

Bluetooth and 802.11n are Aplied in the Wlan of the Laboratory Equipments

【作者】 刘正朋

【导师】 李卫兵;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 实验室仪器的管理与运行是高校教学科研管理中的重要环节;实验室仪器在很大程度上影响了教师、学生以及实验室管理者的科研和管理效率;引入短距离无线通信技术可以实现仪器管理的灵活性、高效性、实时性、易扩展性。根据实验室环境的特点,本文组建了蓝牙仪器个域网与802.11仪器无线局域网,实现了实验室仪器的数据传输的个域无线性、数据共享性,以及仪器监控的实时性、用户扩展的方便性、仪器组合使用的可行性、实验数据处理的多样性;首先,介绍了环境分析实验室的分析流程,质量管理和控制,以及仪器的电气环境,然后分析了蓝牙通信协议与通用规范、串口规范;其次,介绍了RS-232、RS-422、RS-485三种常用的串行通信标准,并且指出串行通信网络在使用的过程中需要注意的问题(传输匹配、接地问题、瞬态保护、网络失效保护、保护电路)以及解决方法;再次,分析了蓝牙虚拟串口应用的理论基础:RFCOMM服务、TS07.10子集;最后,使用蓝牙适配器实现了仪器与工作站之间数据传输模式的多样化,编写了蓝牙虚拟串口数据传输流程的C++代码,以及组建并优化了实验室仪器无线局域网:(1)分析WLAN的信道干扰因素:蓝牙微微网的干扰,802.11与蓝牙之间的干扰,微波炉对WLAN传输速率的影响,802.11的信道叠加;规避WLAN之间干扰的方式:降低AP发射功率,智能天线技术。(2)提出WLAN的环境勘测与技术指标、拓扑结构、IP地址规划、核心组网设备设置。(3)测试并优化WLAN在实验室多径效应、反射效应环境下的上/下载速率、数据吞吐量、信号强度、场强、信噪比、丢包率等网络性能。

【Abstract】 The management and operation of the laboratory instruments is one of important parts of teaching and research management in universities.To a large extent,the equipments of laboratories affect the efficiency of teachers,students,and the laboratory managers;It will be of great significance to introduce wireless local area communication technology to manage equipments with flexibility,efficiency,Real-time and Expansibility.According to the characteristics of the laboratory environment,This article sets up a BPAN and WLAN of equipments,to achieve data transmission of Laboratory instruments with wirelessness and data sharing, as well as real-time of equipments’Monitoring,the convenience of Expansibility,the feasibility of combinations of instruments,the diversity of experimental data processing.Firstly,introduce the procedures of analysis and quality management,and electrical environment,and then analyze the general specification for the Bluetooth communication protocol,serial port specification;Secondly,analyze the serial communication standard of RS-232,RS-422, RS-485,and some issues should be paid attention to in the installations of Serial communication network:transmission matching,grounding problems,transient protection,the protection of common serial interface circuit;Thirdly,analyze the virtual serial port application of the theoretical basis:RFCOMM service,TS07.10;Finally, achieve the data transmission between instruments and workstations,with diversifications,and write C++ code of data transmission procedure of Bluetooth virtual serial port, and Set up and optimize WLAN of laboratory equipments:(1)Analyze the channel interference factors of WLAN:Bluetooth piconet interference,the interference between 802.11 and Bluetooth,the impact of Microwave on transmission rate of WLAN,and The channel stacking of 802.11. Introduce the method to avoid interference between WLAN:Reduce the transmit power of AP,Smart antenna technology.(2)Advance investigations and technical indicators,IP address planning,core network equipment settings.(3) test and optimize the WLAN’s up / download speed,data throughput,signal strength,field strength,SNR,packet loss rate and other network performances in the laboratory Environment with Multipath effect and reflection effect.

【关键词】 蓝牙802.11n实验室无线局域网
【Key words】 Bluetooth802.11nLaboratoryWLAN

