

Research on the Visual Fatigue of Stereo Video Caused by Contradiction between Convergence and Focus Adjustment

【作者】 李思思

【导师】 王飞;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术的不断发展以及社会文明的不断进步,人们对于生活品质的要求逐步提高,对于事物的感知也越来越趋向于真实化,具象化。在这一需求之下,立体视技术得以高速发展。它能够带给人们一种强烈的沉浸感和纵深感,并且能够摆脱平面的控制,甚至提供给人们360°全方位的立体展现。因此广泛运用于军事、医疗、工程、娱乐、教育以及数据可视化等各个领域,融会贯穿于人们生活的方方面面。目前,立体视技术中较为成熟的是基于双目视差的立体视技术,其原理是通过图像处理以及辅助配套设备的作用使得观察者左眼只看到左图像,右眼只看到右图像,利用双眼的辐辏作用成像于空间点,使物像跃出或凹陷于屏幕内,从而形成纵深的空间感。但由此引发了一个与客观生理因素相违背的问题,即此时辐辏与焦点调节的不一致,眼睛的焦点调节在显示屏幕上,而辐辏却聚焦于空间像点,双眼在这两者之间不断的平衡调节、自适应,终将会在一定时间后出现诸如视力模糊、眼睛干涩、眩晕复视、羞光甚至恶心呕吐等视疲劳症状,严重时还可能对人体视觉系统带来不可逆转的伤害。由于视疲劳的产生是由于这种技术原理性的缺陷,因此不可消除,但可以通过研究得到一系列措施,使得视疲劳程度尽可能地减轻至能承受的范围之内。本文在充分了解了立体视技术的发展现状、技术原理等理论知识的基础上,着重研究了基于双目视差的立体视技术,分析了其实现的基本原理以及此类技术条件下视觉疲劳症状的成因。然后设计实验探寻交叉视时左右眼视图水平位差距离对立体感与视疲劳度的影响,并提出改善视觉疲劳的措施。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of science technology and the improvement of the social civilization, people’s reqirements for the life qulity are improving gradully, the perception of things is becoming more and more real and concrete. The technology of the stereo is highly prompted based on this demand. It can bring the users strong sense of immerse and depth, and get out of the control of parallax, even provide people with stereo display in comprehensive directions of 360°. Thus this technology is widely used in the field of military, medical, engineering, entertainment, education, data visualization and other fields, and it has already introjected throughout all aspects of people’s lives.Nowadays, the mature developed technology in stereo is the stereo technology based on binocular diparity, whose principle is to make the viewers see the left images through only left eye and right images through only right eye with image processing and other functions of auxiliary equipments, and it applies the binocular convergence to imaging the space points, so that the objects can be out of the screen or inside it, and the deep feeling of space is established. However, a problem against the objective physiological factors is caused, that is because of the contradiction of convergence and focus adjustment, the focus of viewer’s eyes is adjusted to the display screen, while the convergence is focus on the space point, then two eyes will keep adjusting and adapting, finally visual fatigue symptoms will appear such as blurred vision, dry eyes, dizziness diplopia, shame light even nausea and vomiting and so on, and may cause permanent damage to human body. As those visual fatigue symptoms are caused by the original rational defects, which meas cannot be eliminated. Nonetheless series of measures can be obtained through research, so that the visual fatigue can be reduced to the range withstand as far as possible.This paper studies the stereo technology based on binocular disparity, in the basis of understanding the technology’s development present situation and its technical principles, and analyzes the basic principles of implementation and the cause of visual fatigue symptoms. Then experiment is designed to explore the parallax distance’s effect on the stereo feeling and visual fatigue when the parallax distance is negtive, and then put forward measures to improve the visual fatigue.


