

Shijiazhuang Unicom Transmission Network WDM Technology Application Research

【作者】 丁海韬

【导师】 胡怡红;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电信业的飞速发展,运营商所提供的基本业务在速率和业务上也都在快速地膨胀,各种新业务不断地出现,作为基础的传输网络自然也日趋庞大和复杂。各运营商的传输网络经过多年的建设,网络架构日趋完善,层次清晰,但随着传输电路需求的稳步增长、传输工程建设频率的加快以及传输网络规模的不断扩大,传输网络在安全性、扩展性和资源利用等方面暴露出了一些问题,给网络的发展和维护带来了比较大的压力。石家庄联通的传输网络经过多年建设,目前网络已初具规模,尤其波分网元已经覆盖石家庄本地网中的县级网络,随着传输网络规模的不断扩大,网络在业务承载能力、可扩展性、可维护性、稳定性和安全性等方面暴露的问题日趋突出,而波分的高容量、高兼容性,均可完美的解决上述传输网络发展中所遇到的问题,而最重要的一点是波分设备可以极大程度的提高光缆资源的利用率,可以把原网络光缆的资源利用率提高几十倍甚至是几百倍,因此,对WDM技术的研究是传输建设中一项持续和必要工作。本篇文章主要研究WDM技术及其应用,论述WDM技术的应用案例:石家庄联通WDM传输网优化研究,针对石家庄联通市场发展和业务容量的需求,依据WDM技术制定传输网络的优化方案,解决困扰网络发展的容量、安全等问题。本人主要负责石家庄联通传输网络资源统计并参与优化方案的设计,对于石家庄联通东环波分系统进行分析,依据石家庄联通设备公司华为公司的WDM技术提出本文中的优化方案。优化扩容后的波分环的单波道速率有原来的2.5G速率提升为10G速率,而且把波分的容量扩容成为40*10G,大大提高了东环的容量和单波利用率达到了预期的目的,为后续WCDMA网络和互联网的扩容奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the telecommunications industry, supplied by the operators of the main business in the rate and business also is in rapid expansion, a variety of new business continued to occur, as the basis of the transmission network have become increasingly large and complex nature. The operator of the transmission network after years of construction, network infrastructure is perfect with each passing day, clear in hierarchy. But as the transmission circuit demand grow steadily, transmission construction frequency accelerate and transmission network expansion, transmission network in security, scalability and resource utilization, some problems have been exposed to the development and maintenance, network has brought greater pressure.Shijiazhuang Unicom transmission network after years of construction, the network has begun to take shape, especially wave division network has covered the Shijiazhuang local network in county level network. With the transmission of the constant enlargement of the network scale, network in the business of carrying capacity, scalability, maintainability, stability and safety and other aspects of the exposed problems. And wave division of high capacity, high compatibility, can be perfect to solve the network problems encountered. The most important point is the wavelength division equipment can greatly increase the cable resources utilization, can put the network cable resource utilization increase several times or even several hundred times. Therefore, the research on WDM is transmitted in a continuous construction and necessary work.This article mainly studies the WDM technology and its application, discusses the application of WDM technology case:Shijiazhuang Unicom WDM transmission network optimization research of Shijiazhuang Unicom, according to market development and business capacity demand, based on the WDM technology developed transport network optimization scheme, solving the problems of network development capacity, safety issues.I am mainly responsible for the Shijiazhuang Unicom transmission cyber source statistics and participate in optimization design, for Shijiazhuang Unicom east ring WDM system analysis, according to the Shijiazhuang Unicom equipment company Huawei WDM technique is presented in this paper the optimal scheme. Optimization of expansion after the wave division rings of single channel rate with the original 2.5G is promoted to 10G rate rate, And the wave of capacity expansion to become the 40*10G, greatly improve the east ring capacity and Dan Bo utilization rate reaches the expected purpose, for all subsequent WCDMA network and Internet capacity expansion to lay the foundation of.

【关键词】 WDMDWDM传输网网络优化
【Key words】 WDMDWDMTransmission networkNetwork optimization
  • 【分类号】TN929.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】36

