

Rural Basketball Movement,S Development Dilemma,Reason and Countermeasure Research under the New Rural Construction in Yimeng Mountain Area

【作者】 周洋

【导师】 徐丰;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,“三农”问题已经受到党和政府的高度重视。由于其重要性,党的十六届五中全会提出了建设“社会主义新农村”的历史性重大任务。建设社会主义新农村是党中央,国务院根据我国国情,以满足新形势下解决“三农”问题所作出的重要战略决策。在新农村建设中,农村体育文化已成为建设社会主义新农村的重要组成部分,其发展进程对新农村建设起着相当重要的作用。党在《关于制定第十一五规划的说明》中提出了“努力提高广大农民群众健康水平,积极开展全民健身运动”。自改革开放以来,特别是“全民健身计划纲要”实施后,农村体育取得了令人瞩目的的进展。但是现在农村体育还是很不乐观,仍然存在着很多问题,大多数农民的身体健康状况仍然不能令人满意。目前关于新农村体育的研究主要是关于新农村体育活动开展较好的地区,而作为像沂蒙山区这样经济相对落后地区的农村体育发展研究成果还是比较少,势必会影响的社会主义新农村建设的步伐。要深入研究农村体育,了解当前沂蒙山区农村的体育现状,就必须渗透到当地具体的农村社区当中,这样才能更加深入、更加清晰地认识了解沂蒙山区农村体育的真实面貌。本文运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法和数理统计法等研究方法,对沂蒙山区农村篮球开展的现状进行了调查研究,旨在弄清农村篮球活动的现实状况,调查研究影响农村篮球开展的根本原因,并提出相应的可行性的建议和策略,为有关部门提供一定的参考和建议。本文从沂蒙山区农村的农民群众、社会社会体育指导员和有关领导三个方面对农村篮球活动、比赛、组织指导、以及经费投入等方面进行研究。结果显示,1.沂蒙山区农村篮球的发展历程和现状证明了篮球很受当地农民群众的的欢迎,而且已经融入当地民俗,并在逐步改变着当地农民的生活方式。2.沂蒙山区开展农村篮球比赛的特点是:时间相对集中,多数比赛自发组织、形式多样,队员较少但观众群体庞大。3.沂蒙山区农村群众开展篮球活动的特点是:锻炼时间多选择在农闲季节、传统节日、假日等;以健身为主要目的;锻炼形式以半场对抗和自由练习为主4.沂蒙山区农村篮球开展取得了良好的社会功效。对促进山区农村文化建设取得了良好成效:加快了农村体育活动场地的建设、培养了农村体育骨干力量、丰富了农民的业余文化生活、净化了农村社会生活风气、改善了村邻与干群关系、为建设社会主义新农村贡献了巨大的力量。5.沂蒙山区农村篮球活动存在问题是:缺乏基层体育组织;场地设施不足且缺乏维护;篮球活动经费不足且来源单一;篮球活动开展状况不稳定;农民的体育观念淡薄;社会体育指导员数量少、质量差;部分领导对体育观念淡薄不重视。其中经济状况、场馆设施、健康观念和组织领导是影响沂蒙山区农村篮球活动开展的主要因素。针对沂蒙山区篮球活动存在的问题,提出如下发展对策:1加强政府职能管理落实相关的篮球工作政策;2.大力宣扬体育的功能,加强群众参与篮球活动的意识;3.加强群众篮球活动场地设施的开发和利用4.加强群众篮球活动指导员队伍的建设;5.加大经费投入,多方筹措资金,不拘一格培育农村篮球市场;6.引进激励机制,总结工作经验;

【Abstract】 In our country, "3 farming" problem has been the party and government attach great importance to it. Because of its importance, the party’s sixteen session of Fifth Plenary Session proposed building "new socialist countryside" the historic major task. Building a new socialist countryside is the Party Central Committee, the State Council according to the conditions of our country, in order to meet the new situation, solve "3 farming" the problem made an important strategic decision. In the new rural construction, rural sports culture construction has become an important part of new socialist countryside, the development process of new rural construction plays a very important role. Party in the" about making eleventh five programming instructions" in put forward " strive to improve the health level of broad farmer masses, actively carry out the national fitness campaign". Since the reform and opening up, especially the " outline of the nationwide body-building plan" after the implementation of rural sports attract people’s attention, made the progress. But at present rural sports still exist many problems, most farmer’s physical condition is still not satisfactory. On the new rural sports research is mainly about the new rural sports activities in areas with better, and as the Yimeng mountain area such as economy relatively backward area of the development of rural sports research is still relatively small, certainly will influence the socialist new rural construction pace. Further study of rural sports, the current understanding of Yimeng mountain area rural sports present situation, must penetrate into the specific local rural community, so as to more in-depth, more clearly understand the true face of Yimeng mountain area rural area sports.In this paper, by using the method of questionnaire investigation, literature study, interview and mathematical statistics and other research methods, the Yimeng Mountain Area Rural basketball development the current situation investigation and study, aims to find out how rural basketball situation, investigation and study effect of rural basketball development the basic reason, and put forward the corresponding suggestions and strategies, for the Department to provide some references and suggestions.This article from the Yimeng mountain area of the village, social sport instructors and concerned leader three aspects of rural basketball activities, competition, organization and guidance, as well as the input of funds and so on were studied. The results show,1 the Yimeng Mountain Area Rural basketball development course and the present situation of basketball in Yimeng mountain area that is one of the most popular events, and has been involved in local folklore, and gradually change the local fanner way of life.2 the Yimeng mountain area begins rural basketball game characteristic is:time is relatively concentrated, the game of initiative organization, formal diversity, the audience is huge.3 the Yimeng mountain area rural masses develop basketball activity is characterized by:exercise time multiple selection in slack season season, traditional festivals, holidays etc; fitness-oriented; exercise form to half against free practice mainly.4 the Yimeng Mountain Area Rural basketball development achieved good social effect. To promote a mountainous area rural culture construction obtained favorable result:accelerated rural sports venue construction, develop rural sports backbone, rich peasants amateur cultural life, purification rural social customs, improve the relations between cadres and the masses, and the adjacent village for the construction of new socialist countryside contributed great power.5 the Yimeng Mountain Area Rural basketball problem is:grassroots sports organizations lack funding instability; activity; activity imbalance; farmer sports concept, sports education is insufficient. The state of the economy, infrastructure facilities, health perception and organizational leadership is the influence of Yimeng Mountain Area Rural basketball activities of the main factors.In Yimeng Mountain Area basketball movement problems, put forward the following countermeasures:1 strengthen the functions of the government management related to the implementation of the policy of vigorously promoting the work of 2 basketball; sports function, strengthen masses to participate in basketball consciousness; 3 strengthen the mass basketball sports facilities in the development and use of 4 strengthen the mass basketball instructor team construction; 5 increase funds investment, multi-party financing, not to stick to one pattern to cultivate rural basketball market; 6 introduce incentive mechanism, sum up working experience;

【关键词】 沂蒙山区农村篮球活动现状对策
【Key words】 Yimeng mountain arearuralbasketballcurrent situationCountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G812.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】176

