

【作者】 贾伟

【导师】 吴国东;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 弹箭飞行与控制工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 海洋战争中,随着舰船防护机构逐步完善,反舰武器的毁伤破坏能力受到挑战。反舰导弹作为反舰武器代表,其研制发展受到各方关注。战斗部是反舰导弹的直接杀伤单元,本文选择串联战斗部方案,战斗部前级选用环形装药结构,后级选用半穿甲战斗部,旨在提高反舰战斗部毁伤能力。根据环形装药结构特点,分析并总结了影响环形侵彻体成型稳定性的主要因素,设计了截面呈弧-锥形的变壁厚环形药型罩,对该结构成型过程进行了仿真。通过仿真对比,验证了壁厚变化的设计合理性,突出了弧-锥形截面环形药型罩的优越性。讨论了药型罩曲率半径、锥角、罩顶厚度等因素对环形侵彻体性能的影响。利用灰关联分析方法,通过多因素分析,找出了各因素分别对环形侵彻体稳定性和毁伤能力的关联程度。根据舰船结构特点,将舰船目标等效成多层间隔薄靶。对串联战斗部前级侵彻靶板过程进行了仿真,验证了环形侵彻体的长距离飞行稳定性,体现了侵彻体在切割孔径方面的优势。设计不同头部形状后级弹丸,建立了后级半穿甲战斗部在不同速度下对多层间隔靶板的侵彻模型。详细研究了弹丸侵彻靶板过程,分析了弹丸速度和加速度的变化特征。以弹丸侵彻过程承受过载、弹丸飞行姿态、剩余速度等作为参考依据,对比得出了各头部形状弹丸的性能优劣。本文研究了反舰战斗部的发展状况,提出了反舰串联战斗部的设计方案,完成了战斗部侵彻目标的仿真研究,为反舰技术的进一步研究提供了参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 In naval battles, with the gradually improvement of the ship defensive structure, thedamage capability of the anti-ship weapons is being challenged. As the representative of theanti-ship weapons, the development of anti-ship missile gets widely attention. The anti-shipmissile warhead is the direct kill unit, in order to raise its damage capability, the present paperselect the scheme of tandem warhead. In the scheme, the front charge is annular shapedcharge, and the follow-through charge select semi-armor-piercing warhead.Combine with the characteristics of annular shaped charge, the primary factors whichhave influence on the mold stability of the annular penetrator are analyzed and summarized.The annular liner with variation thickness which presents arc-cone shape on its cross sectionis designed, and the formation of annular EFP is simulated based on the non-linear finiteelement software. Through simulation comparison, the rationality for design of variationthickness is verified, and the superiority of the annular liner which presents arc-cone shape onits cross section is manifested. Then the factors which influence on performance of annularpenetrator such as curvature radius, cone angle, top thickness of liner, height of charge andthickness of shell is discussed. Base on grey relation analysis theory, the correlation degreebetween the influencing factors and the stability of annular penetrator, factors and thepenetration performance of penetrator is obtained by multilevel discrimination analyzing.According to the structure characteristics, the ship can be equivalent to thin multi-layeredspaced targets. The simulating process of the front charge penetrate target prove that theannular penetrator is able to fly steadily in long distance, and it has advantage at the aspect ofpenetrating aperture. Through establishing projectiles with different nose shape, the model offollow-through charge penetrate multi-layered spaced targets in different velocity isestablished. At the same time, Mutative feature of projectile velocity and acceleration isanalyzed through detailed researching the process of penetrating. Take overload of projectile,attitude of flight and remaining velocity as reference, the performance contrast on differentnose shape can be obtain.The development condition of anti-ship warhead is firstly researched. The research proposes the design scheme of anti-ship tandem warhead and finishes the penetratingsimulation. The results of this study can provide reference to the research work for anti-shiptechnique.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

