

Ecolinguistic Interpretation of Chi Zijian’s Works

【作者】 韩葵花

【导师】 赵奎英;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 活跃在新时期文坛的东北籍作家迟子建,是一位富有灵性且始终保持自我创作个性的作家。迟子建是来自东北的“自然化育的文化精灵”,她将北国神奇的自然风光与充满灵性的自然生物带入读者的阅读视野,给久居钢筋混凝土之林的城市人带来了枕边最纯净的夜莺的啼鸣,涤荡着我们远离自然空虚而无处安放的灵魂。在频频回望的故土家园里,迟子建采撷出最新鲜、最精美的故事,展现在读者面前。用饱蘸赞美之意的语言反复咏唱故土生态和谐的乐章。研读最近几年迟子建作品的研究文章,发现迟子建作品的研究多集中在乡土情结、意象修辞特色、温情主义、悲悯情怀、童年视角等方面。迟子建作品语言的研究也仅局限在艺术特色和地方色彩的角度上,对迟子建作品中生态因子和语言运用关系的解读上却鲜有涉及。通过对迟子建作品的研读,我们不难发现迟子建的创作始终延续着一条人与自然和谐共生的生态之路。作品中蕴含着对大自然的敬畏、对万物生存权利的尊重、对人类生存困境的忧虑、对濒危语言消亡的痛惜等多方面内容。而这些内容都在迟子建的笔下通过富有生态意识的语言细腻传达出来。生态语言学这一新兴学科的发展,为迟子建作品的解读提供了一个全新的视角。本篇论文即是从生态语言学的视角来关照迟子建的作品,力图对迟子建作品中所表现出来的生态意识、语言中所描述的生物多样性、作品中生物的多样性语言表达、引向自然的语言叙述、语言的超常搭配、濒危语言鄂温克语的困境与出路问题等几个重要内容进行细致整理。论文首先论述了迟子建作品中所展现出来的生态意识,分析迟子建抛弃人类中心主义,选择生态整体主义的主观因素。借助对原始的自然环境描画的研读,探寻语言与环境的内在联系。自由自在的生态语言根植于原始的自然环境,独特的语言也将特定环境中的自然之物作为其表现的重要内容。在这一部分中,着重分析迟子建的作品中的所表现出来的生态意识,借此对迟子建的生态语言观解读一二。迟子建作品的多样化灵性生物与多样性语言的梳理是论文的第二部分。迟子建作品中的自然万物都是有生命有尊严的,它们是迟子建作品中富有灵性甚至“比人物更有感情和光彩”的自然意象。这些自在的生态意象的描摹并不是单一的表述,而是借助其他生态意象的对比、衬托或形容,力图准确表达形象本身,而这一切也恰恰是通过语言上万物的融合表现出来。借助生物多样性与语言多样性相结合的研究思路,分析作者为自然之物“复魅”的方式,张扬生态魅力的语言创作。文本中语言与和环境的关系研究是第三部分内容,主要内容是强调自然对语言的反作用,将自然与语言的关系明朗化,解释文本语言中对自然根基的强调。即文本语言一切均引向自然。迟子建作品中独特的作品篇名、人物命名、人的喜怒哀乐、生老病死、男女性爱等内容的表达均以自然意象作为比喻对象,将大自然与人类生命历程紧密结合在一起,而这些语言的表达中自然意象站到了出彩的位置上。迟子建作品中语言的超常搭配,表面上与自然联系甚微,但语言超常搭配的外在形式则由自然之物所表达的主体内容所决定,一切服从于自然之自在表达。对大自然强烈的回归欲望与城市生活的厌倦,使迟子建对这两种题材的写作报以不同的情感好恶,而最直接的表现就是作品中语言强烈的情感好恶倾向。迟子建创作中所潜藏着的对自然生态与精神生态的深切关注,对城市文明的反思,对生态和谐的呼吁,对回归自然作为人类困境解脱的药方的提出与尝试,深深引发着我们关于生态与人文的深沉思考,进而迸发出生态审美栖居的呼唤。论文的最后,对迟子建作品中对濒危语言即鄂温克语的困境的忧虑及其出路的设计加以研究。这一部分对生态与语言的关系进行了梳理,简要分析了鄂温克语沦为濒危语言的原因,重点放在了对迟子建作品中鄂温克语出路设计的解读上。迟子建以一个文人应有的社会责任感和发自心底的对这种语言的热爱,对鄂温克语的未来进行了规划。抛开理论性与科学性不谈,作家这种勇于尝试的精神、强烈的社会责任感就值得我们肯定。

【Abstract】 Born in northeast China, Chi Zijian is a writer who is rich in spiritualityand always maintains an unique creative personality. As‘a literary fairygestated by nature’of the Northeast, Chi brings the magical northern naturalscenery and the wonderful natural species into the horizon of readers,introduces the purest nightingale singing to those who are trapped in theconcrete forest of cities, caresses the empty, homeless soul that has strayedaway from nature. From her homeland where Chi Zijian has frequently looked backto, she picks out the freshest and finest stories and repeatedly intonates theecologically harmonious melody of the native land with laudatory language.While reading the recent research on the works of Chi Zijian, I find thatmost researches on Chi Zijian’s works were concentrated on her native complex,imagery and rhetoric characteristics, paternalism, compassion, and childhoodperspective and so on, that the language study on the works of Chi Zijian wasonly confined to the artistic characteristics and local color, while theinterpretation of the relationship between the ecological factors and thelanguage use in her works was rarely addressed. However, reading Chi Zijian’s works, we can easily detect that her creative writing has always been followingthe ecological path of harmonious coexistence of human and nature; that allher literary works imply an awe of nature, a respect for the right to life ofliving creatures, concerns about the human predicament, and deploration on theextinction of endangered language, all of which were delicately conveyed bya language full of ecological awareness. The development of the emergingacademic subject of Eco-linguistics undoubtedly provides a brand-newperspective to interpret Chi Zijian’s works. This thesis is intended to analyzethe works of Chi Zijian from the perspective of ecological linguistics, so asto make a systematic collation of the important contents conveyed in her works, which include the ecological awareness, the biological diversity and theversatility of language expression of living creatures, the language style thatleads to nature, and the plight and the way out of the native language of Ewenkietc.The thesis first discusses the ecological awareness expressed in the worksof Chi Zijian, analyzes how she abandons anthropocentrism and turn to ecologicalholism, how she depicts the primitive natural environment and explores theinnate connections between language and environment. The free, uniqueecological language is rooted in the primitive natural environment, on the otherhand it uses the particular natural environment as its main subjects. The firstpart of the thesis emphatically addresses the ecological awareness in the worksof Chi Zijian, in order to probe into Chi Zijian’s ecological view of language.The second part of the thesis discusses the diversity of the spiritual livingcreatures and the versatility of language in Chi Zijian’s works. Everythingin the nature has a dignity in her writings. Full of spirituality, they arenatural imageries that even have more sentiment and the brilliance than humans.Chi portrays these free ecological imageries not only by narrating, but alsoby describing, contrasting with or comparing to other ecological imageries soas to present the objects precisely, which on the other hand is expressed throughthe integration of all living creatures linguistically. The thesis adopts aresearch idea of combining the biological diversity and language versatility,analyzing the ways by which the writer recovers the charm of the living creaturesand her creature writing that displays ecological beauty.The third part of the thesis studies on the relationship between textlanguage and environmental problems, emphasizing the counter effect the naturehas on language, to clarify the relationship between nature and language, andexplain the emphasis the text language lays on natural foundation, that is alltext language leads to nature. In Chi Zijian’s works, the unique titles andnames, the joy and sorrows, life, decay and death of the characters, love, sexand so on all take natural imagery as analogy object, trough which human life closely combines with nature, and natural imagery stands out in the expressionof language. The extraordinary linguistic collocation in Chi’s works may appearto have little to do with nature, but the external form of the linguisticcollocation depends on the main content expressed by natural imagery, soeverything is subject to the free expression of nature.he desire to return to nature and boredom of city life enable Chi to addressthe two subjects with different emotions. The most direct manifestation is thetendency of intense likes and dislikes in the language of the texts. Most ChiZijian’s writings imply a deep concern about natural ecology and spiritualecology, a reflection on the city civilization, an appeal to the ecologicalharmony, and an attempt to bring up a solution to the human predicament, whichinspire us to think deeply about ecology and humanities and cry out for theecological aesthetic dwelling.In the last section, the thesis talks about the difficult situation of theendangered language of Ewenki and its way out. This part analyzes therelationship between ecology and language, traces the reasons why it becomesan endangered language, and puts a stress on the interpretation of the way outof Ewenki language designed by Chi Zijian. With a sense of responsibility ofa writer and a deep love for this local language, Chi Zijian has designed afuture for Ewenki language. Regardless of its theoretical and scientifictreaties, her courageous spirit and strong sense of social responsibilityshould be praised.


