

Study on the Denomination of the Landscape of Campus of University

【作者】 段艳霞

【导师】 秦安臣;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “文化”是人类在社会历史发展过程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,伴随社会的发展而不断地提高。它无处不在,但是却不能引起人们的足够重视。在大学校园这个文化的发源地也是如此,本文进行了大学校园景观依据校园文化命名的研究,并以对河北农业大学西校区的景观为例进行了命名。研究内容分为以下几部分:1.笔者通过阅读前人的资料文献,总结了景观命名的艺术:①景观命名的历史渊源可以追溯到园林的最初出现。②景观命名的存在价值可以概括为:全园主题思想的高度概括;可以唤发游者的美学感受;增强园林的书卷韵味;为衰落景点的修复提供依据。③景观命名的艺术手法大致可以分为指称符号命名法、建筑命名法、各种元素叠加命名法、以观景时间命名法、沿用典故命名法、以水命名法、言情述志命名法、古典诗词命名法等。并探讨了现代景观命名及大学校园中景观命名的应用概况。2.通过现场提问的方式对河北农业大学、保定学院、河北大学、河北金融学院4所高校学生对校园文化的认知情况进行了调查,结果表明加强校园文化普及迫在眉睫。校园文化在校园中的作用是不可取代的,且校园文化与校园景观存在一定的关联,就此提出了通过将校园文化融入到校园景观中改善校园文化的现状,并阐述了方式方法。命名是景观的点睛之笔,校园文化可以通过景观的命名得以展现。建立了影响校园景观依据校园文化命名的评价体系,并应用层次分析法对各个因子的权重进行了确定。3.笔者以景观命名的艺术和大学校园文化的研究为基础,依据河北农业大学的办学特色—“太行山道路”、校训—“崇德、务实、求是”以及校园景观自身特性,对河北农业大学西校区中27栋新建建筑、10处广场、1处湖泊和15条道路进行了命名。总之,在高校事业日益蓬勃发展,学校规模不断扩大的今天,校园景观文化也成为了衡量一所学校实力和形象的重要组成部分。笔者希望通过对校园景观命名的研究,使校园景观命名的重要性得到人们的注意,进而影响到对大学校园文化的重视,尊重学校的发展历史,使学校的根源不至于丢失。本人的研究成果也希望为今后河北农业大学西校区景观的命名提供参考。

【Abstract】 Culture is the summation of material wealth and spiritual wealth that are created by human beings in the course of the development of society and history, and it is improved consistently with the development of society. Culture exists everywhere, however, it hasn’t drew enough attention, and so has the university campus. Therefore, this paper researches on the denomination of the landscape of university campus according to the campus culture, and the landscape of the west campus of Agricultural University of Hebei is denominated as an example.1. Based on the literature which the predecessors wrote, the denomination art of garden landscape has been summarized as follows: the phenomenon of denominating garden landscape appeared when landscape architecture appeared; the denomination for garden landscape has existence value that the denomination is the high generalization of the main idea of the whole garden, can stimulate the aesthetic feeling of tourists, will enhance the literature aroma and can offer the basis for the restoration of declining scenic spots; the artistic means of the denomination of garden landscape can be classified as the alleged symbol nomenclature,botanical nomenclature, zoological nomenclature, the nomenclature of superposing various elements, viewing time nomenclature, classical allusion nomenclature, water nomenclature, the nomenclature of expressing emotion and ambition, classical poetry nomenclature, architecture nomenclature and so on, and this paper enumerates some denomination methods that are applied in modern landscape architecture and the campus of University.2. The survey how much do the students of Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding University, Hebei University and Hebei Finance University know the culture of their own school has been conducted by asking questions face to face, the result shows that the enhancement of popularizing school culture is extremely urgent. Considering the above, the method that take school culture into the denomination of campus landscape has been put forward in this paper, and the necessity of the denomination of campus landscape according to the campus culture has been stated,the role of campus culture on campus is irreplaceable. Denomination is the crowning touch to the landscape and the culture can be shown by the denomination.Campus landscape establish the evaluation system based on the culture of campus and to determine the various factors by application the AHP.3. Basing on the denomination art of garden landscape and the campus culture of colleges and universities, and borrowing ideas from the denomination for campus landscape in Qingdao University and Hebei University, the school characteristics of Agricultural University of Hebei are summarized as follows: Taihang Mountain Road and the school motto“advocate morality, be practical and seek truth”. Taking these two school characteristics as the starting point and taking site condition and environment functional requirements into consideration, 27 new buildings, 10 squares , 1 artificial lake and 15 campus’roads are denominated in this paper.In a word, as the career of colleges and universities is developing vigorously day by day and the school size is expanding constantly, the culture of campus landscape has been an important part of index system of judging the strength and appearance of a certain school. Through researching on the denomination of campus landscape, this paper aims at letting the importance of the denomination of campus landscape and the university campus culture get more attention, thus people will respect the development history of the school and the school spirit won’t be lost. The research achievement of this paper is expected to provide reference for the denomination of the landscape of the west campus of Agricultural University of Hebei in the future.


