

The Influence of Instructional Style of Primary School Teacher on Their Instructional Behavior

【作者】 翟媛媛

【导师】 张景焕;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 创造性人才的开发和培养主要依靠教育,尤其是基础教育。随着素质教育的深入开展,小学生创造力的开发和培养也愈加受到重视。小学教师在基础教育中所扮演的重要角色,决定了小学教师的教学行为将直接影响到小学生的创造力的开发和培养。因此,对小学教师的创造性教学行为开展研究,帮助小学教师转变作为知识的传授者的角色,使小学教师真正成为学生学习的引导者,开展有效的创造性教学,完善小学教师的创造性教学行为,这是基础教育阶段的创造性教育顺利进行的关键。通过查阅已有文献发现,教学风格作为教师惯常的教学方式深刻的影响到教师的创造性教学行为的产生。而自我效能感作为个体行为的动力因素,也会在一定程度上影响到教师的教学行为。据此,本研究假设,小学教师的一般自我效能感在教师教学风格与创造性教学行为之间起中介作用。本研究采用问卷调查法,采取整群随机抽样的方法选取淄博市五区三县的8所小学的教师作为被试,施测小学教师创造性教学行为问卷、小学教师教学风格问卷和一般自我效能感问卷。共发放问卷270份,收回260份,其中有效问卷250份。采用方差分析、相关分析和结构方程模型等统计方法,考察了教学风格、一般自我效能感与创造性教学行为之间的关系。研究的结论如下:1.创造性教学行为中观点评价行为的得分显著高于动机激发、鼓励变通和学习方式指导的行为得分;动机激发行为得分显著高于鼓励变通和学习指导方式行为的得分;鼓励变通和学习方式指导行为二者的得分最低,并且两者之间不存在显著差异。小学教师得分最高的是观点评价行为。随着教龄和职称的的增长与升高,小学教师表现出愈来愈多的创造性教学行为,教龄在20年以上的小学教师的创造性教学行为水平最高,职称为小高的小学教师表现出最高水平的创造性教学行为。2.小学教师一般自我效能感总体水平较高。小学教师的一般自我效能感在学科、教龄、学历、职称和性别上差异均不显著。3.小学教师最主要教学风格为立法型风格,执法型教学风格所占比重最少。不同教龄的小学教师在局部型和保守型教学风格上差异显著。教龄5-9年的教师比教龄10-19年的教师更倾向于局部型教学风格,教龄20年以上的教师比教龄10-19年的教师更倾向于局部型教学风格,教龄20年以上的教师比教龄10-19年的教师更倾向于保守型教学风格。不同性别的小学教师在局部型和保守型教学风格上差异显著。在局部型和保守型教学风格上,女教师的教学风格得分显著高于男教师。4.小学教师的教学风格、一般自我效能感与创造性教学行为之间两两显著相关;小学教师的一般自我效能感在其教学风格和创造性教学行为之间起部分中介作用。

【Abstract】 The exploitation and cultivation of creative talents depends mainly on education , especially in basiceducation. With the deep development of quality education, the exploitation and cultivation of primarystudents’creativity is getting more attention increasingly. The crucial role that the primary school teachersplay in the basic education determines that the primary school teachers’teaching behaviors will directlyinfluence the exploitation and cultivation of primary students’creativity. Therefore, research on primaryschool teachers’creativity fostering behaviors, helping teachers transfer from imparting knowledge tostudents’ learning guidance, carrying out creative teaching, perfecting primary school teachers’creativityfostering behaviors are the key to expediting creative education smoothly in the stage of basic education.From the findings in the literature, teaching style, as the teachers’customary teaching methods, has aprofound effect on their creativity fostering behaviors. Self-efficacy is the dynamic factors of the individualbehavior and the teaching behaviors of the school teachers can also be affected by their self-efficacy.Accordingly, this study hypothesize that the general self-efficacy of primary school teachers plays anintermediary role between teachers’instructing style and creativity fostering behaviors.This study adopt questionnaire evaluation ,selecting eight primary school teachers who come from fivedistricts and three county of Zibo city as subjects by cluster random sampling and these teachers wasmeasured by Primary School Teachers’Creativity Fostering Behaviors questionnaire,primary school teachers’teaching style questionnaire and general self-efficacy questionnaire. 270 questionnaires have been distributedand 260 recovered, with 250 effective questionnaires. Whereafter, statistical methods such as the analysis ofvariance, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling have been adopted to investigate therelationship of the teaching style, the general self-efficacy and the creativity fostering behaviors.The conclusions of the study are as follows:1. The score of the behaviors of view judgment is significantly higher than the behaviors of inspiringstudents’motivation ,the behaviors of encouraging flexibility, and the behaviors of learning style instruction;the score of the behaviors of inspiring students’motivation is significantly higher than the behaviors ofencouraging flexibility and the behaviors of learning style instruction; the score of the behaviors ofencouraging flexibility and the behaviors of learning style instruction are of the lowest,and there is no significant difference between them;the behaviors of view judgment of the primary school teachers have thehighest score. Along with the growth of school age and the rise of professional titles, primary school teachersmake more and more creativity fostering behaviors in which teaching groups of primary school teachers inmore than 20 years show the highest level of creativity fostering behaviors and the primary school teacherswhose title is a small but high rank demonstrate the highest level of creativity fostering behaviors.2. The general self-efficacy of primary school teachers is higher totally. Primary school teachers’generalself-efficacy are not significantly different in the subject, teaching age, educational background, professionaltitle and gender.3. The dominating teaching style of primary school teachers is the legislative style,with the executivestyle accounting for the least. Different seniority of primary school teachers show a significant difference inthe local and conservative teaching styles.The teachers whose teaching age is 5-9 year is more inclined to thelocal teaching style than 10-19 years of teachers, the teachers whose teaching age is more than 20 years ismore inclined to the local teaching style than 10-19 years of teachers and the teachers whose teaching age ismore than 20 years is more inclined to the conservative teaching style than 10-19 years of teachers.Primaryschool teachers of different gender show a significant difference in the local and conservative teachingstyles.For the local and conservative teaching styles, teaching style of the female teachers scores significantlyhigher than male teachers.4. The primary school teachers’teaching styles, the general self-efficacy and creativity fosteringbehaviors, one of which is significantly related to one of the rest two; the general self-efficacy of primaryschool teachers plays a mediator role between teachers’teaching style and creativity fostering behaviors.


