinyiCity has created economic miracle in pioneering the way of shaking off poverty and forming afresh outlook of developing economy along the river, and what’s more, residents’happinessindex ranked second nationwide in 2011.Based on the changes in the local resdients’standard ofliving on both sides of Yi River, this paper aims to probe into the major profound changes in thelocal residents’standard of living from the beginning of reform and opening-up to now.Living, can be defined in a narrow sense, as the inevitable livelihood activities to ensure thesurvival and reproduction during one’s existence, mainly consisting of food, clothing, shelter,transportation.”Based on the changes in the daily lives of the residents of both sides of YiRiver, and especially in the lives of Linyi citizens, the paper aims to explore the greatchanges in the following aspects: clothing, food, shelter and transportation. As to clothing,the residents of both sides of Yi River experienced such a transitional stage fromstruggling against being shabbily dressed to focusing on keeping warm and now to payingattention to dressing smartly, such a change reflecting the image of the certain times. Asto food, the residents experienced from a starving period to a full fed period and nowwelcome a healthy diet, such a change indicating substantial improvement in the livingstandards of residents. As to shelter, the residents had lived in thatched cottage and usedto live in adobe house and now tile-roofed house, some even are moving to modern storey building. The change of living conditions and the decoration inside demonstrates thegradual improvement in the living standards of the residents. As to transportation, theresidents have witnessed the modern construction of highways, railroads, bridges, airportand means of transportation as well out of an out-of-the-way place.After analyzing the changes in the lives of local residents for the past thirty oddyears, the paper aims to bring some reference and enlightenment for the other freshwaterriver basins and old revolutionary base areas through absorbing the above constructivereasons, experiences and lessons.At present, the cities and towns of both sides of Yi River are developing at great speed withfull use of great advantage of Yi River. And among the cities, Linyi City is becoming a boomingcity with strong economy in Shandong Province, famous as the commodity distributing center insoutheastern Shandong Province and a logistics center. Under the guidance and encouragementof the government’s policy, the economy of Yi River’s both sides is energetically push forwardjust like painting a fresh picture scroll, adding beauty and strength to the historical backgroundof urbanization and modernization. As a result, local residents’lives are strikingly different fromthose prior to reform and opening-up and such a change is making a great difference to thedevelopment of local politics, economy, culture and society. In retrospect, the thirty odd years ofreform and opening-up, is the thirty odd years of rapidly rising income for the residents of bothsides of Yi River, is the thirty odd years of great improvement of their living standards, and isalso the thirty odd years of boons most frequently gained by the local residents. Furthermore, tocomprehensively review the modernization process of the local residents’lives, and to grasp thelaw of history’s development, will surely play a guiding significance when the startup of theprogram called the construction of the Great Beauty of Linyi City is taken into consideration.


