

【作者】 陈怡怡

【导师】 龚柏华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 信用卡1915年起源于美国,我国第一张信用卡于1985年6月由中国银行珠海分行发行。虽然我国的信用卡市场起步较晚,但发展势头迅猛,已逐步成为全球信用卡业务增长速度最快、发展潜力最大的市场。但与之相对应的,我国的信用卡立法却跟不上信用卡业务的迅速发展。由于我国目前与信用卡交易相关的法律法规不够健全,导致大量信用卡法律纠纷案件的发生。伴随着我国金融现代化和电子化程度的日益增强,非法使用信用卡,利用信用卡进行犯罪的活动越来越多,其手段也日趋多样化、复杂化、高智能化,对我国金融秩序的稳定,对上海“四个中心”建设都造成了负面影响。对信用卡非法使用问题进行系统研究,分析目前相关立法的不足,借鉴国外先进做法,有助于厘清信用卡法律关系,区分各类信用卡使用方式的罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪,有利于加大对信用卡犯罪活动的打击力度,规范信用卡市场管理,促进我国金融秩序的健康发展。本文选取信用卡冒用、恶意透支及套现行为研究对象,通过对上述行为的民事、刑事法律责任的探讨,厘清司法实践中遇到的相关问题,剖析我国现行信用卡立法现状及缺陷,并提出完善我国信用卡法律制度的意见建议。本文共分为五章。第一章为信用卡概述。本章从信用卡的基本原理入手,介绍信用卡的概念、功能、支付方式,并对发卡机构、持卡人、特约商户之间的基本法律关系进行介绍。第二章为信用卡冒用行为及法律责任研究。本章从信用卡冒用行为的含义及表现形式入手,分析信用卡被冒用情况下,持卡人、发卡机构、特约商户的民事责任,并结合司法实践分析了两类法律未明确规定的冒用行为的刑事法律责任。第三章为信用卡恶意透支行为及法律责任研究。本章从信用卡恶意透支行为的含义和种类入手,分析信用卡恶意透支情况下,持卡人、发卡机构、特约商户的民事责任,并从刑事法律责任角度出发,对信用卡恶意透支行为中“持卡人”、“以非法占有为目的”、银行催收的效力及透支数额的认定进行分析。第四章为信用卡套现行为及法律责任研究。本章从信用卡套现行为的含义及主要模式入手,分析信用卡套现情况下,持卡人及特约商户的民事责任,并对“信用卡套现行为是否符合非法经营罪的构成要件”、“对司法解释的不同理解影响刑法的溯及力”、“信用卡代还行为的处理”等问题进行探讨。第五章为我国信用卡法律制度的现状及完善。介绍我国现行信用卡法律制度的现状及缺陷,并通过比较借鉴其他国家的先进做法,提出完善我国信用卡法律制度的建议。

【Abstract】 Credit card originated in the United States in 1915, China’s first credit card in June 1985 issued by the Zhuhai branch of Bank of China. Although the credit card market in China started late, but the momentum of rapid development, has gradually become the world’s fastest growing credit card business, the biggest potential market. However, corresponding to, our credit card business credit card legislation has not kept pace rapid development. As China’s current credit card transactions with related laws and regulations are inadequate, leading to a large number of legal disputes to cases of credit card. Along with China’s financial modernization and increasing levels of electronic, illegal use of credit cards, credit cards criminal activities using more and more, the means are becoming increasingly diverse, complex, high intelligence, the stability of our financial order, the Shanghai "four centers," have a negative impact. Illegal use of credit cards systematic study of the problem, analysis of the current lack of relevant legislation, drawing on advanced practice, help to clarify the legal relationship between the credit card, the distinction between various types of crime or credit card use, this crime and Peter crime, help increase Large credit card crime crackdown, regulate the credit card market management, and promote the healthy development of China’s financial order.This paper selected credit card fraud, malicious overdraft and cash behavioral study, by the above acts of civil and criminal liability of the study, to clarify the administration of justice-related issues encountered in practice, analysis of China’s current situation and credit card legislation defects, and improve our proposed legal system, credit card opinions and suggestions.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is an overview of credit card. The basic principle of this chapter, starting from the credit card, introduced the concept of credit cards, functions, methods of payment, and credit card issuers, cardholders, merchants basic legal relationship between the introduction.ChapterⅡfor credit and legal liability of fraudulent behavior. This chapter from the credit card fraudulent use of the meaning and form of behavior, analyzes the case of a credit card was fraudulent, the cardholder, card issuers, merchants, civil liability, combined analysis of two types of judicial practice, the law does not clearly defined risk with the conduct of criminal liability.ChapterⅢof malicious overdraft and credit card liability studies. This chapter from malicious overdraft credit and types of meaning analyzes the case of malicious overdraft and credit card, cardholder, card issuers, merchants, civil liability and criminal liability from the perspective of the behavior of malicious overdraft credit card "holders card "and" illegal possession for the purpose ", the effect of bank collection and analysis identified the amount of overdraft.Chapter acts as a credit card cash and liability study. This chapter acts from the meaning of cash credit card and the main mode analyzes the case of cash credit card, cardholders and merchants of civil liability, and "whether the conduct of credit card cash elements of the crime of illegal business," "on the judicial interpretation different understanding of the retroactive impact of the Criminal Code,"" credit card also acts on behalf of the handling of "other issues were discussed.ChapterⅤof the status quo of China’s legal system and improve the credit card. Introduced China’s current credit status of the legal system and the flaws, and by comparing the experience of other countries of advanced practice with regard to improving our credit card legal regime.

【关键词】 信用卡冒用恶意透支套现
【Key words】 Credit CardFraudMalicious overdraftCash behavioral
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.28;F832.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】189

