

【作者】 关云波

【导师】 王卫东;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化背景下网络文学这一新兴的文学样式以破竹之势袭来,打破了以往文学作品、作家创作、读者阅读、作品传播等的传统模式,迅速崛起并格外引人瞩目。网络文学因网络平台这一特殊载体,使得网络文学不断繁荣发展的同时也带来了创作方式、创作主体、文本形式、阅读方式和读者群体等方面的改变,特别是作为文学四要素中接受者的一环的读者,其参与网络文学的活动对文本价值的实现、作家创作的影响等愈来愈被正视。网络文学由于自身的数字化、交互性等特性,使得读者介入到文学领域之后必然对文学创作形成一定的影响,也正是基于此,使得探讨“读者介入对网络文学及其创作的影响”具有了一定的学理基础和研究价值。围绕这一论题,在对网络文学、读者及二者关系梳理的基础上,本文主要探讨了三个方面内容:一是当代传媒语境下的网络文学创作与读者的关系,即创作与阅读的群体性、主受体的双重肯定性、关系模式的变动性、生产与消费的自由性、创作的合作性;二是网络文学创作中的读者介入方式,即读者对创作的直接参与——直接接入、众声喧哗的网络评论——间接介入、创作主体视野中的“读者”预设——读者的被动介入;三是读者介入对网络文学创作的影响,即迎合读者-----网络文学的“狂欢化”、迎合市场----文学麦当劳化的生产、多重读者的整合----网路文学产业化发展机制的逐步建立、读者欣赏的解放与还原----网络文学创作的多样与解放、“作者悬置”----文学主体论的疑问、文学批评的嬗变-----网络文学创作的生命力、介入式创作----构建新的文学观念。网络文学对传统文学观念或者艺术惯例呈现出了很大的超越与挑战,特别是从读者介入影响而言,网络文艺对传统文艺的超越与挑战主要体现在三个方面:其一,读者介入创作,读者与作者的互动性,使得文学主体的神圣地位丧失;其二,读者介入创作,文本的艺术性存在不确定性,文学本体的唯一性散失;其三,读者介入创作,艺术韵味与意境的深层体验减弱,文学能指所指的张力缩小

【Abstract】 Network literature which is a kind of eamerging literature is coming with an irresistible force in the network information background. It breaks out the traditional patterns of the literature works, writer creation, reader reading and works propagation. The rapid rise attracts people’s attention. Because of network, the network literature keeps booming. It also brings a creative way, create the main text, to read way and readers groups and other aspects of change, especially as the recipient of four elements of literature part of the reader, their participation in the activities of the network literature text-realization, the impact of writers increasingly being addressed. Literature due to their own network of digital, interactive and other features, makes the reader involved in the field of literature after the formation of literary creation is bound to a certain extent, is also based on this, making of "readers involved in the network literature and the Creation" with the some theoretical foundation and research value.For this reason, around this topic, in the network the network literature, readers and sort based on the relationship between the two, I discussed three main aspects:First, the network context of contemporary media, literature and their readers, that writing and reading of the mass, the main receptor double positive, relationship model of variability, the freedom of production and consumption, creation of cooperative; the second is the network of readers involved in the literary way that the reader directly to the creation participation-direct access to the network cacophonous comments-indirectly involved, the main creative vision of the "reader" default-the reader’s passive involvement; Third, the reader involved in the impact of literature on the network, which cater to the reader-----Network literature "carnival" to meet the market----literature McDonald of production, the integration of multiple readers industrial development of online literature----the gradual establishment of the mechanism, the reader appreciate the liberation and far----network of diverse literature and liberation, "the authors suspension "----literature on the subject of doubt, the evolution of literary criticism, literary vitality-----network, build interventional creation----new literary concepts.Network literature on the traditional concept of literature or art practice has shown great beyond and challenges, especially in terms of the effect from the readers involved in the network literature beyond the traditional art and challenges mainly in three aspects:Firstly, the reader is involved in creation the reader with the author of the interaction, the main body of literature lost the status of the Holy Spirit; Secondly, the readers involved in creative, artistic text, there is uncertainty, the uniqueness of the lost body of literature; Thirdly, the reader involved in creative, artistic charm and weakening of the deep experience of mood, the tension within the meaning of literature to refer to narrow.

【关键词】 网络文学读者介入创作影响
【Key words】 Network LiteratureReader involvementCreationImpact
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】592

