

The Design and Implementation of a Prison-Oriented Intelligent Video Monitor System

【作者】 张瑱

【导师】 李朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 监狱是关押、改造服刑人员的场所,是重要的国家机器之一。监狱的安全防范工作关系着社会的稳定、国家的安宁。视频监控是整个监狱安防系统的基础,它保证了服刑人员的所有活动都处在值班干警的视线范围之内。当前,国内监狱广泛使用数字化视频监控系统,由于此类视频监控系统是将人作为监控者本身,从而在监控能力上存在许多局限,导致在大多时候只能用于事后取证,无法起到预警、报警的作用。而智能视频监控系统能够识别不同的物体,发现监控画面中的异常情况,并能够以图像声音的方式发出警报,提供有用信息,从而能够更加有效地协助安全人员处理危机,并最大限度降低误报和漏报现象。然而现实情况在于,国内尚未有一所监狱使用智能视频监控系统。原因在于,一方面监狱对智能视频监控技术的需求尚不清晰;另一方面,大部分设备厂商不了解监狱实际情况,无法清晰的向监狱描绘哪些智能视频监控技术适合监狱的业务,导致监狱想用却不敢用智能视频监控系统。本文采用了软件工程的方法,阐述了监狱使用视频监控系统的现状和不足,分析了监狱对智能视频监控系统的需求,并且根据监狱的实际情况和需求设计了适用监狱的智能视频监控系统,同时还解决了智能视频监控系统在监狱部署使用上的问题。程序实现了识别服刑人员的功能。最后对IBM SSS (Smart Surveillance Solution,简称SSS)进行二次开发、添加识别服刑人员功能,集成监控摄像机和VSM,完成了适用监狱的智能视频监控系统,并在在北京某所监狱实地部署进行测试。适用监狱的智能视频监控系统的部署实施,能让干警从连续不断的观看监控画面的繁重工作中解脱出来,只需要对产生告警的画面进行确认和处理即可。这样,一个干警的实际有效监控范围可以提高数十倍,极大提高升了监控效率

【Abstract】 The prison, where the prisoners are imprisoned and reformed, is one of the important state machinery. The work of prison security relates to social stability and national peace. The video monitor ensuring that all the activities of inmates are in the police’s sight is the basis of the prison security system. At present, the digital video monitor systems are used widely in China. However the people themselves are acted as monitors in this system, so there are some limitations in the aspect of monitoring capability, and it can’t play a role in prevention and early warning and is used only to produce evidence later in the most time. The intelligent video system could recognize the different matters and find the abnormalities, give the alarm by the quickest and best way and provide the useful information, then it assist security personnel to deal with the crisis effectively and reduce the false alarm and omission.However, actually there is no prison using intelligent video monitor system in China. The reasons are:on the one hand, the requirements of intelligent video monitor system for prison are not clear; on the other hand, because most of the equipment suppliers do not know the actual situation of prisons and could not describe clearly which technologies of intelligent video monitor are fit for prisons, then it leads prisons, which want to, not to apply intelligent video monitor system.Based on the method of software engineer, this paper sets forth the current situation and deficiency of applying video monitor system in prison, analyzes the requirements of intelligent video monitor system for prison, and designs a prison-oriented intelligent video monitor system based on the actual situation and requirements. At the same time, the problem how to deploy and apply the intelligent video monitor system in prison is solved. At last, the program used to recognize the inmate from the video, which is acted as important supplement, is developed and implemented. The prototype system based on IBM SSS is deployed and tested on a prison in Beijing.The deployment and application of a prison-oriented intelligent video monitor system free the police from watching monitor video continuously. Then the scope which is monitored by a police could increase the number of times and the monitoring efficiency is improved greatly.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52;TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】230

