

On the Theoretical Study of Western Cultural Hegemony

【作者】 王义茗

【导师】 吕青;

【作者基本信息】 西安工业大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 安东尼奥·葛兰西(1891-1937),是20世纪20年代,意大利共产党的创始人之一,西方马克思主义理论家。20世纪20年代,西方资本主义国家的无产阶级仿照俄国十月革命夺取政权的社会主义革命相继失败,这就引起了葛兰西对武装夺取政权模式的反思。他认为在西方资本主义社会,资产阶级在政治、经济、文化上占有主导地位,工人阶级的阶级意识、革命意识相对薄弱,要取得革命的胜利,必须首先进行文化意识形态上的革命,夺取文化霸权。这是文化霸权理论的第一次提出,自此对于文化霸权理论的发展拉开了序幕。在东西方文化交流频繁的今天,为了能够主导全球化的发展方向,西方经济发达国家提出控制文化霸权地位的理论不断涌现,文化帝国主义、软权力、文明冲突论都是其中的主要代表,总体上看,这些文化霸权理沦均期望通过传播自己的文化理念,从而同化其他国家的文化。在全球化时代,对于其他发展中国家来说如何确保本国的文化安全,也成为了当今国家安全战略的重要组成部分。本文从对西方文化霸权理论的产生发展入手,追溯了西方文化霸权理沦的发展历程,厘清西方文化霸权理论的当代衍变,对当代具有代表性的西方文化霸权理论进行了系统的研究,指出其具有的时代特征,并以此来反思我国的文化安全现状,指出我国文化安全存在的问题,并从宏观意义上对我国的文化安全建设提出建议。本文共分为六个章节:第一章,绪论部分,主要阐述本文的选题背景,及选题的意义和价值,对国内外文化霸权理论的研究现状进行了综述;第二章,西方文化霸权理论的缘起。分析了葛兰西文化霸权理论产生的时代背景和思想渊源,并对文化霸权理论的主要内容进行了详细的研究,指出葛兰西文化霸权理论的时代意义;第三章,当代西方文化霸权理论的主要形态。重点介绍了当代西方文化霸权理论的代表:文化帝国主义、软权力、文明冲突论,分别对这些理论的理论依据、主要内容进行了研究,并总结了他们的理论特征;第四章,当代西方文化霸权理论的主要表征。总结了当代西方文化霸权理论的两种表现特征,一种是以西方文化为中心向外推行文化殖民,另一种是尊重世界文化的多样性谋求文化共同发展,并对这两种特征的主要表现和内容进行了论述;第五章,对当代西方文化霸权理论的反思。总结了当代西方文化霸权理论研究视阈的拓展和实现方式的转变,分析了全球化对于当代西方文化霸权理论的影响,以及当代西方文化霸权理论对于文化安全的影响。针对我国文化安全存在的问题,提出了构建我国文化安全的路径;第六章,结语部分,通过对西方文化霸权理论的研究指出,在全球化的今天,文化对于一个国家的重要性更加突出,我们在对待外来文化时,既要积极地学习和吸收它的优秀成果,也不能妄自菲薄丢掉自己的文化传统,只有巩固和发展自己的文化,才能屹立于世界,才能得到世界的认可与尊重。

【Abstract】 Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937),before and after the twenties of last century, the founder of the Italian Communist Party, a Marxist theorist in the West. In the 1920s the proletariats of western capitalist countries follow the Russian October Revolution to seize political and the revolution has failed, which caused Gramsci’s to consider about the mode to seize political by armed. He believed that the capitalist is in a leading position on politics、economic、culture in the western capitalist society, the class consciousness、revolution consciousness of working class is reality weak, intend to get the victory of revolution, have to cultural ideology of the revolution, seize cultural hegemony, to get the cultural hegemony. It is the first time the theory of cultural hegemony been proposed, then to cultural hegemony theory research was pulled open preclusive.Today the exchange of culture is more frequently, in order to lead the development direction of globalization, western economy developed country occupies the culture hegemony theories continue to emerge, cultural imperialism, soft power, theory of civilization conflict is one of the main representatives, the theory of cultural hegemony by spreading their culture, so as to assimilate other countries culture development. For other developing countries how to ensure that the national culture security, also become the main component of national security strategy.This article from the Western cultural hegemony theory origin of Western cultural hegemony, traces the development process of the theory, clarify Western cultural hegemony theory’s development, to the contemporary representative of Western cultural hegemony theory for the study of the system, it is pointed out that it has the characteristics of the times. And in order to reflect the cultural security of our country current situation, pointed out that China’s cultural security problem, and from macroscopically on China’s construction of cultural safety recommendations.This article is divided to six chapters.The first chapter, introduce that the sense and the background of this article topic selected, and the status of cultural hegemony research.The second chapter, the origin of Western cultural hegemony theory. Analyses the age background and the thought source of, and have detail research on the main content of cultural hegemony, also point out the meaning of the idea cultural hegemony of Gramsci’s.The third chapter, the main form of contemporary Western cultural hegemony theory. Put stress on the expound the typical theory of the western cultural hegemony in the present age: cultural imperialism、soft power、the clash of civilizations, and research on both thought source and main content of these theories individual.The forth chapter, the main features of contemporary Western cultural hegemony theory. Summarize the two kinds of tendency of western cultural hegemony, One is taking western culture as the center outward pushing culture colonization, and the other is respect for the diversity of world culture to seek the development together.The fifth chapter, to think of contemporary theory of Western cultural hegemony. Summarize that the affect globalization to western cultural hegemony in the present age, and the affect the western cultural hegemony to the cultural security. Generalize that the present situation of cultural security in China, and also give some advise to solve these problems.The sixth chapter, the conclusion, through the study of Western cultural hegemony theory in globalization, culture is more important to country. We should study and absorb its achievement actively, and also cannot abandoning our own traditional culture, when we deal with the foreign culture. In order to be recognized and valued by other countries, we only to keep and develop our won culture.


