

The Analysis on the Effects of Government’s Communication on Weibo-And the Discussion on Government Image Communication Via Cvber

【作者】 朱诗意

【导师】 易容;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “你玩微博吗?”已成为现今流行的见面问候语。而在这微博大潮中,有一种微博被特别定义为“政务微博”。截止2011年底,新浪政务微博总数已达近2万个,腾讯政务微博总数也有1万多。政务微博在2011年的迅猛发展,不仅体现在数量本身的增长上,也表现在媒体的关注度、社会的讨论以及学术界的研究上;由政府主导或与微博运营商合力举行的相关研讨、论坛、会议、培训更是层出不穷。政务微博的迅猛发展,其主要推动力来自于是微博自身的巨大传播力量——有报告指出,微博已成为2011年舆情事件的第一大信息源,成为第一大舆论场。政务微博的出现便是中国政府对微博世界的回应,以及中国政府摸索网络背景下如何引导舆论的一种手段。政务微博的出现也许有个别地方自发的原因,但其在2011年如此快速发展,高调宣传,不能不说这是政府被现实所“逼”出来的一种反应。而在此之前,中国政府开设政府网站、建立网络发言人制度、政府官员到网站与网民互动等等,都是希望能通过这些方式和平台来发出官方声音、了解网络舆论并引导其转向有利于自己的方向,其最终目标都是希望能打造一个“透明、公正”的政府形象,缓解官民冲突,获得民心,维护社会稳定。本文根据政务微博的发展现状,选择新浪微博和腾讯微博上的政务微博作为分析样本,并采用内容分析与案例分析相结合的方式,对政务微博的主要微博行为进行分类梳理及数据统计,进而客观分析政务微博所产生的传播效果,并试图从对大量案例分析的基础上,论述政务微博作为政府一种新的媒介工具对网络时代政府形象传播的意义。

【Abstract】 "Do you use Weibo?" Nowadays, people like to say it to each other as a popular meet greeting. In the spring tide of Weibo, a kind of Weibo is specifically defined as "Government Weibo".By the end of 2011, the number of Government Weibo on Sina has reached a total number of nearly 20000, and the number of Government on Tencent has reached more than 10000. The fast development of Government Weibo in 2011 is not only reflected in the amount of growth, also reflected in the media attention, social discussions and academic research on it.Some report points out that Weibo has become the first major information source of public events in 2011. The occurrence of Government Weibo can be regarded as the Chinese government’s response to the stress from Weibo, and it can also be understood as some kind of measure about how to guide the public opinion under the background of network to Chinese government. Before this, Chinese government establish the government website, and make some network spokesman system and so on, which are all meant to issue official voice through these methods, to learn and control the public opinion on network. The reason why the government do these things is to create a" transparent, justice" image of itself, to moderate the conflict mitigation between official and civil, and to win the support from people, and finally to maintain social stability.According to the current situation of the development of e-government micro-blog, this essay chooses a large number of samples, using the content analysis method and the case analysis method, to analysis the effects of Government’s Communication on Weibo, and also to discuss the government image communication via cyber.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

