

Ground Source Heat Pump Residential Central Air-Conditioning Control System Research and Design Based on CAN Bus

【作者】 李萍

【导师】 童刚;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济与信息技术的迅速发展,能源的不断利用,能源和环境的问题逐渐凸显。随着人们生活品质的不断提高,作为传统家电的空调也逐渐向低噪音、节能、环保等多功能方向发展,实现全面的智能化、数字化正是大势所趋。地源热泵空调就是利用地下浅层地热能源的即可供热又可制冷的高效节能空调系统,为解决空调系统的节能和环保问题应运而生的。在国外的一些发达国家,经济条件好,住房面积大,在一些不能集中供热的偏远别墅,户式中央空调就成为这样家庭生活的必备产品。本文通过介绍地源热泵空调的发展现状和趋势,分析了户式中央空调的可行性和必要性,接着阐述了地源热泵空调的概念,分类和工作原理。对CAN总线传输原理和协议作了详细介绍,选用ST公司的STM32F103作为主控制器,并简要介绍了IAR程序编译环境。详细介绍了空调系统的水系统和温度控制系统的设计需求和控制方式。最后,给出了系统的硬件电路设计,数据结构设计和CAN总线数据收发的软件程序,整个系统程序围绕一个包含所有参数的参数表,实现数据的存储和读取。

【Abstract】 Recent years, with the economy and information technology rapid development , the continuous use of energy, energy and environmental issues increasingly prominent. With the continuous improvement quality of life, as traditional appliances, air conditioning gradually towards to low noise, energy saving, environmental protection, and multi-functional direction, achieves comprehensive, intelligent, digital is general trend.Ground source heat pump using shallow underground geothermal energy to heat but also refrigeration and is a energy-efficient air conditioning system, to solve air conditioning system’s energy-saving and environmental issues comes into being. In some foreign developed countries, economic conditions are good,large area of housing, in some not central heating remote villa,residential central air conditioning has become family essential products.This paper describes the development of ground source heat pump status and trends, analyzes the feasibility and necessity of residential central air conditioning, and then explains the concept of ground source heat pump air conditioning, classification and work. Introduces CAN bus transmission principles and protocol in detail,selects ST’s STM32F103 as main controller, briefly describes the IAR compiled environment.Describes air conditioning system’s water system and temperature control system design requirements and control in detail.Finally, gives system hardware circuit design, data structure design and CAN bus data send and receive software program. The entire system program around a parameter table that contains all the parameters of system, achieves data storage and reading.

【关键词】 热泵CAN总线STM32F103IAR控制系统参数表
【Key words】 heat pumpCAN busSTM32F103IARcontrol systemparameter table

