

【作者】 沈雪山

【导师】 刘志刚;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 行政诉讼制度的发展是一个国家民主法治进程的关键所在,而行政审判程序的启动又与行政诉讼原告资格有着密切的关系。行政诉讼原告资格的确认影响甚至决定着行政诉讼中司法管辖权的领域以及公民获得司法救济的范围。当今世界发达国家行政诉讼原告资格的发展趋势是逐步统一并放宽的,而我国行政诉讼原告资格由于存在范围狭窄、认定标准模糊等问题,不利于行政诉讼原告资格制度目的的实现,在司法实践中也不易操作。为了保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,监督行政机关依法行使职权,目前的行政诉讼原告资格制度有完善的必要。所以,行政诉讼原告资格是一个非常有理论意义和实用价值的研究课题。笔者试图通过历史分析法、比较分析法、语义分析法等研究方法,分四个部分对上述问题进行理论研究和实证分析:第一部分是行政诉讼原告资格概述。主要介绍行政诉讼原告资格的基本理论,包括原告资格的涵义,我国理论界有关原告资格的主要观点,重点阐述原告资格与受案范围、行政诉权及起诉条件的关系,以及分析原告资格的功能。第二部分是我国行政诉讼原告资格的历史发展及立法现状。主要是回顾我国行政诉讼原告资格制度的历史沿革,介绍我国原告资格的立法现状,重点对我国原告资格制度的立法现状进行分析,指出该制度存在的问题及弊端。第三部分是国外行政诉讼原告资格研究及其对完善我国立法的启示。主要通过对英、美、法、德、日五个国家的行政诉讼原告资格制度进行比较分析,从中得出在立法上完善我国行政诉讼原告资格制度的启示。第四部分是完善我国行政诉讼原告资格制度的思考。主要提出逐步完善我国行政诉讼原告资格的各项建议,包括扩大“合法权益”的范围、减少法律上对行政行为的限制、进一步完善行政诉讼承继原告资格制度、加强行政诉讼原告资格案例指导制度,重点阐述建立健全我国行政公益诉讼制度,以期促成《行政诉讼法》进行修改完善,达到真正实现行政诉讼保护公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益,维护和监督行政机关依法行政的立法目的。

【Abstract】 The development of administrative lawsuit system is the key point to a country’s democratic and legal process. Meanwhile, the start of the administrative trial has a close relation to the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings. The confirmation of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings affects, even decides, the territory of jurisdiction in administrative proceedings and the legal redressing that the citizens get. Nowadays, the trend of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings in developed countries is getting unified and broadens step by step. However, some problems exist in the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings of our country, such as the limited scope of the plaintiff qualifications, the vague standard in determining the plaintiffs. The above problems are not good for the realization of the purpose of the system of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings as well as the operation in juridical practice. In order to protect the legitimate interest of the citizens, the business entity and other organizations, to safeguard and supervise the exercise of administrative powers by administrative organs in accordance with the law, it is necessary to improve the current system of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings. In a word, the research subject of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings is of theoretical significance and utility value.The article.which is divided into four parts, tried to do some theoretical researches and empirical analysis on the above problems through factor analysis, comparative analysis, semantic differential and the other researches methodsThe first part is a summary on the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings. The author introduced the basic theories about the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings, which included the definition of plaintiff qualifications, the theoretical circles’main ideas of plaintiff qualifications. Moreover, the author concentrated on the relationship within the plaintiff qualifications, the scope of accepting cases, the administrative litigation right and the ligation condition, and analyzed the function of the plaintiff qualifications.The second part introduced the history, development and the current legislation of plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings in our country. The article mainly reviewed the historical evolution on the system of plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings, introduced the current legislation of our country’s plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings. What’s more, the focal point of this part is the analysis on the current legislation system of the plaintiff qualifications and the problems that exists in the system.The third part is the researches on the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings in foreign countries and the enlightenment. The article analyzed the system of plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings of five countries that included Great Britain, America, France, German and Japan comparatively. Through the analysis, the article summarized the enlightenment that how to complete the system of our country’s plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings.The fourth part is towards the improvement of our country’s plaintiff qualifications system in administrative proceedings. The article made several suggestions about how to improve our country’s plaintiff qualifications system in administrative proceedings step by step. The suggestions included to expand the scope of legitimate interest, to lessen limitations of administrative behavior legally, to improve the system of adoptive plaintiff in administrative proceedings, to strengthen the system of cause guiding. The author also put emphasis on expounding how to set up and amplify the system administrative public interest litigation in order to achieve the legislative purpose that administrative proceedings protect the legitimate interest of the citizens, the business entity and other organizations and safeguard and supervise the exercise of administrative powers by administrative organs in accordance with the law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】D925.3
  • 【下载频次】121

