

Web-Based Learning Resources Online Editor Research and Development

【作者】 王军

【导师】 文福安;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的日益普及和Web技术的迅猛发展,各高校传统的教学方式受到了很大的挑战。为适应信息化的潮流,各高校纷纷将网络技术应用于教学活动中,继而产生了网络教学系统。本文描述了网络教学系统的教学资源在线编辑方法。教学资源主要包括英语视听说教学资源和实验教学中的实验报告。在英语视听说部分为教师提供了一个方便的教学资源编辑功能,即一种所见即所得的多媒体教学资源编辑方式。教师可以在网络教学系统中利用在线编辑技术进行教学资源的编辑,学生使用的客户端可以下载教师编辑的资源。教学资源编辑功能最大的优势在于使教师的资源编辑页面和学生的答题页面保持了一致,教师可以及时的看到编辑的教学资源在学生客户端的显示样式。教学资源的存储格式遵守QTI规范。目前资源编辑功能支持16种不同类型的教学资源,包含1种基础资源、3种选择类题型、3种听写类题型、2种理解类题型、2种写作类题型、1种跟读类题型、2种自问自答题型、1种口头陈述题型、1种小组交流活动。学生利用这些教学资源进行多样化的训练,可以循序渐进的提高口语水平。在虚拟实验室中,实验报告是一个重要应用,本文描述了一种基于Web的实验报告编辑模块,通过扩展富文本编辑器使教师可以在实验报告模板中指定学生可编辑区域,以便引导学生实验报告的填写,同时在实验报告中引入自动批改功能,通过教师填写的标准答案和系统生成的批改规则,能够自动地对学生填写的实验数据进行批改,这样一方面可以使学生能够及时地发现实验中的错误数据,另一方面减轻了教师的批改工作量。实验报告除了自动批改还支持手动批改,教师在批改时可以用网页批注功能,在学生填写的实验报告的任意位置添加文字或图形化的批注信息,使教师对学生实验的指导更具有针对性。

【Abstract】 With the growing popularity of Internet and rapid development of Web technology, the traditional teaching methods in universities meet a great challenge. To adjust to the trend of information technology, colleges and universities begin to use network technology in teaching activities. Therefore, network teaching system appears.This paper describes the implementation of online editing learning resources in the network teaching system. Learning resources including English audio-visual learning resources and the experiment report which is used in the virtual laboratory system. In order to provide teachers with a convenient multimedia learning resources editing features in English audio-visual resources section, we designed a WYSIWYG(What You See is What You Get) editing function in learning resources module. Teachers can use the learning resources online editing function in the online teaching system. In the student examination client, students can download the learning resources. The greatest advantage of teaching resource online editing is it maintain consistent with the student examination display style, and teachers can know the learning resources display style in the student examination client in time. Learning resources storage format comply with QTI standard. Current resource online editing supports sixteen types of learning resources, including one kind of basic learning resources, three kinds of choices questions, three kinds of dictation questions, two kinds of comprehension questions, two kinds of writing questions, one kind of repeat questions, two kinds of question and answer type, one kind of oral presentations questions, one kind of group discuss. Through this form of diversity training under the guidance of teachers it can improve students’English spoken ability rapidly.The experiment report is an important application in the virtual laboratory system. This paper describes a Web-based experiment report module. By extending the rich text editor, it allows teachers specified operational area to students in the lab report. This enables experiment report more instructive. In additional, we use the automatic correcting function in the experiment report mark procedure. With the standard answer and the system-generated rules, it can mark the student experiment report data automatically. This can enable students to find the wrong experiment data and also reduce the workload of teachers’ experiment report mark. In addition to automatic correcting, experiment reports also support manual marking, teachers can use Web annotation function to add comment at any place when mark the experiment report. Web annotation enables teachers to guide students experiment process more targeted.


