

The Study on the Quality of Primary School Pe Teachers Under He Theory of Constructivism

【作者】 周晓娟

【导师】 张志勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着教育改革的不断深入与经验的积累,以及素质教育的全面推行,学校教育肩负着全面推行素质教育,切实贯彻“健康第一”指导思想的重任。学校体育教学工作是学校教育的重要组成部分,是向学生传授锻炼身体的知识、技能,培养运动能力和良好锻炼习惯,促进身体正常发育,增强健康的教育。体育教师是做好学校体育工作的关键,他们能否充分发挥学校体育在学校教育中的作用,关键在于他们素质的高低。我国当前的基础教育课程改革是建国以来第八次规模较大的课程改革,它是对20世纪80年代后期开始的、90年代深化的基础教育课程改革的继承、发展与超越。《体育与健康》课程要求,体育教师不能是按固定教材的教书匠,而应是掌握现代体育基本理论,拥有先进体育教育思想和观念,成为具有熟练业务能力、创新精神和能力的教育实践者,因此体育教师需要进行素质重构。2001年国家教育部颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要》所倡导的新的理念、新的教学观、学生观,以及自主学习、探究学习、合作学习等学习方式,在很多层面都能从建构主义中找到其理论支撑,可以认为与建构主义许多教育教学主张是一致的。通过大量的文献和有关调查的情况表明,建构主义学习理论正在被我国越来越多的教育研究者和学者所接受,建构主义学习理论作为新课程改革重要的理论基础,也正在对我国教育教学改革产生着全面性的影响。建构主义认为,学生是生活在社会之中的,因而是带着经验进教室的;教学要从学生的需要和兴趣出发,教师要为促进学生理解而教;学习不是教师向学生传授知识的过程而是学生主动建构知识的过程。小学体育教师除了要具备教师素质的共性要求外,还应体现其学科个性特点和时代要求,因此有必要对小学体育教师的素质进行重建。在建构主义教育改革的背景下,首先,小学体育教师素质要能满足小学生发展的需要;小学生正处在身心迅速发展的阶段,教师要遵循学生的身心发展规律进行教学。其次,小学体育教师的角色也应有所改变;如从被动型向主动型转变、从教书向育人转变、从控制者向引导者转变、从学校人向社会人转变等。再次,小学体育教师的职责也将发生转变;如不断提高职业素养、认真上好体育课、促进学生身心健康发展、积极参与社会体育活动、努力开展学校体育教研活动等。最后,建构主义学习理论对体育教学的启示;如体育教学应加强学生学习的主动参与性、体育教学应重视学生已有的知识经验、体育教学应加强各方面的交流、体育教学要加强教学情境的设置、体育教学要注意教学反思的应用等。在建构主义学习理论的指导下,小学体育教师到底需要什么样的素质,还需要进一步完整的、系统的、全面的阐述。本文主要是在建构主义理论的指导下对我国的体育教师素质进行的初步探讨,是基于研究者心目中的理想体育教师或体育教师的完美形象,从理论上探讨一下小学体育教师的素质。在建构主义学习理论的指导下主要从教学观念、知识结构、专业能力、人格结构和身体素质这五个大的方面进行论述。第一,教学观念:以学生为主体培养学生的运动兴趣、体育教师要有安全意识、终身体育观念、可持续发展观念、创新教育观念第二,知识结构:体育教育基础理论知识、体育教育专业知识、广博的文化科学知识第三,专业能力:运动技能、体育教学技能(体育教学计划编制技能、体育教学中教与学的方法、体育教学实施技能、教学情境设计的能力、教学反思能力)、组织活动技能(组织体育教学的能力、组织课外体育活动的能力、学校课余体育训练的能力、组织课余体育竞赛的能力)、教育信息技能、教育科研能力第四,人格结构:爱岗敬业、热爱学生、和谐的人际关系第五,身体素质依据小学体育教师素质的这五个方面,通过大量的文献资料和对一线教师、专家型教师的访谈了解到当前的小学体育教师在以下方面还存在一些不足与欠缺,需要进一步的提高。教学观念方面主要有终身体育观念、可持续发展观念、创新教育观念;专业能力方面主要有体育教学技能(教学情境设计的能力、教学反思能力)、教育信息技能、教育科研能力;人格结构方面主要有热爱学生。通过本研究力求为师范院校培养体育师资力量和对小学体育教师进行继续教育提出建议,为建立健全新形势下对小学体育教师进行培养与培训的机制提供理论依据与实践支持,为师范院校培养体育师资力量确定符合时代要求的目标,对实现基础教育与教师教育的良性衔接具有一定的积极意义。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of education reform and the implementation of quality education, theschool education bears the full implementation of quality education and the guiding ideology ofhealth first.The school sports teaching is an important part of school education, it is the physicalexercise knowledge and skills training of teaching the students.The school sports teaching is theexercise capacity and good habit of physical exercise, promote the normal body development,enhance the health education. Teachers are the key to the school sports work, they can give fullplay to the role of school physical education in school education, the key lie in quality. Ourcountry of current basic curriculum reform since the founding of new China eighth times largercurriculum reform, it is to the nineteen eighties began in the late 90, to deepen the reform ofbasic education curriculum of the inheritance, development and transcendence. Sports and healthcourse requirements, physical education teachers cannot be fixed textbook teacher, and should bemaster of modern sport fundamental theory, advanced physical education thought and the idea,has become a skilled professional ability, innovation spirit and innovation ability educationpractitioners, therefore PE teachers should carry out quality reconstruction.Basic Education Curriculum Reform issued by the Ministry of Education in 2001,advocated a new philosophy, a new concept of teaching, students concept, as well as independentlearning, inquiry learning, cooperative learning and learning on many levels canconstructivismfind its theoretical support, that constructivist education and teaching idea isconsistent. Through an extensive literature survey showed that the constructivist learning theorybeing accepted by a growing number of educational researchers and academics, constructivistlearning theory as the new curriculum reform an important theoretical basis, are also oneducation and teaching in China comprehensive reform,teaching from the student of needand interest, the teacher should help students understand and teach; learning is not a teacher toteach students knowledge of the process but the students to construct knowledge actively process.Primary school physical education teachers in addition to possess the common requirements ofthe quality of teachers, but also should reflect its subject character and the requirements of thetimes, so it is necessary for the primary school physical education teachers of qualityreconstruction. In the learning theory of constructivism, primary school sports teachers reallyneed what kind of quality, also need to further complete, systematic, comprehensive expositionof. In the context of constructivist education reform, first of all, the quality of primary schoolPE teachers to meet the development needs of pupils; primary school is the rapid development ofphysical and mental stage, teachers should follow the students’ physical and mental developmentof the law teaching. Secondly, the role of physical education teachers in primary schools shouldbe changed; such as the shift from passive to active, and people change from teaching, from thecontrol to guide transition from school people to the community people. Again, theresponsibilities of primary school PE teachers will also shift; continuously improve theprofessionalism, seriously athletic class, promote students’ physical and mental healthdevelopment, and actively participate in social sports activities and efforts of school physicaleducation teaching and research activities. Finally, the revelation of constructivist learning theoryof physical education; Physical Education should enhance students ’learning and activeparticipation in Physical Education should pay attention to students’ existing knowledge andexperience, physical education should enhance exchanges in various fields, physical education isnecessary to strengthen the teaching situation settings, physical education should pay attention tothe application of teaching refletion.This research is mainly under the guidance of constructivism theory on China of sportsteacher s quality is preliminary discuss, is based on the researcher of ideal physical educationteachers or teachers perfect image, from theoretic discuss the quality of PE teachers in primaryschool. In the learning theory of Constructivism mainly from the teaching idea, knowledgestructure, professional ability, personality structure and the physical quality of the five bigaspects.(1) teaching concepts: to cultivate students’ interest in sports and student-centered, physicaleducation teachers have a safety awareness, the concept of lifelong physical, sustainabledevelopment concepts, innovative educational concept.(2) knowledge structure: Physical Education and basic theoretical knowledge, physical educationand expertise, a broad range of cultural scientific knowledge.(3) professional ability: motor skills, physical education teaching skills (Sports Teachingplanning skills, methods of teaching and learning in Physical Education Teaching PhysicalEducation Teaching the implementation skills, the ability of the design of teaching situations,teaching the ability to reflect), the activities of the Organization skills (sports organizationteaching ability, the ability to organize extra-curricular sports activities, the ability of theextracurricular training, organization of after-school sports competition), educational informationskills, education and scientific research capabilities.(4) personality structure: dedication, fair and equitable treatment to every student, and harmonious relationships.(5) physicalOn the basis of primary school PE Teachers of qualities of these five aspects, through alarge number of documents and interviews with teachers to understand the current primaryschool physical education teacher in the following areas there are still some deficiencies and lack,need to be further improved. The teaching idea of major lifelong sports concept, the concept ofsustainable development, the innovation education idea; professional ability are the main sportsteaching skills, education information skills, education and scientific research ability; personalitystructure are the main fair treatment of every student. Through this research, and strive fornormal colleges to cultivate sports teachers of primary school and continued education forphysical education teachers are proposed, in order to establish and improve the new situation ofthe primary school physical education teachers training mechanism provides a theoretical basisand practical support, for normal colleges to cultivate sports teachers identify and meet therequirements of the times, to achieve the basic education and the the connection between teachereducation has certain positive significance.


