

Research on the Course Instruction of Business Chinese in Thailand

【作者】 韩凤明

【导师】 黄建滨;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,针对发展的需求,泰国汉语教育界与时俱进地总结出这样一句话:“只有掌握汉英泰三种语言的人才,才是当今与未来市场抢手的人才”。随着经济全球化,中国在国际贸易中的地位持续增强,泰中两国经贸往来日益加深。这种情况促使泰国市场对汉语人才的需求不断增加;另一方面,社会各类人士对了解和掌握商务汉语知识的需求也日益迫切。为了满足这一需求,许多大学纷纷开设商务汉语课程,促进学生在知识、能力、素质等方面能协调发展,适应市场的需求,这成为各大学追求的重要目标。迄今,泰国汉语专业的教学虽然前景良好,但对泰国大学汉语教学的深入研究仍然较少,尤其是对商务汉语教学的研究更为罕见。曼谷是泰国经济、政治、科技、教育的中心,也是人口较为集中的地方,所以人才市场的需求量比其他地区更大。笔者认为研究相关商务教学,应该在经济最发达的地区进行。为了对泰国大学商务汉语的教学进行更深入地研究与了解,笔者选择了曼谷五所开设商务汉语课程的大学作为研究对象,并对该地区商务汉语教学的师生进行了问卷调查。调查结果显示,大部分学生学习商务汉语是为了交流、经商、做贸易或寻求更好的工作。虽有很多学生选择商务汉语课程,但也有不少学生选择商务汉语课程不是出自个人兴趣,而是由于学校将其设定为专业必修课,实为不得已。问题的主要原因是:该课程过于专业化,教师一成不变的教学方式不能激发学生学习的积极性,课后没有机会运用商务汉语进行交流,现有的教材已多年未经更新而不适应形势的发展,且教材大多是为中国学生编写,不太适合泰国学生。通过对商务汉语课的师生进行的问卷调查了解到,目前泰国在商务汉语的教材、师资和教学等方面均不能完全满足学生的要求,乃至造成专业人才紧缺、培养效果不达标等,无法满足社会及市场的需求。因此,笔者在本文研究的基础上对如何激发学生的学习兴趣,如何改善泰国大学商务汉语教学的质量等问题提出了建议。

【Abstract】 For the past few years, Chinese language has been progressing increasingly rapidly in Thailand’s education. There is even a saying " Only for those who possess the skill of Thai, English and Chinese can compete effectively in Thailand’s job market. The evidence is shown by the economic globalization trend. China’s position in the world economy has been growing steadily. Besides, the relationship between China’s and Thailand’s economy has been moving forward. Obviously, the need of "Chinese speakers" in Thailand’s labor market is also growing as a consequence. Moreover, " Business Chinese" has progressively gained the attention. In order to fulfill the labor market’s requirement, many universities have begun to offer a course in Business Chinese. The aim of the course is to build solid knowledge, skills, capability required for effectively communication in Business Chinese.Nowadays, even though the course instruction in Chinese major is relatively abundant, the research into Business Chinese is still understudied. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, which is a centre of economy, politics, science and technology, and education. Besides, Bangkok is the most crowded city in Thailand that explicitly implies a huge requirement of labor more than the other cities. The author thinks that Bangkok would be the most suitable place to undertake the research in Business Chinese for its economic predominance. The author has chosen five universities situated in Bangkok as the samples of the study. The in-depth interview with some Business Chinese instructors and questionnaires were conducted.With the research it has been found that most of the students taking Business Chinese attend the class for the purpose of communication, commerce, doing business, or finding a good job. It is also found in the research that among students taking the class, some of them take the class because it is a compulsory subject, not because of personal interest. The result has found that several reasons could contribute to the problem of students lacking interest in the subject, including:1) the detail of the subject is too specialized; 2) the teaching instruction is relatively conservative; 3) no practicing opportunity; 4) outdated course materials; 5) course materials are aimed to instruct Chinese students and somehow not quite appropriate for Thai students. The interviews with Business Chinese instructors and questionnaires filled by students have shown that the main problems contributed to Business Chinese learning are Chinese instructors, instruction methods and course materials. These problems result in the lack of adequate skillful Chinese instructors, the inefficiency of instruction and the inability to fulfill the job market requirements. Therefore, this paper primarily aims to study how to increase students’ interest in the subject, and how to improve the quality of Business Chinese teaching.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】288

