

Study on the Impact of Network Position on Knowledge Acquisition and Competitive Advantage of New Ventures

【作者】 王璐

【导师】 项国鹏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现今世界经济的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业意图在竞争越演越烈的市场上占据一席之地。而大多数有冒险精神的人士选择新创企业这一形式来达成目的。新创企业的成立形式灵活多样,便利于各位资源薄弱的创业者。尤其这些新创企业具有新生活力,加速了产业技术的创新发展,推动了国家和地区的经济发展。但由于资源受限且缺少支持,面临很大的不确定性,许多新创企业并不能顺利成长,夭折于创立初期,存活率较低。这成为了各位创业者心中的一个隐忧。近年来,企业越来越依赖于各企业的网络关系来获取支持,新创企业也开始有计划的选择合适的网络位置来嵌入于本地网络,解决资源短缺的问题,并设法将企业地位依赖转化为支配。这也为新创企业向利益终端的前进奠定了基础。因此,如何构建合适的网络位置,使其可持续的为新创企业提供资源优势,也就成为新创企业要面临的一个重要问题。现有研究虽然也阐述了不同的网络位置特征以及会为企业带来的核心优势,但对于网络位置影响企业竞争优势的机理研究明显不足,尤其是有关新创企业的研究更显稀少。本文在对新创企业网络位置、知识资源获取和企业竞争优势等相关文献进行回顾和整理的基础上,深入挖掘了新创企业竞争优势的维度划分,围绕着企业如何构建合适的网络位置来培养新创企业的竞争优势这一基本问题,构建了网络位置、知识资源获取和企业竞争优势的关系模型。进一步的探讨了这三个问题:(1)不同的网络位置对新创企业的竞争优势有怎么样的影响?(2)知识资源获取对新创企业竞争优势的影响如何?(3)知识资源获取在网络位置与新创企业竞争优势的关系之间起着什么样的作用?本文采用问卷调查的方式,获取了新创企业的相关数据,并通过相关分析、因子分析、多元线性回归分析等统计方法对所提出的理论模型和研究假设进行了验证,主要得出以下研究结论:(1)本研究以相关研究为基础,用中心度、网络密度和网络异质性来衡量企业个体网络位置,并研究其与新创企业竞争优势这间的关系。研究结果表明,它们都对竞争优势有积极的正向影响。具体而言,高中心度有利于新创企业接触网络中的稀有资源和知识,并与其他企业建立联系,获取相关企业的认可,以便新创企业降低资源的获取成本,并取得支持,进而提升企业的资源优势;而处于结构洞位置的企业能够获取更多的异质性知识,为企业提升自主创新能力提供基础,为企业竞争优势的持续构筑提供助力。当然,凡事过犹不及,过分沉溺于网络位置的构建,反而会适得其反。(2)随着社会网络理论的深入研究,学者们注意到网络位置对新创企业竞争优势的作用更多的是通过知识资源获取来实现的。新创企业的网络位置必然会导致企业的资源获取,然并不是所有的资源会提升新创企业的竞争优势构建,只有那些稀缺的,有价值的,资源才会为竞争优势的构建添砖加瓦。实证研究的结果表明,知识资源获取在新创企业的网络位置与企业竞争优势之间起着中介作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of the economy over the world, more and more adventurous people want to win in the market by launching new ventures. New ventures are the newborn strength that has vigor and flexible forms, thus they promote the innovation of the technology while they accelerate the growth of the social and regional economy. Because of the liability of newness which led to its high uncertainty, many new ventures that show a phenomenon of lower survival rate died in the early growth stage. It becomes a concern of many entrepreneurs.In the recent years, many ventures begin to take advantage of the stable relationship with external network to gain support. New ventures also plan to choose network position to solve the problem of the shortage of resources and translate the dependence of new ventures into the dominance. So how to establish the network position for providing the resource advantage of new ventures becomes the key problem of new ventures. Although, existing theoretical research outlined the characteristics of network position and the competitive advantage it brings up, the research on mechanism and context of how network position impacts firms’competitive advantage are still inadequate, and the relative empirical research findings also have some of the conflict, especially those new ventures.Based on the review of the relevant studies of network position, knowledge acquisition and competitive advantage of new ventures, focusing on how to build an appropriate network position to enhance the competitive advantage, this paper establishes a model of network position, knowledge acquisition and competitive advantage. This paper also explore three closely related questions step by step:First, what are the impacts of network positions on competitive advantage? Second, what are the impacts of knowledge acquisition on competitive advantage? Third, what are the mechanisms of knowledge acquisition on the relationship between network position and competitive advantage? Empirically, this paper was conducted with a questionnaire and the data was get from related new ventures. We apply data factor analysis and linear regression analysis to test the theoretical model and hypothesis raised. Through the above research, some conclusions can be presented as follows:(1)Based on the relevant researches, this paper uses centrality, network heterogeneity and network density to measure the network position and studies their impacts on the competitive advantage. The empirical results suggest that they have positive impacts on the competitive advantage. Specifically, on one hand, the prominent position has impacts on new ventures’acquisition of rare resources and knowledge, and establishing closed contact and trust between pairs, which can lower the cost of acquiring new resources, get support and promote the resource advantages. On the other hand, those new ventures in structural hole position can gain more heterogeneous knowledge, which pave the way of strengthening the independent innovation capability and provide helps for sustaining the competitive advantage. However, too much water drowned the miller. If the firms maintain high levels on network position, it may result in poor performance.(2)As the network theories developed, more and more researchers find that the effects of network position on the competitive advantage for the new venture mostly depend on the knowledge acquisition. The network position of new venture can result in the acquisition of resources. But not all the resource would promote the competitive advantage of new venture. Only those valuable, rare resources that are difficult to get are good for the competitive advantage. The empirical researches show that the knowledge acquisition performs the intermediation functions between the network position and the competitive advantage for the new venture.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】275

