

A Study on Head Protection of Electric Bicycle Riders from Vehicle Collisions with in Depth Accident Analysis

【作者】 赵喜磊

【导师】 杨济匡;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 车辆工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 骑电动自行车人作为道路交通使用者中的易受伤害群体,事故发生率较高。汽车-电动自行车碰撞事故中,骑车人颅脑损伤占身体各部位损伤总数比例仅次于下肢,是造成死亡的主要原因。针对我国道路交通环境和交通模式开展汽车与电动自行车碰撞的事故分析和防护技术研究是目前我国道路车辆交通安全领域急待解决的重要科技问题,也是推动社会进步的一项重要工作。本文旨在研究骑车人颅脑损伤机理及车辆前部结构导致损伤的设计参数。进而为颅脑损伤防护探讨改进车辆前部安全性能的可行的途径。为此目的,首先研究了人体颅脑的解剖学结构,总结了颅脑主要损伤形式和损伤机理,并列出了现有的主要颅脑损伤评价标准;开展了深入的电动自行车事故调查研究,总结了深入的电动自行车事故调查的关键数据和调查方法;通过对长沙地区一起典型的汽车-电动自行车碰撞事故采用MADYMO软件进行事故重建,再现了汽车与骑车人碰撞动力学响应过程,仿真结果与实际事故情况比较,验证了仿真方法和模型的可行性和准确性。借助计算机仿真模型,针对影响骑车人颅脑动力学响应的主要因素:汽车碰撞速度和车辆前部结构进行参数研究,研究了不同参数对骑车人颅脑损伤的影响。为我国道路弱势群体的安全法规的制订和骑车人颅脑损伤防护技术提供依据。参数分析表明,汽车碰撞速度、发动机罩前缘高度和保险杠高度对骑车人颅脑损伤有显著的影响;汽车-电动自行车碰撞发生时,若汽车碰撞速度在40km/h以上将极易导致骑车人颅脑严重损伤,从而城市道路特别是行人密集区域最好对汽车进行限速;尤其对于轿车,适当地提高其发动机罩前缘高度和降低保险杠高度可以有效地降低骑车人颅脑损伤的风险。本文研究方法和研究结果对于指导道路弱势群体损伤研究和车辆安全性设计有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Electric bicycle riders are one group of the vulnerable road users, and they are frequently involved in vehicle traffic accidences. The proportion of the head-brain injuries in vehicle to electric bicycle driver was next to lower extremity, which often resulted in a fatal consequence. In China the traffic safety of the electric bicycle riders is a serious social problem, and also an important technical issue to be urgently resolved.This thesis aimed at study of the injury mechanisms of the head of the electric bicycle riders and the design parameters of vehicle front structures which caused the injuries. Therefore the possible way for improvement of the safety performance of the vehicle front was explored for injury prevention of the rider head. For this purpose, a literature study was carried out for the anatomical structures of human head. The injury patterns and mechanism of head-brain, as well as the main head-brain injury criteria were summarized from the literature study. On site investigation was carried out for in-depth electric bicycle driver accident study. The critical data and investigation methods were summarized in present study. A real vehicle to electric bicycle driver accident in Changsha was reconstructed by using MADYMO multi-body software. In the reconstruction, the kinetic track of vehicle and electric bicycle driver were presented. The main dynamic parameters related to electric bicycle driver injury were calculated. The simulation result compared with real accident, validated the feasibility of simulation methodology and accuracy of muti-body mode. A parametric study was to analyse the influence of vehicle impact velocity and vehicle front structures on electric bicycle driver head-brain injuries .Result of the simulation can be adopted as a basis of establishing safe regulation of vulnerable road users and the vehicle safety design.Parametric study indicates that vehicle impact velocity has remarkable effect on severity of electric bicycle driver brain inury. First of all, vehicle speed has the significant influence to head-brain injuries; it would lead to fatal injuries when the speed exceeds 40 km/h. For the sedan, the brain injury risk of electric bicycle driver can be decreased by properly improving the height of sedan’s bonnet leading edge and reducing the bumper height. The methodology and research result from this study has a significant contribution for vulnerable road users’protection and vehicle safety design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】U467.14;U491.31
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】131
  • 攻读期成果

