

Planning and Design of the West Mountain Fruit Garden in Chengde

【作者】 梁轶

【导师】 安广义;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生态观光农业旅游在我国经过20多年的发展已经成为旅游者观光、休闲、度假的主要旅游形式之一。随着农业旅游的发展,各级政府将其看作是提高农民收入、改善农村面貌的动力,于是在农村建起了大量的农业观光园。然而由于种种原因使得很多农业观光园的开发并不成功。本文主要通过以下步骤进行研究:1.本文阐述了生态旅游和观光农业的各种概念,总结这些概念,形成新的概念;2.本文研究了其国内外发展历程;通过了解研究现状,引出本文研究的目的,意义,内容,方法和技术路线;3.本文详细叙述了规划设计的理论依据,指出本文中规划设计所涉及的理论,例如可持续发展理论、人居环境学、投资环境论、生态理论、美学理论;通过对比文献,总结出的可持续发展原则、生态性原则、以人为本原则、参与性原则、因地制宜原则、特色原则、经济性原则;了解目前存在的问题,找出对策;将这些的理论和原则在规划设计进行实践和应用;4.通过基础理论的研究和国内外实践案例的分析,探索适用于承德西山百果庄园规划的方法,并确定选址条件,开发条件,规划模式以及规划目的。5.文章最后得出规划的结论,提出对整个规划进行反思,讨论文章的不足之处和改进方向。本文以承德西山百果庄园的规划设计为例,从规模设计理念和规划设计分区等方面对“果园采摘+旅游+特色产业”的农业观光园形式进行了探索。通过对园区的地理概况,规划区现状,旅游资源等多方面分析确定其总体发展定位、立地功能和景观结构。以可持续发展的基本政策,合理规划发展生态旅游,实现企业经济,社会,生态效益全面发展。

【Abstract】 With over 20 years’development, eco-agritourism has become one of the main forms of tourists sightseeing, leisure, and vacation. With eco-agritourism development, all levels of governments regarded it as a driving force of raising the income of farmers and improving the aspect of the village, so that many agriculture sightseeing parks were constructed in village. However, the development of some agricultural sightseeing parks did not succeed for various reasons.In this paper, the research is following this steps:One: This paper describes the concepts of eco-tourism and sightseeing agriculture, and sum up these concepts, then form the new concepts;Two: In this paper, it researches the course of development at domestic and foreign; Through understanding the research status, it leads to the purpose, meaning, content, methods and technology roadmap of this study;Three: This paper describes the theoretical basis of planning and design, points out that the article involved in the theory of planning and design ,such as sustainable development theory, the human settlements, the investment environment theory, ecological theory, aesthetic theory; By contrast literature, it sums up the principles of sustainable development, the principles of ecological, people-oriented principle, the participatory principle, local conditions principle, specialty principle, the economy principle; we understand the current problems and identify countermeasures; then we practice and application these theories and principles in the planning and design;Four: By the study of basic theory and analysis of the practical cases, I try to find the method of planning and design of the west mountain fruit garden in chengde, and determine the site conditions, development conditions, planning mode and planning purposes.Five: The article finally come to the conclusion of the plan, propose to rethink the whole plan ,and discuss the inadequacies of the article, and the direction of improvement. Taken the planning and design of the chengde west mountain fruit garden as a case in the article, the agricultural sightseeing garden form of garden orchard, tourism and particular industry was explored from the aspects such as the scale design idea and the planning design zone. Taken the analysis the many aspects that garden geography, garden situation, tourism resources ,it can confirm the overall development of direction, site feature and landscape structure .By sustainable development basic policy, we should plan in reason to develop eco-tourism , achieve enterprise economic, social and ecological benefits.


