

Progress Control in the Management System of Innovation and Reseach Projects

【作者】 刘智超

【导师】 金永生;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国市场对外开放的力度不断加强,外资企业大量入驻中国,使国内企业原有的成本优势大为削弱。为了提高自身竞争力,国内企业对技术研发的重视程度超过以往任何一个时期,从而促进了研发管理思想和管理工具在国内的快速发展。尽管通过软件系统管理研发工作的思路逐步被企业所认知,但软件实施和使用的实际效果却普遍不佳,尤其在软件实施进度管控方面难以取得预期效果。为了保证软件系统成功实施,在项目实施进度管控过程中采用恰当的模式是十分必要的。论文首先对国内外研发项目管理思想、软件系统实施案例以及进度控制的方法论等研究成果进行了借鉴与分析,进而提出本文的研究思路与研究方法。本文主要思路在于发现研发管理中存在的难题,明确软件系统对于解决难题的作用,并以此为基础,结合普天研究院研发管理VisuaiProject系统(以下简称VP系统)实施案例,形成一个完整的针对研发管理系统实施项目的进度控制方案模板,以期在同类项目中起到参考作用。在论文的前三章,通过文献着重于阐述了在研发管理领域、软件实施领域国内外的研究现状,确定了研发管理系统实施中的原理、目标及实施要点,以此作为后续系统实施项目进度管控的约束。第四章,结合普天研究院案例将进度管控要点具体化,形成完整的、可执行的进度管控方案。第五章,分析“报工数据”对进度管控的重要作用,并提出结合考核与激励手段保证“报工数据”准确性的方案。第六章,对整体研究成果进行了总结,并提出未来的研究方向。本文的研究对象普天研究院是中国普天的技术核心,在为普天集团开发新产品的同时,还担负着国家重大专项研究工作,在通信研发领域具有一定影响力。因此基于对VP系统实施过程中进度管控方案的研究,提出的研发管理系统实施进度管理模板对研发类企业进行软件化管理的实施具有广泛的推广价值与借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Since China’s economic reforms started, there has been a remarkable growth in the number of foreign enterprises. The entry of foreign counterparts increases the competition and weakens the cost advantage that China’s domestic enterprises previously owned. To improve competitive strength, domestic enterprises set up more efforts on the technological innovation than ever before, which encourages the research on advanced management concepts and management instruments. Although the employment of software systems on managing the innovation and research works has been gradually accepted by enterprises, the adopted software systems have not produced expected benefits. To ensure the effective and efficient application of software systems on managing innovation and research projects, the adoption of appropriate module plays important role during the process.The study analyzes and concludes the domestic and international management concepts of innovation and research projects, as well as the literature on implementation of managerial software. Further, the research idea and methodology are presented. The study aims to identify problems during the innovation and research management, clarify the effectiveness and importance of software systems on problem resolution. On this ground, taking the Visual Project (VP) of the Potevio Institute of Technology as an example, the study formulates the process template of implementation of managerial software system on innovation and research projects, which is expected to provide information for similar projects.The first two chapters demonstrate present research findings in the fields of innovation management and software implementation; clarify the theories, objectives and key points of the software management implementation on innovation and research projects. Based on this, the following progress control of the implementation is restricted. The third chapter reifies the progress control by a case study of the Potevio VP project, which shapes the executive progress control scheme entirely. The fourth chapter analyzes the important role that business hours report plays in the progress control, and proposes the combination of assessment and motivation to ensure the accuracy of such report. The fifth chapter makes a conclusion and presents the research future direction.The research object of this study, the Potevio Institute of Technology, is the key department of technological innovation of the China Potevio Group. While working on the new products of the Group, the institute is also undertaking the key national research projects. Therefore, it is typical and influential in the research area of communication technology. The research on the process of VP system implement and proposed patterns of software system construction are informative and helpful for the software management in the future.

  • 【分类号】F407.672
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】125

