

Adaptation and Selection: Exploration of Hybridity in Literary Translation from English to Chinese

【作者】 秦军

【导师】 孙靖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 杂合是文本特有现象。近几年来,研究者逐渐把注意力转移到跨文化交流的衍生物—文学翻译译本,以此来探究杂合的产生、演变及其成因;他们的研究取得了丰富的成果,并有一大批相关学术论文发表。遗憾的是,他们的研究鲜有以“译者中心”为出发点或是彰显译者主体性。另外,他们对杂合现象的分析往往局限于从静态的、单一的角度来研究,人为地割裂了译者主体与社会、文化、读者等众多因素的关联。而由原清华大学教授胡庚申提出的“翻译生态环境”及翻译就是“译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动”等理论为进一步探讨文学翻译译本的杂合现象提供了更为现实、客观的研究基础。本论文以翻译适应选择论为理论基础,说明译者如何受到翻译生态环境的制约,彰显一种受制约的主体性,特别是揭示出译者个性与群体性相结合的内在特点;进一步发掘文学译本里杂合特质的分布、特征和成因,进而阐明译者的适应、选择与文学译本中杂合现象的关联。本论文采用《麦田里的守望者》两个中译本为研究蓝本,分为五章:第一章初步介绍杂合研究及本文研究目的;第二章追溯中外研究者对译本杂合现象的研究,指出其研究的不足;提出本研究的理论基础,即翻译的适应选择论,同时对“翻译生态环境”与“译者中心”做了一番描述.第三章结合译者的适应、选择重新建构了产生杂合文学译本的示意图;从内部、外部等诸多要素来设想译者的适应、选择与文学译本中杂合特质的关联。第四章介绍了《麦田里的守望者》的作者及文本主题、两个中译本的译者,重点是通过分析译本里的语言杂合和文化杂合,揭示在内、外等众多要素的互动下,翻译过程中的译者适应、选择对译本的杂合产生了重大影响;第五章是论文的结论部分,指出本研究的发现、成果及不足。

【Abstract】 Hybridity is one of the characteristics of the literary text. With their shifting focus gradually pointing to the literary translated works in recent years, researchers have diligently delved into the hybridity’s origin, development and cause in variant contexts, thereafter achieving satisfactory academic results. However, little importance has ever been attached to translators’ subjectivity, hence causing an inevitable demarcation of the translators and other elements, such as society culture.The thesis attempts initially to reveal the subjectivity manifested by the translators under dominant constraints, inherent in the translational eco-environment, inexorably imposed on them. Afterwards, more emphasis will be placed on the translators’ adaptation and selection, which directly exerts far-reaching impacts on the hybridity degree of the literary translated text. Central to the research is the notion, put forward by Professor Hu Gengshen, that translation is a selection activity of the translator’s adaptation to fit the translational eco-environment. Two Chinese versions of The Catcher in the Rye are drawn on to offer the source material for the study.This thesis is divided into 3 chapters, besides Chapter One—"Introduction" and Chapter Five—"Conclusions". Chapter Two is the literature review of hybridity in literary translation, showing the positive functions of hybridity in translation and limitations in relevant researches. Besides, Reference has also been made to the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection, an extremely important theory put forward by Hu Gengshen. Chapter Three puts forward the assumption between translators’ adaptation/selection and the corresponding hybridity in literary translations. Chapter Four is a comparative study of Chinese versions of The Catcher in the Rye with its focus on occurrence of hybridity and its varying representations at different levels in literary translations, revealing the relevant translators’ role contributing to the hybridity in literary translations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】158

