

Study on Supervision and Management of Insurance Agents

【作者】 张甜

【导师】 王希常; 戚桂杰;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 保险代理人是根据保险公司的委托,向保险公司收取佣金,并在保险公司授权的范围内代为办理保险业务的机构或者个人。保险代理人在推销产品的同时,宣传保险知识、提供保险服务,成为保险业的中坚力量。保险代理人的发展影响着保险业的整体走势。为了规范保险市场、保障社会公共利益、保障保险代理人和保险业的良好发展,有必要对保险代理人加强监管。本文分析了保险代理人监管的重要性,以保险监管理论中的“公共利益理论”、“私人利益论”、“政治理论”为理论研究基础,归纳出我国保险代理人的现状及存在的监管问题。同时对美国和日本两个发达国家的保险代理人监管模式和经验进行总结,予以借鉴。在此基础上,提出了构建我国保险代理人监管的措施。本文创新有四点:一是重点分析国家在保险代理人监管的重要地位。主要从以下方面加强监管:完善法律法规体系,尤其是《保险法》和《保险代理人管理规定》。改革保险代理人税收政策。明确代理人的法律地位。改革保险代理人佣金制度。加强代理人资格认证,提高代理人综合素质。二是强调行业自律协会对保险代理人的监管作用。主要体现以下方面:订立保险代理人的自律守则。约束保险代理人的业务水平、职业道德、日常行为规范,监督保险代理人的执行情况。建立保险代理人信息网络,并接受客户的投诉,定时通报代理人被投诉情况,在代理人队伍中起到警示作用。维护代理人的合法权益,协助代理人处理客户的不合理要求。组织保险代理人之间及与其他有关部门的交流研讨,促使行业协会各部门协调职能,充分发挥最大效用。三是注重社会舆论对保险代理人的监管作用。体现在:提高社会的整体保险意识。建立保险个人代理人的诚信观念。建立社会媒体公平公正的舆论报道机制。四是强化保险公司内部对保险代理人的监管力度。主要通过人事管理、财务管理、培训管理、佣金管理、行为管理、职业道德管理、《基本法》的完善等管理方法进行监管。我国保险代理人监管,要以“依法监管、适度监管、维护社会公共利益、有利于保险业持续发展”为原则,从国家(政府)监管、行业自律、保险公司管理、社会舆论监督四个方向提出了保险代理人监管的重点和配套措施。比如,保险立法的完善、国家对代理人税收政策的支持、明确代理人的法律地位、完善保险公司的培训体系、改革保险代理人佣金制度、改善社会舆论保险误解现象等,从而形成立体化的监管架构,对保险代理人的健康持续发展起到积极指导作用。

【Abstract】 Insurance agents are organizations or individuals which are entrusted by insurancecompanies to charge commissions to insurance companies and act on insurance business withinthe range authorized by insurance companies. While marketing products, insurance agents alsopromote insurance knowledge, provide insurance services, which make it the backbone of theinsurance industry. The development of insurance agents influences the overall trend of theinsurance industry. In order to regulate the insurance market, protect social public interests,safeguard the good development of insurance agents and insurance industry, it is necessary tostrengthen regulations for insurance agents.This paper analyzes the importance of insurance agent regulations. Based on theoreticalresearches on“public interest theory”,“private interest theory”and“political theory”, thispaper summarizes the status quo and existing regulatory problems of insurance agents in China.At the same time, this paper sums up the regulatory modes and expertise of insurance agents indeveloped countries like the United States and Japan, trying to draw lights from theirexperience. On this basis, this paper also puts forward measures to set up insurance agentregulations in China.This paper is featured as follow: 1, Focus analysis on the important status of the state ininsurance agent supervision. Supervision should be strengthened from the followingaspects:Improve the legal system, especially the "Insurance Law" and "insurance agentadministrative regulations.”Reform the tax policy of insurance agents. Clarify the legal positionof agents.Reform the commission system of insurance agents.Intensify the authentication ofagents qualification and enhance the overall quality of them. 2, Stress the regulatory role of theindustry autonomy association plays for insurance agents. Its regulatory functions are embodiedin the following aspects:Set up self-discipline codes for insurance agents. Set constraints on theprofessional skills, professional ethics, behavior norms of insurance agents, and supervise theirperformance.Build insurance agent information network, deal with and report customercomplaints and play a warning role in the agent team. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of agents and assist agents to handle unreasonable requirements of customers.Organize exchanges and discussions among insurance agents and other departments, and urgethe coordination among departments of the association to exert the greatest effects. 3, Value thesupervision function of public opinion on insurance agents. These functions are reflected in:improving the overall insurance consciousness of the society; instilling integrity into theconcept of insurance agents; establishing just and fair reporting mechanism of social media. 4,Intensify the supervision to insurance agents within the insurance company. The supervisionwill be carried out mainly through personnel management, financial management, trainingmanagement, commission management, behavior management, professional ethics management,and improvement of "Fundamental Law".Insurance agent supervision should follow the principle of regulating according to law,moderate supervision, and safeguarding social public interest and conductive to the sustainabledevelopment of the insurance industry. From state supervision, industry autonomy, insurancecompany management and supervision by public opinion, this paper proposed focus ofinsurance agent regulations and corresponding measures. For example, the improvement ofinsurance legislation, tax policy support for agents from the state, clarification of legal status ofagents, improvement of training system of the insurance company, reform of the commissionsystem of insurance agents and elimination of misunderstanding by public opinions will allcontribute to the construction of extrude regulatory systems, which will play a positive role inthe sustainable development of insurance agents.

  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】383

