

Study on the Effect of the Rural Political Construction of College Students Serving in the Village

【作者】 赵常明

【导师】 李晓彤;

【作者基本信息】 西安工业大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 农村政治建设是党领导广大农民群众在经济、政治、文化和社会生活领域,直接行使民主权利的制度建设和实践活动,是我国社会主义民主政治建设的重要组成部分,国家政治建设的重要基础。社会主义新农村的建设离不开农村政治基础的保障。我国实施大学生到村任职计划,选拔高素质的大学生到农村工作,就是为了提高农村干部队伍和农民群众整体素质,推动农村经济发展,加强农村基层政权建设,推进社会主义新农村的进度,实现农村政治现代化。大学生到村任职计划的产生有其特定的历史环境,从20世纪90年代中期江苏开始招聘第一批大学生担任农村基层干部开始,大学生“村官”在社会主义新农村建设方面取得了巨大成就。中国是一个农业大国,从解决农民的温饱到实现小康,进而实现建设社会主义新农村宏伟目标的进程中,政治建设对农村的经济发展和其他各项工作,始终起着提供动力支持和方向保证的作用。农村政治基础的滞后制约着农村其他各项工作的发展,发挥到村任职大学生在农村政治建设中的作用,推进农村政治现代化的进程是理论与实践结合的现实需要,是一个事关全局、事关长远的重大问题。基于农村在政治建设落后状态的思考,对当前大学生在农村基层政治建设中遇到的问题和发挥的作用进行深入研究,本文首先分析了大学生到村任职对农村政治建设发挥作用的可行性,然后结合农村政治建设的现状,指出了大学生“村官”在农村政治建设中的作用,从农村基层组织建设、农村政治文化建设、民主政治建设的保障措施和探索创新农村政治建设的新模式等几个方面,阐述了到村任职大学生在农村政治建设中发挥的作用及存在的不足,分析原因,最后提出对策。以期待更好的发挥到村任职大学生在农村政治建设中的作用。

【Abstract】 Construction of rural political is the system construction and practice that the peasants directly exercise their democratic rights in the field of economic,political,cultural and social life leading by the Party;it is the important part of China’s Socialist democratic political construction and the important foundation for the national political construction. Socialist new countryside cannot be separated from the rural political foundation. Sending college students of high quality to hold position in the village is mean to improve the whole quality of the official and peasants and the economic.Meanwhile, it is also meaned to strengthen rural grassroots regime construction, push the progress of a new Socialist countryside and rural political modernization. Sending college students working in the village has its specific historical background.From the middle of 1990’s the first batch of students working as the village official in Jiangsu Province,the college students official have made great effect in the construction of new countryside.As a big agricultural country,the political construction is the support of either solving people’s food and cloth or the other objective of socialist construction. The delay of Rural political constraints the development of other types of work in rural areas.Making the effect of college students in political construction and pushing on rural modernization process is an very important matter that concerns the stabilization of the whole situation.Based on the backwardness of the rural political,making thorough study on the problem and the effect that college students face and make, firstly the author analysis the possibility of college students making efforts to village political construction; then he points the effect that students official make from rural organizational construction,the rural political construction, safeguard measures of democratic construction,new pattern of rural political exploration innovation building.He also states the shortcome of the college students working in the construction of rural politics and points the reason and states his own method to solve it.

  • 【分类号】D422.6;D267.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】91
  • 攻读期成果

