

【作者】 王蓓蓓

【导师】 陈浩然;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自有刑法以来,刑事司法政策的主要导向就是以打击犯罪为主要目的,希望对犯罪进行有效地遏制。但是无论哪种刑事司法政策虽然都力图达到降低犯罪率,甚至消灭犯罪的目的,但从实际统计数据来看,犯罪率不降反升,而且呈高速增长的态势。特别是在经济全球化的时代,谋取巨额利益犯罪、有组织犯罪、贪污腐败犯罪日趋全球化。用传统的打击方式已无计可施。为此,国际社会和各国的理论研究都对刑事政策的根本变革表示出浓厚的兴趣,形成了一大批以反洗钱为核心的遏制上游犯罪的研究成果,并推动了各国刑法和国际刑法的变革。国际社会认识到,只有通过反洗钱制度的实施才能有效打击此类犯罪。基于各国的研究,1988年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉品和精神药物公约》首先提出了通过反洗钱遏制上游犯罪的设想和制度设计。此后,2000年联合国通过的《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和2003年《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》,进一步强化了反洗钱的刑事政策目的。以上三个公约都认为,通过反洗钱的制度化运作能够有效提高犯罪的成本、切断利益支配的路径,从而达到防止和控制上位犯罪的目的。欧美国家的有关研究重点在于揭示洗钱活动与贩毒、走私、恐怖活动、贪污腐败和偷税漏税等严重刑事犯罪相联系,并从政治稳定、社会安定、经济安全以及国际政治经济体系的安全等方面展开了较为充分的研究。我国是FATF的成员国,《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》也于2006年颁布实施。但我国的相关研究一向奉行“以罪治罪”的打击方法,认为反洗钱制度的重要任务仍然是“以罪治罪”。因此,相关的研究高度集中在犯罪构成的分析和洗钱活动的惩治等较为狭隘的领域,将反洗钱作刑事政策重要环节的研究几乎处于空白状态。除一部分带有普及性的研究成果之外,从宏观的角度分析洗钱活动的成因、经济学方面的意义,以及刑事政策的价值的研究成果凤毛麟角。从思维逻辑的角度上说,将控制和消除洗钱犯罪作为控制和预防其他严重国际犯罪的手段,可谓是一种釜底抽薪的策略。如果说,全球范围内的反洗钱工作能够获得较大程度的成功,那么控制以毒品贩运、人口走私为代表的国际犯罪,以及遏制跨国有组织犯罪集团的猖獗活动和无处不在的国际恐怖主义活动可谓是指日可待。这是国际社会特别重视反洗钱活动国际合作的重要出发点,也是本文研究的重要的推动力。

【Abstract】 Since criminal law was produced, criminal justice policy is mainly being oriented to combat crimes for curbing crimes effectively. Unfortunately, the crime rate is showing a trend of rapid growth from practical statistics though each criminal justice policy has tried its best efforts to reduce this rate or on the purpose of eliminating crimes. Crime of reaping huge profits, crime in a form of organization and crime of corruption become global following the economic globalization. Both the international society and the theoretical researches by all the countries present a great interest in the criminal policy reform, thus a great number of research findings focusing on contain the predicate offences to the center of anti-money laundering appear, which promote the changes of domestic criminal law in all the countries and international criminal law, because traditional measures don’t work any longer. The international society has realized that only through the implementation of the system on anti-money laundering can such kind of crimes be controlled effectively. Base on the study throughout the world, United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances firstly introduced this idea in 1988. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime adopted by United Nations in 2000 and 2003 respectively did a further enforcement on the criminal policy of anti-money laundering. These three conventions mentioned above reach an agreement in terms of increasing the cost of crimes and cutting off the paths of controlling by interests in order to prevent and control the predicate offences through the system of anti-money laundering. The emphasis of the researches of the occident is to reveal the connection between the activities of money laundering and drug trafficking, smuggling, terrorism, corruption, tax evasion, also other serious crimes, furthermore, to detail the respects of political stability, social stability, economic security and the security of the international political and economic system.Our country enacted People’s Republic of China Anti-Money Laundering Law in 2006, as a member of FATF. However, the relevant research of our country still considers the vital task for anti-money laundering is to punish crimes, so that the research is limited in the field of analysis of component and punishment of money laundering. To some extent, the study on anti-money laundering as a criminal policy is almost blank, not to hope for the research results on the analysis of the cause of money laundering from a macro perspective, the meaning in the area of economics and the value of criminal policies.From the respective of thinking logics, the means of control and prevent other serious international crimes by controlling and eliminating crimes of money laundering is a thorough strategy. If a significant worldwide success on anti-money laundering can be achieved, controlling of the international crimes mainly of drug trafficking, human smuggling and restriction of rampant activities committed by transnational organized criminal groups and ubiquitous international terrorism are possible. This is not only the reason why the international society pays much attention to the international cooperation in anti-money laundering, but also the impetus for this paper.

【关键词】 洗钱犯罪刑事政策
【Key words】 crime of anti-money launderingcriminal policy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】203

