

Comparative Study of Frost Hardiness of Ligustrun Lucidum and Several Other Ornamental Trees

【作者】 张振英

【导师】 张钢; 尚爱芹;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 花卉与景观园艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 金枝国槐(Sophora japonica‘Golden Stem’)、蝴蝶槐(Sophora japonica var. 1oligpophylla)、西府海棠(Malus micromalus Mak.)、红宝石海棠(Malus spetabilis Royalty)、蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox(L.) Link)和大叶女贞(Ligustrun lucidum Ait)是园林绿化中常用的观赏树木。尤其是大叶女贞是北方园林绿化中比较少见的常绿阔叶树种,在园林绿化中有较高的应用价值,但由于其原产南方,抗寒性较低,故研究观赏树木的抗寒性,为其引种提供理论依据,有着重要的意义。在脱锻炼期间,对6种观赏树木进行了电阻抗图谱(Electrical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)分析,以及抗寒性和生理指标的测定。分别用EIS法和电导法(Electrolyte leakage, EL)测定了6种观赏树木茎的抗寒性,测定了茎含水量、可溶性糖和淀粉、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸的含量。得到EIS参数、抗寒性、生理指标在脱锻炼期间的变化规律,并验证了脱锻炼期间EIS参数与抗寒性和生理指标的相关性。主要结果如下:1、6种观赏树种的抗寒性随着脱锻炼的进程逐步下降。4月初6种树的抗寒性最强且抗寒性大小为红宝石海棠>西府海棠>蝴蝶槐>金枝国槐>蜡梅>大叶女贞。大叶女贞和红宝石海棠抗寒性相差18.1℃;5月初6种树的抗寒性降到最低点且抗寒性大小为大叶女贞>西府国海棠>红宝石海棠>蜡梅>蝴蝶槐>金枝国槐。金枝国槐和大叶女贞抗寒性相差3.5℃。2、6种观赏树种EIS参数和电阻抗图谱在脱锻炼期间随着抗寒性的降低而发生变化。3、金枝国槐、蝴蝶槐的可溶性糖与胞外电阻率re存在较高的相关性(R~2分别为0.91、0.95)。蝴蝶槐的可溶性糖与弛豫时间的分布系数ψ、西府海棠的淀粉与胞外电阻率re和胞外电阻率ri、蜡梅的可溶性糖与胞内电阻率ri、大叶女贞的可溶性糖与弛豫时间τ和弛豫时间的分布系数ψ都存在较高的相关性。4、脱锻炼期间,6种观赏树木的茎可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸含量都发生变化,且与部分EIS参数变化趋势相同或者相反,并有一定的相关性(R~2>0.55)。5、脱锻炼期间,6种观赏树木的茎含水量、可溶性糖和淀粉、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸含量与抗寒性相关,说明这些生理指标都可用来估测抗寒性。6、脱锻炼期间,未经冷冻的样本胞外电阻率re、弛豫时间τ与EL法测得的抗寒性具有较高的相关性(R~2=0.94-0.96),说明可以用这两个EIS参数估测观赏树木的抗寒性。

【Abstract】 Sophora japonica‘Golden Stem’, Sophora japonica var. 1oligpophylla, Malus micromalus Mak., Malus spetabilis Royalty, Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link and Ligustrun lucidum Ait. are the common ornamental trees of landscape. Especially Ligustrun lucidum Ait. is an uncommon evergreen broad-leaved tree growing in the northern landscapes, which has high practical value. However, it originats from southern China and has lower cold resistance. This experiment studied on the frost hardiness (FH) of ornamental trees in order to provide theoretical basis for FH during the dehardering. The electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), FH and some physiological indexes, such as moisture content, soluble sugar and starch, as well as proline content of stem were analyzed. The FH was determined by means of the EIS and electrolyte leakage (EL) methods. The changes of the parameters of EIS and the physiological indexes were verified, and their correlations were found. The main results are as follows:1. As dehardening process, the FH of six ornamental trees gradually decreased. The FH of the six ornamental trees was the highest in the early of April during dehardening, and their FH order was Malus spetabilis Royalty > Malus micromalus Mak. > Sophora japonica var. 1oligpophylla > Sophora japonica‘Golden Stem’> Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link > Ligustrun lucidum Ait. And the FH of Ligustrun lucidum Ait. was 18.1℃lower than that of Malus spetabilis Royalty. The FH of the six ornamental trees was the lowest in the early of May during dehardening, and the FH order was Ligustrun lucidum Ait. > Malus micromalus Mak. > Malus spetabilis Royalty > Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link > Sophora japonica var. 1oligpophylla > Sophora japonica‘Golden Stem’, and the FH of Sophora japonica‘Golden Stem’was 3.5℃lower than that of Ligustrun lucidum Ait..2. With the enhancement of the FH, some changes occurred for the EIS parameters and electrical impedance spectra of six ornamental trees during dehardening.3. During dehardening, there was a high correlation between the soluble sugar and the specific extracellular resistance re of Sophora japonica‘Golden Stem’, as well as re of Sophora japonica var. 1oligpophylla (R~2=0.91; 0.95). There was also a higher correlation between the soluble sugar and the distribution coefficient of relaxation timeψof Sophora japonica var. 1oligpophylla; the starch content and the re, the specific intracellular resistance ri of Ligustrun lucidum Ait.; the soluble sugar and ri of Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link; the soluble sugar and the relaxation timeτ, as well as theψof Ligustrun lucidum Ait.4. During dehardening, the Protein contents and Proline contents of ornamental trees changed. The same or opposite trends between the Protein contents, Proline contents and some of EIS parameters were found with a certain degree of correlation between them.5. During dehardening, the FH correlated with the water content, the soluble sugar and starch contents, Protein contents, and Proline contents, so these physiological indicators could be used to estimate the frost hardiness.6. During dehardening, the FH measured by EL and the EIS parameters re andτwithout frozen treatment (R~2=0.94-0.96), thus these two EIS parameters could be used to estimate the FH of ornamental trees.


