

Research on College Postgraduate’s Academic Integrity

【作者】 杜娟

【导师】 王文寅;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 高校是人才培养,知识传播和科技创新的重要基地,肩负着文明传承,人伦教化和科技创新的重要使命,理应是社会文明的标识和人类道德的旗帜,然而受我国社会转型时期社会上“急功近利”、心浮气躁”之风在大学校园的影响,我国高校近年来出现了前所未有的学术诚信失范危机,并迅速影响到象牙塔中的研究生这一特殊群体,学术诚信越来越成为研究生稀缺的品质。学术诚信是人们在学术活动中表现出来的诚信,守信行为,是尊重科学的态度,实事求是的精神的客观反映。研究生作为我国学术共同体的潜在力量,肩负着繁荣我国学术,促进我国科技发展的历史使命。研究生学术诚信素质的高低,不仅仅反映了研究生自身的学术和品格修养,也关系到我们的大学能否培养出具有创新精神和创新能力的新型学术性人才,关系到我国科教兴国战略的顺利实施。在制度建设和教育环节上加强和重视研究生学术诚信教育,提高研究生学术诚信自律意识和能力。增强研究生学术诚信道德观念,重视研究生学术诚信能力的培养,增强科研实践,充分发挥导师在研究生培养中的重要作用,创设良好的学术生态环境。因此研究生学术诚信失范危机,注重大学生学术诚信教育,对于国家、高校、大学生个人都具有重要意义。论文分为六个部分:第一部分指出研究的目的和意义;第二部分由“学术诚信”概念入手,阐明学术诚信的相关概念和理论,指出学术诚信对研究生的重要意义;第三部分总结了当前高校研究生学术诚信失范存在的问题及危害;第四部分是对研究生学术诚信失范的原因进行分析;第五部分主要在吸收借鉴发达国家高校研究生学术道德培养的经验与启示;第六部分就如何加强研究生学术诚信研究提出了建议。对于研究生来说,要加强自身的学术修养和道德自律;对于学校来说,要以多种途径加强研究生的学术诚信教育,减轻学生压力、提供宽松自由的学术氛围,建立严格、规范的监管机制,加大对研究生学术诚信缺失行为的处罚力度,培养大学生的学术创新能力。加强研究生学术诚信研究,治理学术诚信失范行为具有重要的现实意义。研究生学术诚信是科学研究的基本伦理规范,是提高学术水平和研究能力的重要保证,研究生学术诚信是社会道德的重要方面,对良好社会风气的形成具有示范和引导作用。

【Abstract】 Universities, major bases of qualified people training, knowledge diffusion andscientific and technological innovation, which are undertaking the significantmissions of inheriting civilization, enlightening human relations and innovating inscience and technology, are supposed to be a mark of social civilization and a flag ofhuman morals. Nevertheless, because college campus is influenced by the socialmode of longing for quick success and instant benefits, unprecedented lack ofacademic integrity has arisen in universities in recent years, which has a bad influenceon postgraduates. Therefore, academic integrity is increasingly becoming a rarequality for postgraduates. Academic integrity should be embodied in academics. Theact of integrity is an objective reflex of the attitude to esteem science and the spirit ofseeking truth from facts. As a potential power of academic community in our country,graduates will shoulder the historical mission of booming our country’s academicresearch and promoting the scientific development. Graduates’quality concerningacademic morals will not only reflect their own academic level but also be closelyrelated to whether our universities can educate new academic persons with creativespirit and ability. In the course of system construction and education, autonomicawareness and ability of postgraduate’s academic integrity should be enhanced andtaken seriously. Attach importance to develop the ability of graduate’s academicintegrity. Make the most of the part which tutors plays in graduate’s development.Build up a fine academic atmosphere. Thus, it is of great importance for graduates,universities and a country to pay much attention to the education of graduates’academic integrity.The thesis is divided into six sections. The first part states the purpose and thesignificance of the research briefly. Starting with the concept of academic integrity,the next part clarifies the related concepts and theories of academic integrity andpoints out the important role which academic integrity is playing in postgraduates.The third part summarizes the problems and harms for lack of academic integrityamong current postgraduates. The fourth part analyzes the causes of the lack ofacademic integrity among current postgraduates. The fifth part mainly uses forreference the experience and inspiration of the cultivation on college postgraduates’academic integrity. The last part gives some advice on how to strengthen collegepostgraduates’academic integrity. When it comes to postgraduates, they shouldenhance their academic and moral character, while as for colleges, they shouldenhance postgraduates’academic integrity in various ways, lessen students’pressure,offer free academic surroundings, set up strict supervision mechanism, strengthenpunishment for lack of academic integrity among current postgraduates and cultivatepostgraduates’academic innovation capability. It is of momentous current significance to strengthen the construction ofacademic integrity and improve the lack of it. As an important aspect of social morals,postgraduates’academic integrity, a basic moral principle and a main guarantee ofimproving academic levels and abilities, is playing a exemplary and guiding role inthe formation of a perfect social atmosphere.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

