

Research on Electromagnetic Railgun with Applications

【作者】 贾强

【导师】 高跃飞;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 兵器发射理论与技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 电磁发射技术作为一种推进技术,可实现高速度、大载荷发射,是对传统发射技术的一次突破。目前,世界上有多个国家投入了大量的时间和精力对电磁发射技术进行研究,取得了丰富的成果,很大程度上推进了电磁发射技术的工程应用进程。本文根据现阶段电磁发射技术的发展水平,从工程应用的角度对电磁轨道炮的相关技术进行了研究,并提出将电磁轨道式发射技术应用于迫击炮的发射中。此举既可降低电磁发射技术应用的难度,也可有效提高现有迫击炮的性能,使得电磁炮的可行性和实用性大为提高。论文论述了以下几个方面的工作:(1)从电磁轨道式发射技术的内弹道机理出发,首先对简单型和增强型的轨道发射理论公式进行推导,编制了计算机仿真程序,并采用程序对电磁迫击炮内弹道进行仿真和优化,认为采用12级分散储能方式可满足电磁迫击炮的发射要求。(2)对电磁轨道式发射系统发射过程中承受的载荷(相当于传统火炮中的后坐力)进行了分析与建模。分析计算表明,电磁轨道式发射装置在发射过程中有较大载荷,需要对其进行有效的缓冲,并提出几种载荷控制措施。在电磁迫击炮发射过程中所受载荷仿真的基础上,设计了相应的反后坐装置。(3)对电磁迫击炮电源系统方案进行设计,提出了三种可行的机动性电源系统方案。基于当前相关技术成熟度详细分析了初级储能装置、中间储能装置、充电装置、大功率半导体器件等装置的工作原理和选用参数。分析表明当前脉冲电源技术水平已基本满足机动型电磁迫击炮需求。(4)提出了电磁迫击炮系统的方案,并对该武器进行了实体建模和动力学仿真,仿真结果表明电磁迫击炮系统可较好满足发射静止性和稳定性,同时对电磁迫击炮发射时炮口扰动进行计算,表明该系统具有良好的射击精度。

【Abstract】 Electromagnetic launch technology (EML) has taken launch science and technology intoa new era. EML has a lot of unique advantages, such as high launch velocity, large massprojection, high efficiency, easy control and so on. Recently, many efforts have been made tothe EML research and its applications, and much progress has been achieved and theapplication of electromagnetic launch has been promoted near practicability.In this paper, techniques about application of EML in weapons are studied and anelectromagnetic rail mortar weapon was put forward, which makes the feasibility of the EMLweapon better. Otherwise, application of EML into mortar weapon significantly enhances thisweapon performance.The research works involved in this thesis are as follows.Firstly, modeling of the simple rail gun and multi-turn rail gun were constructed based onthe deduction of theoretical formulae and the interior ballistic behavior of electromagneticmortar was simulated through a compiled computer routine. Computational results showedthat a 12 steps-energy-store system could meet the need of the electromagnetic mortar.Secondly, the recoil force of the electromagnetic mortar was analyzed by finite elementmethod. To buffer this force a variety of measures were discussed and a recoil mechanism forthe electromagnetic mortar was designed.Thirdly, the scheme of power system for the electromagnetic mortar was designed and toimprove the feasibility, different power assembly is utilized according the development ofpulse power technology.Lastly, a mobile electromagnetic mortar system is proposed. To predict the systemperformance, the three-dimensional model and then the dynamic model of this weapon werecreated. The characteristics of the electromagnetic mortar were simulated by multi-bodydynamics software ADAMS. The simulation results show that the electromagnetic mortarsystem has good stability and its firing accuracy can meet the requirement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

