

Research on Equal Pay for Equal Rights Protection for Labor Dispatch

【作者】 周卉卉

【导师】 刘燕;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 公共管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 劳务派遣,这个名词对于现代社会来说不是一个陌生的词语。在我国,最初作为劳动关系模式的创新性尝试至今,已经是从无到有,发展非常迅速,尤其是在我国经济发达地区(北京、长三角地区、珠三角地区)劳务派遣适用的行业在不断增多,劳务派遣员工(与劳务派遣机构签订劳动合同后派遣至实际用工单位工作的员工)越来越多。虽说当前我国已经颁布了有关劳务派遣的相关法律、法规,但是这些相关的法律和法规条款过于原则,缺乏比较全面的相关细节,在一定程度上影响其规范化发展,导致了一些社会问题。例如在劳务派遣中,用工单位为了追求企业利益的最大化,劳务派遣员工的合法权益常常受到侵犯而得不到必要的法律保护,其中劳务派遣员工遭遇“同工不同酬”问题尤其突出。本文通过采用文献法和案例分析法,首先对劳务派遣概念进行了界定,分析了这种劳动形式的特征、国内外的发展历史,以及2008年我国新出台的《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)对劳务派遣的相关规定。其次分析同工同酬原则的历史起源、在国内的发展和应用。强调了劳务派遣员工有享受“同工同酬”的权利,但在具体的实施过程中劳务派遣员工遭遇同工不同酬的现象依然普遍存在。作者在文章中以A单位为分析对象,通过比对一位劳务派遣员工和一位劳动合同工(与工作单位直接签订劳动合同的员工)在岗位工资、绩效工资(奖金)、补充绩效奖励、年度奖励、各类福利性收入等多方面存在的同工不同酬的现象。深入地分析了A单位采用劳务派遣制的原因和弊端,从而折射出我国针对劳务派遣员工享受同工同酬权利的有关法制规定存在欠缺。为了实现和谐社会的目标,劳动者作为推动社会进步的主体,必须保障他们同工同酬的合法利益。作者从政府方面、劳务派遣员工方面、用工单位方面、劳务派遣机构等方面提出了如何进一步完善劳务派遣员工同工同酬权利的相关建议和对策。

【Abstract】 Work dispatch, which is a familiar word for the modern world. As one of the labour and employment forms, it does not have a long history in China, but it develops fast from non-existing till now, especially in developed area (Beijing, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta) in China, we have increasing number of labour forces for work dispatch in increasing number of industries. However, there is no existing strong or effective regulation and legislation to protect it, which leads to unregulated development and the unequal pay for equal workload is typical in work dispatch.The adopted method in this paper is documentation method and on-the-spot investigation method. First, it studies on definition, characteristics of labour dispatch and also the principle for equal pay for equal rights, then analysis the milestone for China’s labour dispatch, combined with the history, current situation and future trendy in the other countries. China has a new Labour Contract Law in2008, standardized some guidelines for labour dispatch institutes, emphasis the right for work forces whoever involved in labour dispatch. Unfortunately, it is still quite common phenomenon to have unequal pay for equal workload in real world.The author chooses Company A as an example, focuses on discrepancy on salary, social insurance and warfare and etc between work dispatch labour forces and contract basis labour forces, which reflects the drawbacks from the existing regulation and legislation. We should not take it for granted for the sake of the stability of society. Also, the author brings out some suggestions for improvement. For example, based on the real scenario in China, government should interpret in more details based on the exsiting Labour Contract Law, specify the regulation and legislation for labour dispatch particularly, define the right application of certain regulation and legislation, and enforce effective supervision. Then the equal right for labour dispatch workers could be protected and safeguarded in this way.

  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【下载频次】697

