

Study on the Amorphous Compound Semiconductor Films and Its Characteristics

【作者】 王俪蓉

【导师】 刘卫国;

【作者基本信息】 西安工业大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 非晶化合物半导体种类极多,而且非晶氧化物半导体薄膜容易制备,有一定的研究基础,已经在透明导电膜、薄膜场效应管(TNT)以及显示器上得到了广泛应用,因此如果能把非晶化合物半导体应用于近红外探测,将是对近红外探测技术的研究做出的巨大贡献。本文的研究内容是尝试去寻求几种非晶氧化物半导体材料,为进一步掺杂实现禁带宽度在近红外范围内可调做出贡献。本文使用反应磁控溅射方法沉积CuO薄膜和Ag20薄膜,并且详细研究了其特性,对薄膜的特性主要研究了以下几个方面:利用扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对薄膜的表面形貌以及组分进行了测试研究,利用分光光度计测试薄膜光学透过率继而外推薄膜禁带宽度;利用霍尔效应测试仪测试薄膜的电学参数。经过反复试验,优化工艺参数,得出以下结果:①薄膜的形貌和组成成分的表征。实验结果表明,氧氩比(OFR)为1:1,反应压强为1Pa时,CuO薄膜表而晶粒尺寸较小,颗粒均匀,薄膜较平滑。分别在OFR为1:2,基底为常温和氧氩比为1:1,基底温度为200℃氧氩比为1:2时生成Ag2O。在基底为常温情况下的Ag20薄膜表而空洞较少,颗粒较致密。②光学特性。在OFR为1:1,工作气压为1Pa时,外推得CuO薄膜的禁带宽度为1.75eV。分别在加温和提高氧气流量的情况下,外推Ag20的禁带宽度由2.48eV升高到2.57eV。③电学特性。研究不同OFR和工作气压对CuO薄膜的电学参数的影响;研究了不同氧氩比和衬底温度对Ag20薄膜的电学参数的影响。研究表明,在氧氩气比为1:1和2:1时得到n型导电CuO薄膜。在各个氧氩比一定情况下,随着溅射压强的升高,CuO薄膜的迁移率和电阻率都是升高的,且载流子浓度随着溅射压强的升高是降低的。实验测得Ag20薄膜的导电类型既有n型又有p型,在氧氩比1:1,衬底温度为200℃时得到电阻率为4.45×104Q·cm,载流子浓度为1.84×1010cm-3,导电类型为p型的Ag2O薄膜。

【Abstract】 Amorphous compound semiconductor has many kinds, and the amorphous oxide semiconductor thin film is easy to be prepared. It has research foundation. The amorphous semiconductor compounds were applied to the near infrared detector, it will make the enormous contribution in the near infrared detection technology research. This paper is trying to seek several amorphous oxide semiconductor materials, contribute for realizing band gap in the near infrared range by doping.Reactive magnetron sputtering was used to prepare the copper oxide thin films and the characteristics of silver oxide films were studied in details. Main research content are as follows: Scanning electron microscope and X ray diffraction were used to applied to analyze surface morphology and the content of thin film materials. The transmittance of the films was measured using spectrophotometer, and then the band gap of the thin films was derived by extrapolation method. After optimization of the preparation parameters, under a large number of repeated experiments. The results of experiments are as follows:(1) Surface morphology and the content of thin film materials. The results showed that: when the OFR was 1:1, the pressure is 1Pa, the copper oxide thin films surface is smooth, and the size of grain is tiny and uniform. When the OFR was 1:1, the substrate temperature is normal atmospheric temperature, the film was silver oxide film. When the OFR was 1:2,the substrate temperature is 200℃, the film was silver oxide film too. And when the substrate temperature was normal atmospheric temperature, the silver oxide films surface had fewer holes, and the grain was uniform.(2) Optical properties of the thin film. When the OFR was 1:1,the pressure was 1 Pa, the band gap of the copper oxide thin film was 1.75cV. Elevated substrate temperature and increased oxygen How, the band gap of the silver oxide film was from 2.48eV to 2.57eV.(3) Electrical properties of the thin film. The different OFR and the pressure effect on the electrical parameters of the copper oxide thin films had been studied on. The different OFR and the substrate temperature affected on the electrical parameters of the silver oxide films had been studied on. The results showed that, if the OFR was 1:1 and 2:1, the copper oxide thin films showed an n-type behavior. If the OFR was unchanged, the mobility and resistivity were elevated as the pressure was elevated. Its carrier density was reduced when the pressure was increased. The results of experiments showed that the silver oxide films showed both n-type and p-type behavior. When the OFR was 1:1, substrate temperature is 200℃.the silver oxide films" resistivity was 4.45×104Ω·cm, carrier density was 1.84×1010cm-3, it showed a p-type behavior.


