

【作者】 李臻

【导师】 鲁成波;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “三俗”是指庸俗、低俗、媚俗。“三俗”文化,是指流行于大众社会生活中的传播庸俗、低俗、媚俗内容的文化,包括庸俗文化、低俗文化和媚俗文化。随着我国社会发展和经济进步,文化在社会各领域中发挥的作用日趋重要。“三俗”文化作为文化中的消极部分,不仅影响受众个体的健康发展,其社会影响也非常恶劣,反“三俗”任务十分必要。本文在界定“三俗”文化的基础上,论述了“三俗”文化的表现以及危害,并从不同角度对“三俗”文化的根源进行了探究,最后从社会主义文化建设角度提出了治理“三俗”文化的措施,具有较强的理论指导意义和现实意义。主要由四部分构成:第一部分:通俗文化与“三俗”文化。辨析了通俗文化与“三俗”文化,对“三俗”文化进行了界定。在今天的现代社会中,通俗文化与大众文化几乎同义。“三俗”文化,包括庸俗文化、低俗文化和媚俗文化,是指流行于大众社会生活中的传播庸俗、低俗、媚俗内容的文化,其本质与社会主义核心价值观背道而驰。第二部分:“三俗”文化的表现及危害。对文学艺术、电视传媒、互联网络等文化领域中“三俗”现象及危害进行了概括和分析。文艺创作中,庸俗化趋势加剧、色情元素充斥、娱乐化和荒诞化、经济利益主导。电视媒体中,模式化、娱乐化、商业化以及去人文关怀化。互联网络中,网络色情信息泛滥、网络恶性炒作盛行、网络恶搞之风流行。这些表现一方面消解社会主流价值观,阻碍文化软实力发展,另一方面也阻碍健康人格的形成。第三部分:“三俗”文化根源探究。从经济、政治、思想、社会四个方面对“三俗”文化的成因进行分析。经济方面,一是市场经济的消极作用;二是部分地方政府官员发展理念不当。政治方面,一是政府文化建设力度欠强;二是文化政策存在不足;三是部分领导干部作风腐化。思想方面,一是封建思想残余的影响;二是西方思潮的影响。社会方面,一是社会风气不正,大众文化素养有待提高;二是媒体社会责任缺失。第四部分:社会主义文化建设与“三俗”文化的治理。提出在加强社会主义文化建设的同时,从五个方面对“三俗”文化现象进行具体的治理。

【Abstract】 The culture of philistine, vulgar and cater to the low tastes of society is very popular inthe mass media of our social lives. Along with economic development and all-round socialprogress, culture is playing a more and more important role in all areas of society. As thenegative part of the culture, the vulgar productions and kitsch not only has a bad effect to thehealthy development of individual audiences, but also has a bad social impact. This shows thenecessity of the anti-vulgarity campaign. Based on the definition of the culture of philistine,vulgar and cater to the low tastes of society, this paper discussed its manifestation andharmfulness, then studied its origin from different angles, finally, putting forward thecountermeasure for dealing with it from the angle of socialist cultural construction, which hasstrong theoretical guidance and practical significance. This paper mainly consists of fourparts:First part: popular culture and the culture of philistine, vulgar and cater to the low tastesof society, which analyzed the popular culture and the vulgar productions and kitsch, anddefined them. In modern society, popular culture and mass culture are almost synonymous.The culture of philistine, vulgar and cater, by definition, refers to the spreading of vulgarproductions and kitsch content culture in the popular mass social life. In essence, it is alsocontrary to the socialist core value.Second part: the manifestation and harmfulness of the vulgar productions and kitsch,which summarized and analyzed its manifestation and harmfulness on literature and art,television, Internet and other fields of culture. In literary and artistic creation, the wave ofvulgar productions and kitsch is impact on the mind of the audience, which characterized by,the vulgarization trend intensified, full of pornographic elements, entertainment and theabsurd, the economic interests of the dominant. In television, star replaces the model, beautysqueeze out the scholars, the scandal replace the facts, entertainment covering the cultural,vulgar instead of the dignified, which characterized by, modeling, entertainment, commercialand the lost of humane care. The vulgar culture in the Internet has become one of the greatestimpact on minors. Mainly as follows: the proliferation of network pornography, networkvicious speculation prevalent, the prevalence of network spoof of the wind. These performance cause a great deal of negative impact, on the one hand, the digestion of themainstream of society values, and hinder the development of cultural soft power; on the otherhand, hinder the formation of healthy personality.Part three: the study of the origin of the vulgar productions and kitsch, which analyzedits formation from the aspects of economy, politics, thought and society. The economic front,first, the negative effects of the market economy. Second, some local governments andofficials don’t have correct concepts in the development. In political aspects, the efforts of thegovernment cultural building is not enough; the cultural policy is incomplete; the corruptionof some of the leading cadres’ work style. The thought front, first, the impact of the oldideological remnants; second, the impact of Western thought. In social aspects, first, the socialclimate is not correct, the culture literacy of people needs to be improved; second, there is alack of media social responsibility.Part four: the socialist cultural construction and the management of the vulgarproductions and kitsch. Strengthen the socialist culture construction, while manage the vulgarproductions and kitsch at the same time from five specific aspects.

【关键词】 文化“三俗”文化先进文化
【Key words】 culturethe vulgar productions and kitsch

