

The Research on Television Industry of Golden Eagle Broadcasting System Sustainable Development

【作者】 李芳旭

【导师】 李正良;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 新闻传播学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 湖南广电集团秉承着锐意创新、不断进取的精神,一直走在中国电视产业发展的前列,被业界称为“湖南电视现象”。目前湖南广电集团又开始进行新一轮的电视产业改革,力图实现产业体制上的“管办分离、事企分开”,推动湖南电视走向国际化。但是在电视改革过程中,出现了一些失衡现象,如电视文化单一;受众需求的忽视等等。在这样的情况下,强调持续性和协调性发展的可持续发展理念为湖南广电集团电视产业未来的发展提供了理论上的坚实支撑,对推动湖南广电集团电视产业的改革具有战略性的指导意义。本文以湖南广电集团电视产业的现状分析为逻辑起点,回顾了湖南广电集团的发展历程,结合可持续发展的理论对湖南广电集团电视产业存在的问题进行了系统的研究,并根据分析的结果,提出了湖南广电集团电视产业可持续发展的战略和运行策略。本文尝试性的提出了一个电视产业可持续发展的分析系统:结合可持续发展的核心概念和文化产业可持续发展的理论,分别从支持、协调、推动、保障四个系统来分析湖南广电集团电视产业可持续发展存在的问题,发现湖南广电集团在支持系统方面存在着忽视电视受众需求等问题;在协调系统方面存在着电视文化单一等问题;在推动系统方面存在着缺乏自主创新能力等问题;在保障系统方面存在着体制机制不够完善等问题。这些问题表明湖南广电集团电视产业的可持续发展存在着一定的缺陷,需要改进。在上述基础上,此文提出了湖南广电集团电视产业的可持续发展策略。对应湖南广电集团电视产业可持续发展存在问题的四个分析系统,就湖南广电集团电视产业可持续发展存在的缺陷和不足,分别从支持、协调、推动、保障四个方面给出了可持续发展的改良意见和方法。希望通过这些策略和建议,能够为湖南广电集团电视产业可持续发展尽到一点绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Uphold the Golden Eagle Broadcasting System committed to innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, has been at the forefront of China’s TV industry, the industry as "Hunan TV phenomenon." Golden Eagle Broadcasting System currently started a new round of TV industry reform, trying to achieve industrial system, the "tube to do separate things separate enterprises," Hunan TV to promote international. However, reform and development in Hunan TV at the same time, there are some imbalances, such as a single TV culture; needs of the audience to ignore and so on.In such cases, emphasizing the continuity and coordination of the development of the concept of sustainable development for the Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, the future development of the television industry provides a solid theoretical support, Hunan Broadcasting Group in promoting the reform of the television industry of strategic significance .In this paper, Golden Eagle Broadcasting System the status of the television industry as the logical starting point, review the development process of Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, the theory of sustainable development in Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, the television industry on the problems of the system, and the results of the analysis, Golden Eagle Broadcasting System proposed TV industry sustainable development strategy and operating strategy.This paper presents a tentative television industry analysis system for sustainable development: the core concept of sustainable development and the theory of sustainable development of cultural industries, respectively, from the support, coordination, promotion, protection of the four systems can Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, Television Industry sustainable development problems, Golden Eagle Broadcasting System found that there was in the support system needs of neglected issues such as television audiences; systems exist in the coordination of a single TV culture and other issues; there in the promotion of systems issues such as lack of capacity for independent innovation; in protecting systems, there are institutional mechanisms and other issues not perfect. These problems show that the Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, the sustainable development of the television industry there are some defects, needs improvement. Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, Television Industry corresponds to the sustainable development of the four analysis system problems, Television Industry on Sustainable Development of the television industry the defects and deficiencies, respectively, from support systems, coordination systems, to promote the system to ensure the system is given in four areas Improvement of sustainable development ideas and methods.Systematic study of this article by Television Industry TV industry sustainable development of the situation, put forward some policy recommendations in the hope of the Television Industry, the television industry to make sustainable development a little humble.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】G229.2-F
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】311

