

Design and Implementation of Improvement Schemes for a Network Real-Time Video Monitoring System

【作者】 赵静

【导师】 宋茂强;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现有网络实时视频监控系统一期根据其最初设计的整体网络拓扑图,已可达到网络实时视频监控的效果。但伴随着该系统在测试过程中存在的问题和新需求的不断提出,本文首先列举并维护了一期系统的待改进之处,其次针对各个新需求进行完善和升级,同时为了使系统更好的适应移动互联网,创新设计并实现了一个新的流媒体转发服务器,取代了达尔文流媒体服务器,实现了中继的自动控制。首先,系统对现存问题的改进方案包括:修改并完善视频源设备向目录服务器的报到机制协议;重构目录服务器通信线程处理及监听机制,彻底解决“异常掉线”问题;对代理服务器“去粗存精”等解决方案。其次,系统对新需求改进方案包括:适配黄河视频源区分主次码流、主被动媒体流以及多路通道同时上传等功能;修改系统用户注册及分组模式管理;设计并集成报警程序,使报警短信及时准确地发送到相应用户手机上;增加PC观看端对带云台功能的视频源设备的云台控制;为配合深圳客户要求用C/S模式开发并集成监控平台;增加对视频源设备的回控开关;增加录像和回放功能。最后,系统为适配新一代移动互联网的改进方案指的是:为使得视频源设备通过无线方式上传满足实时观看功能的同时必须节省流量的需求,设计并实现通过实时记录观看用户个数自动开关视频中继的计数器。本着同时适配多种观看端(独立播放器,系统提供的观看页而,手机播放器,监控平台客户端等)的计数准确性以及各浏览器的兼容性,创新的设计并实现了新的流媒体转发服务器,取代系统中原有的达尔文服务器。在设计开发的过程中,不仅要实现媒体流中继管理和转发管理,还要解决路由器端口映射问题,实现转发服务器的视频流到观看端的“私网穿透”功能的同时,设计实时测试网络状况的程序以达到转发服务器媒体流数据缓冲区大小随网络自适应及RTCP统计回发组包缓冲区管理等功能。总而言之,本论文通过上述的改进方案的实施,设计并实现了一个报警及时、操作简单、监控范围广泛、安装方便、维护成本低、而且调试简单的新型网络实时视频监控系统。

【Abstract】 An existing network real-time video monitoring system has been developed according to the network topology design. System has formed preliminarily and can already achieve real-time network monitoring. But with system’s existing problems and new requirements putting forward, this paper firstly lists and maintained the places in system to be corrected. Then perfect and upgrades in view of each new demand. In order to make the new system better adapt to the mobile Internet, we innovatively design and implement a new streaming media delivery server, replacing the Darwin server and to realize the relay of the automatic controls.First of all, the improvement schemes for system’s problems include as follows: modify and perfect the report mechanism agreement from video source to catalog server. Reconstruction the communication threads management and surveillance mechanism to completely solve abnormal dropped problems. All these massages may as well save as logs, for system administrator to check at any time. Give out some solutions for the proxy server’s improvement.Second, the improvement schemes for system’s new demands includes as follows: adapt Yellow River video source’s new functions in distinguishing primary & secondary streaming, multi paths to upload stream, and distinguishing between active and passive media stream types. Modify system’s user registration and grouped mode management. Design and integrated alarm program. Add PTZ control for PC client users. Design and integrated monitoring platform programs for Shenzhen guests’ requirements. Add the control switches for video sources. Increase the video recorded and playback functions, etc.Finally, the improvement schemes for system’s adaption for new generation mobile network mean that in order to reduce bandwidth for wireless uploading, system needs to set a counter for switching video relay automatically. In order to make sure the counting accuracy for many watch ends and adapt browsers compatibility, this paper innovatively designs and implements new streaming delivery server to replace original Darwin server. During the process of design, system should not only realize the media stream relay management and forwarding management, but aslo resolve router port mapping problems and realize "private nets through" function. It may as well design a program to test real-time net status so as to define the streaming data buffer size adaptively and RTCP statistics back to send for buffer management function design, etc.In all, by way of the improvement schemes above, this paper shows an in time alarming, simply operated, wide scrope monitoring, convenient installed, less cost maintaining and easily debugging system which is a new type network realtime video monitoring system.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41;TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】155
  • 攻读期成果

