

【作者】 王冬梅

【导师】 贾振勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “五四”时期,乡土小说的崛起为初长期的现代文学增添了一道独特的文学风景。尽管其中不乏不甚成熟的幼稚之笔以及技法欠缺的拙劣之墨,但是作为现代乡土小说的源头,它足以在文学史的舞台上占据一席之地。这批崛起于20年代中后期的乡土小说家在鲁迅的感染之下自成流派。当他们追随启蒙的大旗,以笔为枪地进军乡村时,遍野横尸的死亡惨象成为他们文本中的惨烈风景。本文主要以“五四”写实派乡土小说为研究对象,深入探究这批乡土作家们死亡书写背后的意义建构。全文分为引言、正文和结语三个部分,正文部分为三章。引言概括了“五四”乡土小说产生的时代背景和文学史意义,指出他们在将农民推上新文学的舞台中心的同时也将大量的死亡植入文本。第一章“五四”乡土小说中的死亡书写类型:主要论述“五四”乡土小说文本中色彩纷呈而又面目迥异的死亡描摹——由疾病、自然灾害等引发的死亡,由人物的主观过错或现实的客观状况引发的死亡,以及带有自我选择色彩的自杀行为。第二章“五四”乡土小说死亡书写的艺术特质:主要论述“五四”乡土小说死亡书写的艺术特质。直面死亡的惨淡和恐怖使其突破了传统文学的审美范式;现代小说技巧的尝试不仅意味着技巧的更新,文学思维的转变,更充满了十足的现代气息;悲剧主体、悲剧冲突、悲剧结局则从三个不同的维度诠释了“五四”乡土小说家死亡书写的悲剧美学风格。第三章“五四”乡土小说死亡书写的精神内涵:主要论述“五四”乡土小说死亡书写的精神特质。“五四”乡土小说家的死亡书写其实质就是宣扬个性主义,肯定个体的精神解放;在忧国忧民的时代氛围下,他们以标新立异的死亡言说,寻求着启蒙与救亡的平衡点;现代科学理性知识重塑了“五四”乡土小说家的时间观念和生死观念,他们用死亡来表达对于生命自由的向往和生命价值的追寻。结语部分将“五四”乡土写实小说置放在纵横交错的文学史坐标中,并对其进行了历史定位和基本评价。

【Abstract】 During the May 4 Period ,the rise of local novels added a unique literarylandscape to Chinese modern literature in growth stage.Although there were someworks which still did not mature enough and were lack of deficient skills,as the sourceof Modern local novels,It was enough to occupy a space in the history of literature onthe stage.These native novelists rising in the late of 1920’formed schools in infectionof Lu Xun.When they followed the banner of enlightenment and used pen as gun toenter the village,death tragedy became the dreary landscape in their texts. This paperchooses the realistic local novels of the May 4 period as the main research object, andprobes the deep meaning structure behind their death writing.The paper is divided into three parts,including introduction,body andconclusion.Body part is divided into three chapters.Introduction,It summaries the background and the significance in literary historyof the May 4 local novels,and shows that these novelists portrayed so much death intheir texts while pushing farmers on the center stage of the new literature.The first chapter,the types of death writing of the May 4th’local novels.Paperdiscusses that in their texts were a variety of different death descriptions.Itincluded:death caused by diseases or natural disasters,death caused by men’ssubjective fault or the reality of the objective situation,and suicide selected by one’sown.The second chapter,the artistic characteristic of the death writing of the May4th’local novels.Paper discusses the artistic characteristic of such death writing.Deathdescription in their writing was so direct and terror that it broke through the traditionalliterary aesthetic paradigm.Attempt to modern writing techniques not only means ofthe skills to update and literary thinking change,but also full of modern flavor.Figureof tragedy,tragic conflict and tragic ending interpreted the tragic aesthetic style inthese texts from three different dimensions.The three chapter, the spiritual characteristic of the death writing of the May 4th’local novels.Paper discusses the spiritual characteristic of such death writing.In thesummon of the individuality principle,individual consciousness of death becameawake,and the essence of the local novelist’s death writing is to promoteindividualism and individual spiritual liberation.In concern about the fate of ournation,with their unique death description they were looking for the balance point ofenlightenment and salvation.Modern scientific and rational knowledge reshaped thelocal novelists’time concept and the concept of life and death,so they used deathdescription to express the pursuit of the freedom and value of life.Conclusion part,set the realistic local novels of the May 4 period into thecrisscrossing coordinate of the literary history ,and analyze its historical position andbasic evaluation.


