

Research on the Different Development Stages and Characteristics of Scientific

【作者】 马娟

【导师】 雷强;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 科研是指利用科研手段和技术,为了认识客观事物的内在本质和运动规律而进行的调察研究和实验。[1]体操科研是对体操理论,包括教学、训练、竞赛等研究成果的分析、总结,从而探讨出其中所存在的发展规律和现象本质。[1]儿十年来,我国体操科研在良好的开端、广泛普及、深入发展和积极提高的过程中稳步前进,为我国体操学科的理论建设和运动训练实践等方面都做出了重大贡献。体操的发展和科研水平的提高是紧密相连的,我国体操在不断发展和提高的过程中也促进着我国科研水平的向前发展。体操科研对体操教学、训练以及重大赛事都起着重要的指导作用。同时为保证我国体操技术水平的持续发展,在2012年伦敦奥运会举办之际,本文结合前人的研究成果,对我国从1959年到2010年体操科研现状的总结、分析、研究,并探索出每一阶段存在的内在规律和特征。科研论文是反映和记录科研成果的重要形式,每一种科学研究和技术的创新、突破都是以科学文献为最后表现方式。本文通过文献资料调研法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对1959年到2010年我国13种体育类核心期刊体操论文进行统计分析,根据体操史对竞技体操发展的阶段划分,对体操科研也进行阶段划分研究,从体操文献数量、研究内容、研究方法、论文作者分析、期刊论文献的分布情况等方面研究不同阶段之间存在的联系和其内在规律及特征,并展示出对体操技术影响最大的阶段以及科研水平最高的阶段,对各个阶段进行客观的分析和评价,找出其中存在的问题,为体操发展做出理论贡献。研究结果如下:1,1959年到2010年我国体操科研呈现高低起伏的增长趋势,在1978年之前体操科研论文文献较少,出现两次低谷,1987年以后体操科研文献量迅速增大,呈现稳中增长,稍有F降,总体增长趋势。2,我国体操科研从1959—2010年论文发表的基本状况大致可分为五个阶段,第一阶段:体操科研的初步开展,1959—1966、第二阶段:“文革”中体操科研的受挫1967—1978、第三阶段:体操科研的复苏和稳步发展,1979—1987、第四阶段:体操科研稳步发展阶段1988—1996、第五阶段:体操科研腾飞发展阶段1997—2010。3,我国体操科研不同阶段的52年,体操科研研究内容不断增多,不同阶段的研究热点也不尽相同,学科理论(现状分析及发展、生理生化,生物力学、电子计算机信息技术、体操科研、体操健身)是贯穿五个阶段的的研究重点和研究热点。4,我国体操科研的主力军是具有副教授职称和讲师职称的中青年专业教师,我国体操科研从第一阶段到第五阶段论文撰写的合作一直呈现增长趋势,表明我国体操研究者集体合作意识的不断增强。5,我国体操科研研究方法也是随着体操科研的不断发展,在第一阶段体操科研开展和第二阶段采用的研究方法较少,到第三阶段开始增多,但大多数采用主要是文献资料法,数理统计法,调查问卷法分析法,对生物力学、运动学研究方法,实验法的应用较少。6,对我国体操科研从1959年到2010年发表文献量较大的期刊顺序依次为《中国体育科技》、《北京体育大学》、《武汉体育学院学报》、《上海体育学院学报》和《西安体育学院学报》。

【Abstract】 Essence and movement law of the adjustable observes the research and experiment. gymnastics research is to gymnastics theory, including the teaching and training, contest research results of the analysis, the summary, and discusses the existing development law of nature and the phenomenon.[1] for decades, China’s gymnastics in the beginning of good scientific research, widespread popularization, further development and actively improve process steady progress, and for our country of the discipline of the theoretical construction of gymnastics and sports training practice made significant contributions.Continuous development and improvement of the process of China’s scientific research is promoting the level of forward development. Gymnastics to gymnastics teaching, scientific research training and major event was plays an important role in guiding the. At the same time to ensure that our country gymnastics of the technical level of the sustainable development, and in the2012Olympic Games in London the host, this paper combining with the results of other researchers, to our country from1959to2010, the present research situation of the summary and analysis, research, and explores the existing each phase of the inner laws and features。A scientific paper is reflected and record an important form of the scientific research achievements, each kind of scientific research and technological innovation, and a breakthrough in the scientific literature is for the final presentation. This article through literature method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis of1959to2010in China13sports journals gymnastics papers of statistical analysis, according to gymnastics history to athletics gymnastics development phases, and scientific research of gymnastics phases of the research, from gymnastics literature quantity, research contents, the research methods, authors analysis, journal of the distribution of the offerings in research between different stages of contact and the inherent law and characteristics, and exhibit the gymnastic techniques have the biggest impact on stage, as well as the scientific level is the highest stage, to each phase of objective analysis and evaluation, find out the existing problems, in order to make a theoretical contribution gymnastics development. The results were as follows:1,1959to2010in China on the scientific research the ups and downs of the growth trend, before1978research paper literature gymnastics less, twice in the lowlands,1987years later gymnastics scientific research literature volume increased rapidly, present is steady growth, a slight decline, general growth trend. 2, the scientific research in our country from1959-2010paper presented the basic situation can be divided into five stages, the first stage:the preliminary scientific research in gymnastics,1959-1966, the second stage:"cultural revolution" in gymnastics scientific research of the1967-1978,, and the frustration third stage:the scientific research of the recovery and develop steadily,1979-1987, the fourth stage: gymnastics research a stage of stable development1988-1996, the fifth stage: gymnastics scientific research development phase1997-2010boom.3, our country gymnastics scientific research in different phases of the52years, research content increasing scientific research gymnastics, different phase of the study hotspot is endless also and same, discipline theory (to analyze the current situation and development, physiological, biochemical, biomechanics, electronic computers and information technology, the scientific research, the gymnastics fitness) is through five stages of the point of research and hotspot.4, our country is the main force of the scientific research is associate professor titles and lecturer title of the young and middle-aged professional teachers, our country from the first stage to research the fifth stage of the thesis writing, cooperation has been present growth trend, shows that the Chinese gymnastics researchers collective cooperation to enhance awareness.5, the research methods of scientific research in China is also as gymnastics development of scientific research, in the first stage and the second stage in the scientific research of the research method is a less, to the third stage started to increase, but most use mainly is the literature material method, mathematical statistics method, the survey questionnaire analysis, on biological mechanics, kinematics research method, the experimental method of application of less.6, the scientific research of our country from1959in2010to in the journal sequence larger influence for the China sports science and technology ","the Beijing sport university","the wuhan institute of physical education journal","Shanghai sports institute journal" and "xian sports institute journal.

  • 【分类号】G832
  • 【下载频次】113

