

Research on Performance of Reversibly Used Cooling Tower (RUCT) Using Different Aqueous Solutions

【作者】 王宇

【导师】 周晋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新近出现一种新型的喷淋式溶液热泵空调系统,该系统采用水源热泵机组、冷热源塔及必要的附属设备作为建筑的冷热源。冬季制热工况时,选用适当的盐溶液在热泵机组蒸发器及冷热源塔之间循环,盐溶液在冷热源塔中喷淋从空气中吸收热量;夏季制冷工况时,将盐溶液替换为水,其运行原理与常规的冷水机组+冷却塔相同。该系统与常规空调冷热源形式相比,可同时满足建筑冷热量的需求,这种冷热源塔热泵空调系统运行稳定、寿命长,系统的适应性及运行性能高,设备使用率高,系统初始投资低,不受地质条件与场地限制。然而以冷热源塔提供热量和冷量的空调系统目前正处于初始阶段,其部分技术和运行情况还正在进行研究和改良。本文就是针对冷热源塔在冬季作为热源(简称为热源塔)为空调系统提供热量时,塔内溶液采用不同种类的溶质(LiCl和CaCl2)、是否在储液罐与溶液循环管路之间加装电动三通阀这两方面对系统运行性能的不同影响以及初始投资的差别进行的研究和分析。本文采用现场实验和理论分析相结合的方式,首先对热源塔内空气与溶液直接接触的传热传质过程进行分析,并建立热质交换数学模型。然后在长沙某单位安装实际的热源塔热泵空调系统,并使系统在冬季实际运行一个月。在此期间内采集所有必要的实验数据,用以对先前建立的数学模型进行验证和修正,以保证模型的准确性和适用性。然后以准静态分析方法使用编程软件对模型进行编程,计算出热源塔内采用不同种类溶液(LiCl和CaCl2)、以及是否在储液罐与溶液循环管路之间加装电动三通阀等不同情况下空气与溶液的逐时传质系数,从而模拟出溶液在系统运行期间内凝水量和冰点的变化过程。最后,以凝结水量、造价和安全运行三个评价指标分析不同种类溶液(LiCl和CaCl2)、以及是否在储液罐与溶液循环管路之间加装电动三通阀等不同因素的优势和劣势,从而选择出最适合长沙地区冬季热源塔热泵空调系统的溶液种类和设备配置方案。

【Abstract】 A new type of air conditioning system, named as spring solution heat pump system presents itself recently. It uses heat pump, cooling&heating tower and ancillary equipment necessary as cold and heat source of constructions. In heating condition, appropriate solution is selected as circulation medium between the tower and the evaporator of heat pump in this system, which can absorb heat energy from ambient air in the tower. In cooling condition, solution is replaced with water, and the system is similar with tranditional ones which is equipped with water chilling unit and cooling tower. Compared with other conventional forms of air-conditioning systems, the spring solution heat pump system can satisfy both the need of heating and cooling of the building. And the advantage of it is self evident. Because it can run steadily, is more efficient in equipment using, has longer life-span, has adaptability to new surroundings, has higher COP or EER coefficient and cost lower in initial investment.However, air-conditioning system that includes a cooling&heating tower which is used for heating and cooling is currently in the initial stage of operation. So some of its technology is also being improved. When providing heat for the air-conditioning system in winter, the tower can be named as reversibly used cooling tower (RUCT). This paper present the research and analysis about the different running performance and initial investment of the system if using electrically operated valve between the liquid storage tank and the circular pipeline of the solution or not, or using different types of solute (LiCl and CaCl2).In this paper, first, field experiments and theoretical analysis are combined to analyse the heat and mass transfer process between the solution and the ambient air when they contact directly in the RUCT, and a mathematical model of the heat and mass transfer process is established based on it. Second, in the winter, a reversibly used cooling tower heating system using heat pump (RUCTHPS) was installed in a test office building, which is located in Changsha, Hunan province. This running of the system lasted for a whole month, and all the necessary experimental data collected from the system during this period were used to validate and modify the mathematical model established previously to ensure the accuracy and applicability of the model. Third, program of the model is made by using programming software in quasi-static process, so that it could be used to calculate the mass transfer coefficient between the solution and the ambient air in the RUCT under different condition if using electrically operated valve between the liquid storage tank and the circulation pipeline of the solution or not, or using different types of solute (LiCl and CaCl2). So that the condensation process in the RUCT and the freezing point of the solution could be simulated in every hour of the month.Finally, condensation of water, cost and safe operation of the system could be used to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages if using electrically operated valve between the liquid storage tank and the circulation pipeline of the solution or not, or using different types of solute (LiCl and CaCl2). So that, in winter the most suitable type of solution and equipment configuration can be chosen for the RUCTHPS in Changsha.

【关键词】 热源塔溶质热质交换传质系数
【Key words】 RUCTSoluteHeat and Mass TransferMass Transfer Coefficient
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

