

Research on Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Middle School Students’ Physical Exercise in Xi’an

【作者】 陈久玉

【导师】 许治平;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中学生体质健康水平的高低是衡量中华民族健康素质的重要标志,也关系着我国对人才培养的质量。随着全民健身计划在各级各类学校的贯彻实施,体育锻炼已成为学校体育工作和学生学习生活中的重要组成部分,也是培养学生体育能力、完成体育任务、养成终身体育习惯的重要保证。据第5次全国中学生体质健康调查报告显示,20多年来我国中学生体质在持续下降,中学生健康面临前所未有的挑战。为了改善广大中学生的体质健康状况,中共中央国务院于2007年发布了《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》。意见指出:“要广泛开展‘全国亿万学生阳光体育运动’,鼓励学生走向操场、走进大自然、走到阳光下,形成青少年体育锻炼的热潮”,“保证学生每天锻炼一小时,每个学生每周至少参加三次课外体育锻炼”。这充分显示了党和国家对中学生体质健康状况的重视程度。但对于体育工作者而言体育锻炼涉及面广,工作难度大,若干关系需要协调、理顺,否则将严重影响和妨碍学生体育锻炼的开展。本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对西安市尊德中学、西安市第四十八中、西安市第六中学初二年级学生和西安市第六中学、高陵一中、西安市第三中学高二年级学生共2023人进行问卷发放,通过问卷调查和现场访问,通过统计与分析后得出以下结论:1不管在课间休息、午休、还是放学回家后,能够主动进行体育锻炼的学生所占比例都非常的少,唯有假期才会有一部分学生会主动进行体育锻炼,但假期里也一样会有基本不参加体育活动的学生,主要原因是即使是在假期中也有尽一半的学生每天用在学习文化课上的时间是在4小时以上。2调查结果显示,有些学校根本没有课间操或大课间活动,致使学生丧失了为数不多的在学校参加体育锻炼的机会。3学生在校外参加体育活动或进行体育锻炼时,依然是沿用学校体育老师所教授的方法,少有专人辅导或指点,学校或社区也没有与体育锻炼相关的宣传栏,学生关于体育锻炼知识的获取渠道较为单一。4中学生进行体育锻炼希望能够结伴而行,通常结伴的对象会是朋友、同学和家长,家长忙于工作也会导致中学生进行体育锻炼受到影响。5在调查中,多数学生都认为学校的场地设施器材等硬件条件无法满足他们进行体育锻炼的需求,甚至还有学校没有体育器材或不向学生提供体育器材。6学校对体育锻炼没有足够的重视,课外体育活动时间经常被占用,班主任对学生进行体育锻炼情况也不够重视。7中学生对于体育锻炼没有浓厚的兴趣,对体育的重要性没有明确的认识。有些学生即使知道体育的重要性,也鲜有时间进行锻炼。8对于体育锻炼的重要性和必要性,没有一个良好的社会导向,无论是社会、学校还是家长都一味的追求文化课成绩,忽略了体育锻炼对身体的影响作用。

【Abstract】 The physical health level of high school students is an important criterion for measuring the health qualities of the Chinese nation, but also concerns the quality of education in our country. With the implementation of the nationwide fitness program, school physical exercise at all levels has become an important part of school life. It is also an important guarantee for training student’s physical ability, completing the physical tasks and developing lifelong physical exercise habits. According to the Fifth National Middle School Physical Health survey report, middle school students’ physical conditions continue to decline during the past 20 years. The health of middle school students is facing an unprecedented challenge. In order to improve the physical health status of the majority of middle school students, the State Council issued Views on the strengthening youth physical conditions, which suggests to extensively carry out "Sunshine sports for hundreds of millions of students", encouraging the students walk out from the classroom to the playground, to nature, to enjoy the sunshine, to form the habit of doing physical exercise, to ensure that the students can exercise one hour each day, and at least three extra-curricular physical exercises each week. This fully shows that the government pays great attention to students’ physical health status. However, for those physical educators, physical exercise involves a wide range of difficult work, and several relations need to coordinate and rationalize, otherwise it will seriously affect and hinder students’ physical exercise.This paper adopts several research methods, such as documentary analysis, interviewing, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics. In Xi’an several middle schools, there are 2023 students accepting questionnaire survey. Through the survey and interviewing, by statistic and analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:1. during the break or after the class, there are very few students can actively engage in physical exercise. Only in vacation, some students may actively engage in physical exercise. But even in vacation, many students never engage in any physical exercise. The main reason of the above phenomenon is that almost half of the students spend more than 4 hours studying every day even on vacations.2. It can be seen from the survey that some school do not have exercise and activity between classes, depriving students of the opportunity to participate in physical exercise at school.3. When students participate in extracurricular sports or physical exercise, they still follow the methods taught in school, seldom guided by professionals. There are exercise and sports-related billboards in school or community, the source of physical exercise knowledge is not enough.4. When students participate in physical exercise, they tend to keep companies which mostly are friends, classmate and parents, yet parents are always busy with their work, hence to influence students’participation in physical exercise.5. In the survey, most of the students think that the venue equipment of school facilities and other hardware conditions can’t meet their demand for physical exercise.6. Schools do not pay enough attention to physical exercise, and extra-curricular sports activities time is often occupied. The head teacher of the class also does not value physical exercise enough.7. Middle school students do not have a strong interest for physical exercise and don’t have a clear understanding about its importance. Even if some students know its importance, yet they have time to exercise.8. There is no social guidance for the importance and necessity of physical exercise, teachers and parents are all blindly pursuit of general knowledge courses, but ignoring physical exercise’s role in health.


